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1.The Day of Judgment. 

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1.The Day of Judgment.

 The skies, the earth, the sun, the planets, the people who lived on earth, all other organisms, plants, everything gets destroyed except God the everlasting on a day yet to come known as the Judgment Day known by different names as, the day the Epoch ends, the final day, the day the bugle is sounded etc. 

 The whole universe gets decimated, and the resurrection of men takes place to be subjected for questioning and the judgment delivered. The good enjoy the benefits of their verdict and the evil subjected to various kinds of endless torments in accordance. The good are rewarded with endless happiness and endless life.

This day of judgment is also known as the hereafter, that world, the day of verdict, the day all are gathered, the day no one can be of help to another, the day of return, the day of wages, the day of questioning, the day of dividends, the day of resurrection, the day of meeting the creator, the day of losses, the day of facing the creator, the day of no escape, the day of awakening.

 The doubtless day, the great day, that day, that time, the assured day, the day without any doubt, are the general terms used to denote the day of destruction and the day of resurrection. When asked about the day of destruction and the day of resurrection Prophet Muhammad said no human being, including himself nor the angels are aware, and only the Great God has knowledge about it. The arrival of that day is known to Allah alone say the verses 7:187, 20:15, 33:63, 79:42 of the Quran. 

 It is necessary to believe in the existence of such a day to follow a good life in this world.

To know more about this day, please refer to the topic ‘The end day’ “Qayamat” in the contents table. 

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