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     Total verses: 206

 There will be a broad boundary wall between the paradise and the hell. Those who are not sent either to paradise or to hell will be kept there. That boundary wall is called A’raf. As the verses 46,47,48 and 49 in this chapter mention about this, this chapter is named Al A’raf.

In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and the Merciful.

1. Alif, Laam, Meem, Saad30.

2.(This) is a Book, This is revealed to you as an advice to those who have believed and (O Muhammad), thereby you warn (others) . So, there need not be trouble in your mind, due to this.

3.You follow what is revealed by Allah to you. Do not make (others) your guardian and follow those other than Him. You only learn a little.

4. We have destroyed ever so many towns. The suffering came to towns either at the night or in the fore-noon or when they were asleep.

5. When the suffering came to them, their shout was nothing but to say, “Indeed,, we have caused injustice.”

6. We will certainly enquire these to whom messengers were sent. (We will) also enquire the messengers.

7. We will explain to them because it is known (to Us). We are not unobserving.

8.It is true that assessment will be done on that Day1. Only those who have their (deeds) heavy will be successful.

9. Those who have their (deeds) light, have caused loss upon themselves. Because they have behaved wrongly regarding our verses.

10. We have certainly made you to live in the earth. (We) also made facilities for you. You thank only a little175.

11. (We) created you. Then we shaped you. Then we said to the angels to “obey Adam”. All but Iblis509 obeyed. He was not of those who obeyed.

12. (God) asked, “When I ordered you what prevented you from obeying11?” He said, “I am better than him. You created me from fire but You created him from clay.503

13.(God) said, “You descend from here.” Here there is no right for you to boast. So, get out. Indeed,, you were of the humiliated.

14.He asked, “You give me time till the Day1 they are raised up.”

15. (God) said, “Indeed,, you have been given time.”

16.He said, “As you have misguided me, I will sit on your right way, to (misguide) them.”

17.(And also said), “I will come to them from the front, from the back, from their right and from their left. You will not find most of them thankful.”

18. (God) said, “Get out of here humiliated and banished.” I will fill up the hell with all the followers from (the mankind) and from your (Jinns).

19.And also said, “O Adam, you and your wife stay in this paradise12. Both of you, eat as you like. Do not approach this tree13. (If you approach) both of you would have caused injustice.”

20. Shaitan tempted174 both of them, (in order to) for revealing their hidden private parts. He said, “God has not forbidden this tree13 for you, except that both of you will become angels or you will stay here forever.”

21. He swore to them saying, “Indeed,, I am a well-wisher to both of you.”

22. He lowered their dignity by deceiving them. Their private parts were exposed to them174. When both of them tasted that tree13 both of them tried to cover themselves with the leaves of the paradise12. Their God called them and asked, “Did I not forbid you this tree? Did i not tell you that Shaitan is your open enemy?”

23.Both of them said, “We have wronged ourselves. We would have surely become the losers if you do not forgive and bless us.”

24. (God) said, “Descend (from) here.” You will be enemies to one another. You have shelter and amenities on the earth for an appointed time.

25. And also said175, “You will live there itself and die there itself. From it you will be brought forth.”

26. O children of Adam,504 We have given you clothing which will hide your private parts, ornaments. Only the clothing of fear (of God) is the best. This is from the signs of Allah, for them who think.

27. O children of Adam,504 “Let him not also confuse you as shaitan had removed both your parents from paradise12. He removed174 their clothing to show their private parts to them. Indeed,, He and his tribe have been watching over you without being seen. We have made shaitan dearest friends to those who do not believe.”

28. While doing shameful act they say, “We saw our fore-fathers only like this. It is Allah who ordered this to us.” And ask, “Indeed,, Allah will not order this which is shameful. Do you invent on Allah what you do not know?”

29. Say, “My God has ordered justice.” In every place of prayer focus your attention. So you worship with pure minds to Him only and pray to Him only. So you will return as He has created you in the beginning.

30.He showed the right way to some. And on some others wrong doing was confirmed. Indeed,, they have made Shaitan their close friends instead of Allah. They think that they are the followers of the right way.

31. O children of Adam,504 in every place of prayer you decorate yourselves176. Eat and drink but do not be extravagant. Allah will not love the extravagant.

32.And say, “Who will forbid the decoration and the pure food given to His servants by Allah?” And say, “They belong to the believers in this worldly life particularly on the Day1 of Qiyamah.” Thus We explain the evidence for the people who have knowledge.

33. And say, “My Allah has only forbidden among the shameful (deeds) that which are open and secret, sins, exceeding the limit without reason, considering that about which Allah has not sent down any evidence, as equal to Allah, inventing on Allah what you do not know.”

34.For every generation there is a (fixed) term. When the time comes, then they will neither overtake nor remain behind.

35. O children of Adam,504 there is no fear on those who cover themselves fearing (Me) when the messengers, who convey our verses to you, come from among you. They will not be sad.

36.Those who rejected our verses considering them lies, are the people of hell. They will remain there permanently, forever.

37.Who have caused greater injustice than the one who invented lies on Allah or the one who considered His verses lies? They will get their share that is decreed for them. Our messengers (angels)161 when they come to capture their souls175 will ask, “Where are those whom you have been calling besides Allah.” They will say, “They have disappeared from us.” They will give witness against themselves saying, “We have been disbelievers(of only one God).”

38. (He) will say, “You also enter into hell along with those generations of Jinns and mankind who have gone before.” Each generation will curse its sister generation when it enters into the hell. Finally, when all of them reach the hell, the last of them will say about the first, “Our God, only these have misled us. So give them suffering of hell, in double.” (He) will say, “For each one of you, is double. Though, you will not understand.”

39.The first of them will tell the last, “You have no better status than us. So, taste the suffering for (what)265 you have been doing.”

40.The gates of heaven507 will not be opened177 to those who have been rejecting Our verses, considering them as lies. They will not enter into paradise until a camel enters into eye of the needle. Thus, We punished the criminals.

41.They have hell (fire) as (bed) spread  and then hell fire as covering. Thus We will punish those criminals who have caused injustice.

42.And those who believe and do good deeds are the people of paradise. They will remain there permanently. We will not trouble68 any person  beyond his capacity68.

43. We will remove the malice in their minds. Beneath them rivers will flow. They will say, “All praise be to Allah who has shown us such a guidance. We would not have got the right way if Allah had not shown the right guidance. Certainly messengers of our God brought only truth.” It will be said to them, “This is the paradise which you have been made to inherit due to your deeds.”

44.The people of paradise will ask the people of hell, “We have certainly got what Our God had promised to us. Have you got certainly what your God had promised to you?” They will say, “Yes.” An announcer among them will inform, “Allah’s curse6 is on those who have caused injustice.”

45.They prevented from the way of Allah. They considered that to be a crooked way. They have been refusing to accept the hereafter.

46. There will be boundary (wall) between them. There will be certain people on the boundary wall. They will identify each of them by their mark. They will call the people of the paradise and say159, “Peace be upon you”. Eventhough they desire it, yet, they will not have entered the paradise.

47. When their sides were turned towards the people of hell, they will say, “Our God, do not join us with the people who have caused injustice.”

48.,49. Those who are on the boundary wall, will call certain people (in the hell). They will identify them with their mark. They will say, “Your man power and what you have been boasting has not saved you. Did you make the promise about those people(of paradise) that Allah will not bless?” (Then, it will be said to those who are on the boundary wall), “Enter178 paradise. There is no fear for you. You will not even be sad26”.

50. The people of hell will call the people of paradise and ask, “Pour upon us some water or what Allah had given you.” The people of paradise will say, “Indeed,, Allah has forbidden both of them to the disbelievers (of Him).”

51. They have made their religion vain and play. This worldly life has enticed them. We have forgotten6 them as they have been rejecting Our verses, forgetting that they have to meet this Day1.

52. And We have brought the Book to them. We have explained it rationally. This is a straight way and mercy to the people who believe.

53. Do they expect only the warning made in this Book? Those who have forgotten the Day1, before, will say, “Messengers of our God brought only the truth. Are there any intercessors for us who will plead17 for us? Or could we not be sent back again (to the world)? We would do differently to that we did before”. They have caused loss upon themselves. That which they invented has disappeared from them.

54. Indeed, Allah, who is your God, has created the heavens507 and the earth in six days179. Then sat himself511 on the ‘Arsh’.488He covers the night with the day. Night follows the day speedily. He controlled the sun, the moon and the stars with His order. Remember, the creation and the order belongs only to Him. Allah, who is the God of the Universe is blessed.

55. Pray your God with humility and alone. He will not love the transgressor180.

56.Do not cause corruption after the reformation is done on the land. Pray to Him with fear and hope. Allah’s Mercy is nearer to the49 doers of good.

57. Indeed,, He sends the wind as a good news before His mercy. We drive it to the dead land when it carries heavy cloud. By sending down water from it, We bring-forth all the benefits through it. Likewise We will bring-forth the dead. You may learn a lesson (from this).

58.And plants, by the will of Allah, come- forth in a good land. In the bad land nothing comes-forth except the worthless. Thus, We explain the evidence to the people who are grateful.

59.We sent ‘Nuh’ to his people. He said, “O My people, worship Allah. There is nobody for you to worship except Allah. Indeed,, I fear the suffering on you of the great Day1”.

60. The elites among his people said, “Indeed, We see you in open wrong”.

61. He said, “O my people, there is no wrong in me. Rather, I am the messenger from the God of the worlds”.

62. (He also said), “I convey the messages of my God to you. I wish well- being for you. I know from Allah what you do not know”.

63.(Also said), “Are you surprised, for a man from among you, advice comes to him from His God to warn you so that you will fear(God) and will be blessed?”

64. But they considered him a liar. So, We saved him and those who were in the ship with him. We drowned those who considered Our verses lies. Indeed, they have been only blind people.

65.We sent to the people of ‘Aad’, their brother ‘Hud’. He asked, “O my people, worship Allah. For you there is no one except Him to be worshipped. Will you not fear (God)?”

66.From among his people who disbelieved said, “We consider you to be in foolishness. We also consider you to be a liar.”

67.He said, “O my people, there is no foolishness in me. But I am the messenger of God of the worlds.”

68. Also said, “I convey the messages of my God to you. I am your well-wisher and trust-worthy.”

69.And also said, “Are you surprised that an advice has come to you from your God to one of your men, to warn you? Remember, He made you the progeny46 after the people of ‘Nuh’ and also increased your physical strength. Also remember, you need God’s blessings to become successful.”

70.They said, “Have you come to us so that, we will worship Allah alone leaving what our fore-fathers have worshipped? If you are truthful, you bring to us about which you warn us.”

71.He said, “Suffering and anger have already occurred to you from  your God. Do you argue with me concerning the names (imaginary characters) you and your fore-fathers have labelled? Allah has not revealed any sign about it. Expect; then Indeed,  I also expect along with you.”

72.We saved him and those with him by Our Mercy. We rooted out those who considered Our verses lies. They have not believed.

73.We sent to the people of ‘Tamud’ their brother ‘Salih’. He said, “O my people, worship Allah. For you, there is nobody to be worshipped except Allah. For you, sign has come from your God. That is Allah’s camel which is your sign. Leave it to graze in Allah’s land. Do not cause harm to it. (If you do it)  painful suffering will occur to you”.

74.(He said), “Remember, He made you the successors46 after the people of ‘Aad’. He made you live in the earth. You build palaces on the plains. You carve the mountains and form your houses. So, remember Allah’s blessings. Do not roam about causing corruption on the earth”.

75.Proud elites from among his people asked mockingly to the weak among the believers, “Do you know ‘Salih’ has been sent by his God? For that, the (weak) said, indeed, we believe in the message which has been sent to him”.

76.The proud said, “Indeed, we reject what you believe”.

77.Then they slaughtered that ‘camel’. They violated their God’s order. They also said, “O Salih, if you are a messenger, then bring to us what you have warned”.

78.Immediately the earth quake hit them. They lay fallen in their houses, in the morning.

79. He left them (who lay fallen). He said, “O my people, I certainly conveyed to you my God’s message. I wished only your well-being. Even then, you did not like the well-wisher”.

80.(We sent) also ‘Lut’(as a messenger). He asked his people, “Are you doing a shameful act which nobody in the world has done before you”?

81. (Also said), “You indeed, approach the men leaving the women. You are rather a transgressing people”.

82.Indeed,, the reply of his people was, “Drive those out from your place. Indeed, those are people of purity”.

83. So, we saved his family and him except for his wife. She was of those who remained lost.

84. We sent a heavy rain on them. (You) observe, “How  was the end of the criminals?”

85. We sent to ‘Madyan’ their brother Shuaib. He said, “O my people, worship Allah. For you there is no body to be worshipped except Him. From your God sign has come to you. So, fulfil the measure and the weight. Do not reduce their things to the people. Do not cause corruption after the reformation has been done on the earth. If you are believers, then this itself is better for you”.

86.(Also said), do not sit on every path to threaten (people). Do not prevent the believers from that, by showing (as if)  Allah’s way crooked. Remember, that Allah increased your numbers when you were few in number. Observe, “How was the end of those who caused corruption.”

87.(He also said), “Wait patiently till Allah gives judgement between us, when a section of the people have believed in what I have been sent and the other section has not believed. He is the Best among those in giving judgement.”

Part 9

88. The proud elites from among his people said, “O Shuaib, we will drive you and those who believed with you,out of our place. Or, you should return to our religion”. (In reply Shuaib) asked, “Even if we hate (your religion)?”

89.We would be inventing lies on Allah, if we return to that after Allah had saved us from your religion. Unless our God wants, return (to your religion) will not happen to us. Our God has surrounded all things with his wisdom. We rely on Allah. (Shuaib also said), “Our God, give true judgement between us and our people. You are the Best of those who give judgement.”

90.The elites among his people who disbelieved (only one God) said, “if you follow ‘Shuaib’ then you would have been the losers.”

91.Immediately, earthquake hit them. They lay fallen in their houses, in the morning.

92. Those who considered Shuaib a liar became as if they had not lived there. Indeed,, those who considered Shuaib a liar were the losers.

93.He left them (those who lay fallen) and said, “O my people, I have conveyed to you my God’s messages. I wished only your well-being. Hence, how can I feel sad for the disbelievers (of only one God)?”

94. To whatever place we send our messenger, we have not seized them with poverty and disease except to make those people to submit.

95.We, instead of bad exchanged good. When they multiplied and increased in number they said, “Sorrow and happiness occurred (not only to us) but also to our fore-fathers.” So, we punish them, suddenly, when they were unaware.

96. We would have opened from the heavens507 and the earth blessing for them if the people of those places had believed and feared (Us). Rather, they considered it a lie. So, (We) punished them for what they have been doing265.

97.Do that people have no fear about our suffering, which may come to them, when they would be sleeping in the night?

98.Do those people have no fear about our suffering, which may come to them, when they would be playing in the fore-noon?

99.Do not (they) fear about Allah’s plot6? Except the people who have lost, (others) will not be unafraid of Allah’s plot.

100. Is it not understood that those who grabbed the land from their owners (after they are destroyed) would have been punished had Allah wanted, for their sins, and would have put the seal on their mind, so that they could not hear?

101.I tell you (O Muhammad), news about those places. And certainly, their messengers came to them with clear signs. As they had already considered (it) a lie they were not among those believers. Thus, Allah put the seal on the minds of the disbelievers (of Him).

102.And there is no keeping of promise among most of them. Indeed,, We find most of them committing wrong.

103.After them, we sent Musa to Firaun and his courtiers, with clear signs. They refused to accept them. Observe, “How was the end of the corrupters?”

104. Musa said, “I am the messenger of the God of the Universe”.

105. (And also said), “I am duty bound to say (nothing) on Allah except truth. I have brought clear sign from your God. Hence, you send the people of ‘Israel’ with me181”.

106. He said, “If you have been telling truth and have brought the sign, then bring it”.

107. Then he threw his staff. Immediately it became a real snake.

108. He showed his hand out. Immediately it looked white (bright) to the viewers.

109.,110 The elites among the people of Firaun said26, “He is an expert magician. He wants to drive you out of your land. What are you going to order?”

111.,112. Also said26 to ‘Firaun’, “Give time to him and his brother. Send to various places the gatherers (of magicians). They will bring every expert magician to you”.

113.Magicians came to ‘Firaun’. They asked, “Indeed,, will there be a reward for us if we win?”

114.In reply (he) said, “Yes. You will be close to me”.

115. They asked, “O Musa, do you throw (first) or, we ourselves throw?”

116.‘Musa’ said, “you throw”. When they threw (their magic), they enchanted182 the eyes of the people. They caused fear into the people. They brought a great magic.

117.And We informed ‘Musa’, “Throw your staff ”. Immediately it swallowed the magic done by them.

118. Truth was established. What they have been doing became vain.

119. There, they were defeated, and were humiliated.

120. The magicians fell in prostration.

121.,122. They also said26, “We believed in the God of ‘Musa’ and ‘Harun’, who is also the God of worlds”.

123. And ‘Firaun’ said, “Have you believed in him before I give you permission? This is a plot you have executed so that you may drive out the owners from their place. You will know (its effect) later”.

124. (He said), “I will cut off your feet and your hands on the opposite sides. Then I will crucify you all”.

125. They said, “Indeed, we will return only to our God”.

126. After saying to Firaun, “You punish us because we believed when the signs of our God came to us”, they said, “Our God, give us patience. You make us die as Muslims295”.

127. And, the elites among the people of Firaun said, “Are you going to let Musa and his people to cause corruption on the earth and reject you and your gods?” Firaun said, “We will kill their male children. We will leave their female (children) alive. Indeed,, we are rulers over them”.

128. Musa told his people, “Seek help from Allah. Be patient. Indeed,, earth belongs to Allah. Among His slaves, Allah will make owners of those whom He wants. The final result will be favourable to the (God) fearing”.

129. They said, “We have been given trouble before you come to us and after you have come”. He said, “Your God will destroy your enemies and after replacing you (in their place) on the earth he will observe how you act”.

130. “We punished the people of Firaun by various (types of) famine and by reducing the gains so that they will learn a lesson”.

131. Whatever good come to them, they say, “This is (given) for us. If bad occurs to them they consider Musa and the people with him as a bad omen”. “Remember, what they consider bad omen has come from Allah. Yet, most of them do not understand it”.

132. They said, “Whatever sign you bring to charm us, we will not believe you”.

133. So, we sent clear signs like flood, locusts, lice, frogs and blood against them. They became proud. Indeed,, they remained as criminal people.

134. Against them, whenever suffering came, they said, “O Musa, you pray to your God as He has given you the promise. We will surely believe you if you remove the suffering from us. We will send the children of Israel along with you181”.

135. When We removed their suffering until a period which they were to observe, they broke their promise immediately.

136. We punished them, for they considered Our signs lies and ignored them. We drowned them in the sea.

137.And we made the people who were considered to be weak, the owners of the East and West sections of the land that We blessed. Allah’s good promise was fulfilled completely in their matter as the people of Israel exercised patience. We destroyed from the roots that which ‘Firaun’ and his people made and whatever high-buildings they had erected.

138. And We made the people of Israel to cross the sea. Then, they came to the people who had been worshipping their idols. They asked, “O Musa, make for us a God just as they have gods.” He said, “Indeed,, you have been senseless people.”

139. Indeed, “In what they remain is going to be destroyed. What they have been doing is vain.”

140. (Musa) said, “Would I imagine for you a god, those who are other than Allah?” Indeed,, He has honoured you more than others in the worlds.

141. Remember, how We saved you from the people of Firaun, who killed your male children, let your female (children) alive and you have been made to taste severe suffering. There was a test for you from your God in this.

142. And, we promised thirty nights to Musa. We completed it with (by adding) ten (nights). So, the time fixed by his God was completed18 as forty nights. Musa (already) said to his brother ‘Harun’, “Instead of me46 you reform my people. Do not follow the way of the corrupters.”

143. When ‘Musa’ came to our promised place and Allah spoke to him, he said, “My God, show (yourself) to me. I have to see you.” In reply (God) said, “You will never see me. But, look at that mountain, He made it into pieces. Musa fell unconscious”. When he became conscious, he said21, “You are Pure10. (from all weaknesses) I ask for your forgiveness. I am first of the believers”.

144. (God) said, “O ‘Musa’, i have chosen you by My messages and by My conversation over other people. So, you hold that I have given. You be thankful”.

145. We wrote for him everything on the ‘tablets’. It184 was an advise and an explanation for all things. And (God) said, “Hold (on to) it firmly. You order your people to hold it in the best manner. I will show you the house of the criminals428.”

146. I will turn, those who have been proud on the earth without right, away from My signs. They will not believe whatever sign they see. When they see the right way, they will not take it as (their) way. When they see the wrong way, they will take it as (their) way. The reason is that they considered Our verses  lies and ignored them.

147. The deeds of those who considered Our verses and the meeting in the Here-after lies will be destroyed. Will they be given reward except for what they have done?

148. The people of Musa after (his departure) him they designed a calf like figure (as god), with their jewels. It had the sound of bull. Should they not understand that, it will not speak to him and will not show any way19? They caused injustice by imagining it.

149.When they regretted realising that they have been misguided, they said, “We would have been lost if our God had not sent His mercy and forgave us.”19

150. When Musa returned to his people with grief and anger, he said, “what you have done after me is very bad. Are you in a hurry to your God’s (punishment) order?”(He) threw the tablets. He dragged his brother’s head towards him. (In reply, his brother) said, “O son of my Mother, these people have considered me weak. They also tried to kill me. So, do not create a state, which will make the enemies laugh at me. Do not place me among the people of injustice.”

151.(Musa) said, “My God, forgive me and my brother. Admit us with Your Mercy. You are the most Merciful of all the merciful.”

152. Indeed, for those who considered the calf  their God, there is anger and humiliation in this world, from their God. Then, We make those who imagine, suffer19.

153.Indeed, your God, thereafter is Forgiving and Merciful of those who did evil things,then repented  and believed the Merciful.

154.When Musa’s anger subsided, (he) took the tablets. In its inscription there was blessing and straight way to the God-fearing.

155. Musa chose seventy men from his people in the place fixed by us. When the earthquake hit them (Musa) prayed, “My God, if you had wanted even before you would have destroyed me as well as my people. Are you destroying us for what the foolish among us have done? This is nothing but your test. By which you leave the people whom you wish, astray. You show the way to whom  you want. You are our Guardian. So, forgive us and send mercy on us. You are the Best of Forgiving392.”

156. (And also prayed), “Record good to us in this world and the hereafter. We have returned to you.” And (God) said, “I will give My suffering to whom I want. My mercy has surrounded all things. I will record that for those who fear (Me), give zakath and believe in My verses.”

157. They follow this messenger, this prophet (Muhammad), who does not know to write and read152&312. They see in ‘Tawrath’491and in ‘Injeel’ that which is written about him25. He informs good on them. He forbids them from bad. He permits them pure. He forbids them impure186. He removes their burden and the shackles on them. Those who believe in him, honour him, help him and follow the light revealed to him will be the winners.

158.Say (O Muhammad), “O mankind, I am Allah’s messenger187 to all of you. The rule of the heavens507 and the earth belongs only to Him. Except Him nobody is there to be worshipped. He gives life, causes death.” Believe in Allah and His messenger, the prophet152&312, who does not know to write and read. He believes in Allah and His words. Follow him and will get the right way.

159. Among ‘Musa’s’ people, there are people who guide with truth and give justice with it.

160. We divided them into a generation of twelve tribes. When the people of Musa asked him for water, We informed him, “Strike with your stick on this stone.” Immediately, twelve springs flowed out. Each group identified its place of water. We made the cloud to shade over them. We sent down upon them ‘Mannu’ and ‘Salava’442 (as food). (We said), “Eat from the good lawful which we gave you.” They have not caused us harm but they caused harm to themselves.

161. Remind them what was said to them, “Reside in this place. Eat whatever you like and say, “We (ask) for forgiveness”. Submit and enter through the gate (with humility). We will forgive your mistakes in you. We will increase (reward) for those who do good.”

162. Among them, those who caused injustice changed the word to that which was not said to them. So, we sent down from the Heaven507 suffering on them for they have caused injustice.

163. Ask them about the place near the sea shore. Remind them of their transgression on Saturday. On Saturday, fish came before them on the surface of the water. They do not come on other days, except Saturday. Thus, We tested484 them because they have been committing crime23.

164. A section among them said, “why do you give advice to the people whom Allah will destroy or will punish severely?” For that, they said, “To escape (the enquiry) from your God and that they should become (God) fearing. (We give them advice). ”

165.When they forgot the advice given we saved (only) those who forbade evil. We punished severly188 those who have caused injustice, for they have been committing crime.

166. When they violated the forbidden, we said to them23, “Become unwanted monkeys”.

167. And remind, what Allah had declared that till the Day of Qiyamah1. Certainly those who cause severe suffering will be appointed against them. Your God is quick in punishment. Indeed,, He is Forgiving and Merciful99.

168.We divided them in many tribes on the earth. There are also good people. There are also other than the good among them. We tested484 them with good and bad so that in order to reform them.

169. After them another generation came into being46 succeeding them. They got the book by inheritance. By which they get this worthless things. They also say that it will be forgiven for them. They will get that inferior good also if it is offered to them again. Was not a promise taken, which was explained in the Book, from them that they should speak nothing but truth in the name of Allah? Have they not read what was in it? But those who fear (God) the life in the hereafter is the best. Will you not understand (this)?

170. We will not waste the reward of such reformer who hold the Book firmly and are steadfast in their prayer.

171. When we raised the mountain over them like a cloud and then they thought that it will fall on them. (We said)29, “Hold strongly what I have given to you. Remember, what is in it. You may become (God) fearing.”

172.,173. (He asked), “From the backs189 of the children of ‘Adam’504 your God brought forth their progeny and made them witness against them. Am I not your God”? They said, “Yes (We) testify (to this).” (We took such promise) because you should not say on the Day of Qiyamah1, indeed, we had not paid attention to it.” Or “our fore-fathers associated partners to God before this. We were descendants who came after them. Do you destroy us for the deeds of the vain?”

174. And We explain the signs for them so that they will mend.

175. Tell them the news of the one. We have revealed our verses to him. He detached from that. Shaitan followed him. So, he became mis-guided.

176. And We would have elevated him if We had wanted. Instead, he has inclined towards this worldly life. He followed his vain desire. His example is that of a dog. Even if you hit it, it lolls its tongue out. If you leave it then also lolls its tongue out. This is the example of those who considered Our verses lies. You tell these stories so that they will reflect.

177. Indeed, these people who considered Our verses lies and caused harm to themselves are the bad example.

178.Indeed,, whoever Allah guides in the right way, is the one who got the right way. Whoever He leaves astray it is he who is the loser.

179. And We have certainly created many among Jinns and among the mankind for hell.They have mind. They do not understand with them. They have eyes. They do not see with them. They have ears. They do not hear with them. They are like cattle. No, they are misguided than that. Indeed,, they are the people who have neglected.

180. And Allah has beautiful names. You pray to Him only with them. Leave those who distort His names. They will be punished for what they have done190.

181. In our creation there are generations who guide truthfully and give justice with that.

182. And we leave such of those who consider Our verses lies before catching them unaware.

183.And I have given time for them. Indeed,, My plan is strong.

184. Do they not think there is no madness468 in their companion? He is only a clear warner.

185.Do they not observe that the rule of the heavens507 and the earth, all the things He has created and their appointed time may be near? Then whichever news they are going to believe?

186. There is nobody to show guidance to those whom Allah has left misguided. He will leave them wander in their transgression.

187.They ask you (O Muhammad), “When will that time come”? You say, “The knowledge about this is only with God. Nobody can reveal it except Allah at the appointed time. It will be a great happening in the heavens507 and on the earth. It will come to you but suddenly. They ask you, as if you have a detailed knowledge about it. And say, “The knowledge about this is only with Allah.” But, most of the people do not understand.”

188. Say (O Muhammad), I have no power either to do good or do bad to myself, except what Allah wants. I would have gained a lot of benefit if I had possessed the knowledge of the hidden. No harm would have occurred to me. I have been only a warner and bringer of good news to the people who believe.”

189. It is He who created you from one soul368. He created his mate (wife)504 in order that he will get peace of mind from her. When he had intercourse with her she carried a light burden. She moved along with it. When her (womb) became heavy, both of them prayed to Allah, their God, “If you give us (a child) without any defect (in its body) we will be thankful.”

190. When he gave to both of them (a child) without any defect (in the body), they made partners to Allah in what He has given them. Allah is above191 from what they associate with Him.

191. Do they associate partners to (God) those who have not created anything? They themselves are created.

192. They will not be able to help these. They will not even help themselves.

193. They will not follow you if you call them to inform (anything). Whether you call them or keep silent it is the same concerning you.

194. Indeed,, they are only servants like you whom you call except Allah. You call them if you are truthful. Let them give you answers.

195. “Do they have feet to walk? Or do they have hands to hold? Or do they have eyes to see? Or do they have ears to hear? You call your gods and plot against me. Do not give me any time.”

196. And also say, “Allah, who has revealed the Book, is my Guardian. Indeed, he takes the responsibility for the good (people).”

197. They will not be able to help you whoever you call except Allah. They cannot even help themselves.

198.And they will not hear if you call them to inform (anything). It will seem that they look at you. (But), they will not see.

199. Adopt generosity. Enjoin God. Neglect the foolish.

200.Seek protection from Allah if shaitan’s temptation occurs to you. He is Hearing and Knowledgeable.

201.Indeed,, those who fear (God) will pay attention immediately if Shaitan’s temptation occurs. Then they will wake up.

202.(Shaitan) will only drag their brothers into wrong way. Then,they will not be any let up in their efforts (in that).

203.They ask, (O Muhammad), if you do not bring sign to them, “Will you not bring it?” Say, “I follow what is revealed to me by my God. This is an explanation from your God, the right way and a mercy for the people who believe.”

204. And listen to it when Quran is recited. Close your mouth. You will be blessed.

205.You remember your God, in the morning and in the evening in your mind, with humility with fear and without being loud in words. Do not be negligent192.

206.Indeed,, those who are with your God (angels) will not reject their bondage to him. They glorify Him. And to Him they do sajda396.

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