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182. Declaration made by Prophet Muhammd equally to everyone.

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182. Declaration made by Prophet Muhammd equally to everyone.

This verse (21;109) serves as fitting denial to the wrong belief by some in the Muslim society.

The wrong belief is:-

The Holy Quran and the hadiths were disclosed only to the common people,by Prophet Muhammad. Other than this, there are other things like some secret knowledge the prophet taught his close companions, who in turn passed it on exclusively to their next generation by taking a pledge from them not to make it public.

These selected few do not fall under the ambit of Sharia, and that they will follow a life as per the secret knowledge they were taught, is the bedeviled ideology..

Based on this bedevilled ideology were given birth to anti-Islamic concepts (Tariqua) where in a head known as Sheiks were given rise to with their slaves known as Murid.

Whatever the Sheik utters need to be taken by the Murid without any questioning even if the same does not have any basis in the Quran or in way of life of Prophet Muhammad. All the sayings of the Sheik need to be taken as words based on the special knowledge of the Sheik gained by him through mysticism.

These people declare things like need to perform five times worship, is only for ordinary people, and say they worship Allah in their hearts, they smoke marijuana,l enjoy songs and dances, spend time with girls, though all these acts are prohibited for ordinary people, say they are are not controlled by such restrictions,these satans are considered as important spiritual beings by some.. 

These people who divide Islam, into Shariath and Tarikat,consider themselves as spiritually higher castes. 

But verse (21:109) strictly emphasizes that Islam is the same for everyone on earth, and its Prophet Muhammad did not impart any special knowledge to any one in particular.

The Quran commands Prophet Muhammad to declare that he has revealed equally to everyone. This verse declares that Prophet Muhammad has revealed equally to everyone the religion he introduced and that he did not impart any special intelligence to any one in particular..This verse protects people from falling into the fold of these counterfeit Shayks.

Imparting of spiritual illumination ,mysticism, allegiance to persons supposedly higher in spirituality, are alien to Islamic principles.Please refer to explanation points 81, 273, 334 . Everyone is equal by birth, and people can be segregated only on the basis of their acts and behavior towards others.To know more about universal equality and brotherhood please refer explanation points 11, 32, 49, 59, 141, 168, 227, 290, 368, 508 

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