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187. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) the last of the messengers.

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187. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) the last of the messengers.

These verses (4:79, 6:19, 7:158, 14:52, 21:107, 22:49, 33:40, 34:28, 62:3) of the Quran talk of Prophet Muhammad being the last of the messengers, and that there would be no more after him.

Some may ask what was the need to put an end to messengers, since they came to guide people to the right path..

.Any act of the learned entails a necessity. 

The greatest of the learned, knowledgeable, Allah wouldn’t do anything unnecessary. 

There were reasons for sending a line of messengers before Prophet Muhammad. 

There were no such reasons after him.

There would be a necessity to send a messenger only when the explanations of the previous one and his scripture becomes infructuous, or has been unprotected.

Or, when the scripture of the previous messenger after his death has been interpolated, with additions, removals by humans gives, rise to a need for a new messenger.

But.there were no such reasons in case of Prophet Muhammad The Quran bestowed upon him is fully protected,and not even a single letter has been added or removed from it Not even a single human idea has been interpolated into it. The Quran itself talks about its special status. 

Verse 15:9 can be seen portraying this truth saying “ We were the Ones who revealed this, and We are the Ones to protect it.”And as quoted in these verses “The Quran” can be seen being protected to date.

Similarly can be seen the guidance of Prophet Muhammad being in the same manner.Though interpolations by some ignorant, and vulgar persons were attempted, by the grace of Almighty Allah these were weeded out within a period of 100 years from his death.

Any interpolation in the words of Prophet Muhammad can be pointed out clearly by comparing them with the words of the Quran. 

With the Quran being protected 100% and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad sufficiently safe guarded, there was no need for a prophet after him.

At every instance when there was a necessity for a messenger, the Almighty, sends one as per the needs of the community with appropriate set of rules. But the same set of rules may become infructuous to the next set of people.

After the death of a particular messenger, his messages may become unsuitable for the following generation, creating a need for a fresh set of rules or scripture.

Similarly when there is a need for more rules to be delivered to a community than the ones already given, there comes the need for another messenger.

There is no such need in the case of the Quran.

At the time of its revelation, it contained all the commandments fit for the entire world.

And it is self sufficient without the need to add or remove any part of it. 

It is such a perfect scripture, equalling one brought if at all by a present day messenger.

There are so many critical of Islam .But nobody could point out any laws from it saying they are unfit for the present day.Hence any one can easily understand the Quran is a book applicable for all periods of time. 

We know how America is eager to head the imperial forces of the world.The same America once picked Prophet Muhammad as one of the 10 persons who gave the world the best civil and criminal law procedures ,and attempted to install his statue in the Supreme court of USA.

Leaders like Advani who are sworn enemies of Islam, on observing the increase in crime rates in our country expressed “crime rates could be brought down only by Islamic laws.This shows the all time, and all place applicability of the Islamic laws.

When the laws brought 1442 years ago by an illiterate genius are praised by countries in the forefront of civilization, where is the need for another messenger?

The Quran throws open a challenge to one and all to bring a similar book with philosophies that could never be falsified at any period of time.To know more about this please refer the topic “This is God’s word” in the preface.

Today's civilized world faced many challenges than that of the previous one.All the challenges faced by the present communities are addressed on the basis of the individual thinking of people of the respective communities.But as far as Muslims are concerned solutions are based on The Quran and the the guidance of Prophet Muhammad. Owing to the belief “The Quran” has a solution for every issue involving human beings.

When there is a solution for all issues of human beings in the Quran, it is not necessary for a new scripture to be revealed.

The need for a new messenger arises, only when the the scripture previously revealed is blocked from reaching the masses. 

As far as “The Quran” is concerned this kind of a situation is not warranted because there is no country in the world that has not recieved “The Quran” and “The Quran” has been translated into most of the languages of the world.

And “The Quran”has reached the hands of 130 million people in the world, who absolutely believe it as the word of God. And the information that Muslims possess a scripture known as “The Quran” has reached all the non-Muslims.And people who are eager to know the contents of the Quran, get to know it through local language translation.

The number of people the Quran has reached now is much more higher than had, Prophet Muhammad been alive.

Knowing very well that after Prophet Muhammad there would be no more messengers, some liars claimed themselves messengers of God.

Because there was a fully revealed scripture and the full live guidance of Prophet Muhammad the arguments of these liars were thrown into smithereens.

They could not bring anything more than what was in the Quran and they could not make changes in the laws by the Quran.

Now we can quote here two examples of counterfeit prophets.

In spite of the fact that there can be no more messengers after Prophet Muhammad with all the available evidences, one Rashad Khalifa declared himself as a messenger of God, he was ultimately proved wrong by his own writings. 

Please refer to explanation point No;354, to know more about this topic. 

Similarly there was another imposter by the name of Mirza Ghulam born in Qadian in Punjab.He was proved to be a counterfeit in his days itself. 

We had a debate with members of his religion in Coimbatore (India) during 19.11.1994 and 27.11.1994.Main office bearers from their headquarters participated.

During this debate it was proved that Mirza Ghulam was a liar by presenting a number of irrefutable evidences, and people from his side were unable to defend themselves nor their master Mirza Ghulam.The whole debate has been videographed, audiographed and safeguarded.The tamil version can be viewed in the website

We are presenting a few of the unanswered questions till date put forward to them by us, 

1. Mirza Ghulam has stated in his book “Noorul Haq” pages 68,69 that Prophet Musa is not dead and is alive in heaven, and he is not to be considered as one among the dead, Allah has made it a mandatory duty believing this concept in the Quran.

But when questioned about the details of the existence of such a verse in the Quran they were not able to provide a reply.And to another question how could anyone lying about God, could be a prophet of God ? went unanswered. 

2 The same Mirza Ghulam has stated in a book “Kishthi”that “at the time of the arrival of Masih, an epidemic would prevail is mentioned in the Quran and Torah.”

When asked for evidence from the Quran, they could not provide one. And there is no answer to the question as to ‘how can one call himself a messenger of God?’ lying about something non-existent in the book of God. Is the person who lied about the existence of something in the Quran a prophet or an imposter. No answer till date.

3 And he has stated in his book Shahadat Ul Quran page 41 ,as mentioned in the hadith book Sahih ul Bukhari when the Masih arrives there will be a sound from the heavens announcing the arrival as “ This is Allah’s Khalifa Mahdi”

Though a copy of the Sahih ul Bukhari was provided for them to show the hadith mentioning the same, they could not prove it.How can a liar who proved himself as an imposter be a messenger.

4 And the same Mirza Ghulam has stated in his book Haqiqat ul Wahi pages 86-89 as Allah having told him `You are in a status equal to that of my ‘Arsh’, you are in a status equal to that of ‘My Son’. And you are in a status that no creation has ever realized.

There can be no progeny for Allah, this kind of a status attributed to anyone make Allah angry.People who called Prophet Isa as son of God did not do so in the sense that he was begotten by Allah, they conferred him a status equal to that of a son to God.This was the reason they are considered as infidels.

How can somebody who pursued the same ideology of Christians be called a messenger of God. 

We demanded answers for questions like these presenting a string of evidence but in vain.How can one, who has turned an infidel in the eyes of God be a messenger.

5.The word “Qamar” is usually used in the Arabic language to denote the third day crescent, this is the united stand taken by all Arabs.Only persons who are unaware of Arabic language would say anything contradicting the usage of this word says Mirza Ghulam in his book “Noorul Haq”10/98.

But when we pointed out, with all the available evidence, that Allah has used the word to denote the first day crescent, we did not get answers from them as to how can one be a messenger of God when he criticizes God.and concocts against God.

6. On the one hand he says the one who does not accept him as a messenger of God, would not turn an infidel in his book Dhiryaqul Quloob page no;432, on the other hand he says “ Those who do not accept me as a messenger of God will not be considered as a Muslim. How can a person with such a controversy be a messenger of God.

7. He has stated in his book “ Aayine Kamala They” page No; 565 as follows :- I have become Allah, I have created the heavens , and I decorated the same with stars, and I created humans out of clay. How can someone who called himself God like Firaun did, be a prophet? No answer.

8.If somebody wants to curse another, a normal conscious person would say in a fit of anger, I curse you a thousand times, but this Mirza Ghulam in his book “Noorul Haq” page 158 writes when cursing a person, as curse 1,curse 2, curse 3, etc upto curse 999, upto curse 1000 for pages and pages. Anyone in their normal senses would never do this. When questioned about his insanity there is no answer to it.

9. When questioned face to face,with Mirza Ghulam disciples about the statement in his book “Kisthi Nooh” page 68, announcing himself as “ I am Maryam, and I am also Isa” whether he is a mentally retarded person ,they did not have an answer.

10.Furthermore when questioned about his statement in the book “Noorul Haq” Itmam al Hujjah page 296, about the grave of Prophet Isa being in Palestine,while at the same time this liar says the grave is in Kashmir in his book Kishthi Nooh (Page 25)(14) A person with such contradictions in writing could never be a messenger of God. No answer. .

11.This liar after having said in his book Aaine Kamalathey, shouldn't people witness the descent of Prophet Isa from the heavens says in the same breath in page 44, that believing in the descent of Prophet Isa is like creating an equal to God.How can he be a messenger of God.

12.He says in his book Haqiqat ul Wahi (page 317) he received divine messages in English language, but when grammatical errors were pointed out, he wiggled out of it by saying, it was due to hasteness. Is he a messenger of God who attributes errors to God?

13.Mirza Ghulam asked Ahmed Baig for his daughter Muhammadi Begum’s hand in marriage, but the father declined and decided to get her married to one Sultan Muhammad.

At that time Mirza Ghulam in his book Aaine Kamalathey Islam, (page 325) predicted Sultan Muhammad would die after thirty months from his marriage with Muhammadi Begum and that he would get married to her after the Iddat period, and a failure in this regard, would prove him to be a false prophet. But Mirza Ghulam died before Sultan Muhammad and proved himself to be a false prophet.

All these questions were raised when the top brass of their religion were present face to face, Not one of these questions were properly answered by them. 

We have cited only a few of the blabbering of Mirza Ghulam, there are many that he claimed were messages from God to him, the advaita ideology in his book Barahin al Ahmadiyya ,that are being hidden from the general public by his followers. 

The Qadianis who follow Mirza Ghulam and believe that he recieved divine messages are not ready to display the blabbering, the messages in the public domain, and are kept away from public view like stolen goods.

The Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad,remains throwing a challenge by asking “Is there anyone to ponder this book”.

But Mirza Ghulam by announcing that he also received messages from God keeps the messages hidden from the public.Is a messenger needed to keep his messages hidden? Is the task of a messenger to spread His message or to keep under wraps.Anyone with a capacity to think independently, will not remain with the Ahmadiyya..

The Quran being fully protected and safeguarded with its teachings compatible till the end of the world ,addressing all the issues with appropriate solutions, and having reached every corner of this world, there is absolutely no necessity for a another scripture or a messenger after Prophet Muhammad.

Verses 4:79, 4:170, 6:19, 7:158, 9:33, 10:57, 10:108, 14:52, 21:107, 22:49, 25:1, 33:40, 34:28, 62:3 of the Quran stand testimony to the fact that Prophet Muhammad in the seal of messengers and there would be no one after him. 

The example for the messengers before me and myself said Prophet Muhammad is this.A man built a beautiful house, decorated it, people appreciated the building and quipped a single brick is missing and should be rightly placed and I am the single brick, the final seal of prophets.

Hadith Book Bukhari:3535.                                                     

Prophet Muhammad said ‘the people of Israel were guided by messengers of God, when one messenger died the next one took turns to guide them, but there will be no messengers after me.”

Hadith Book Bukhari:3249, 3455.

Similarly there are hundreds of hadiths that declare there would never be a messenger or prophet after Prophet Muhammad. 

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