28. AL QASAS – The Stories

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Chapter 28

Al-Qasas – The Stories

Total Verses: 88

This chapter is named Al-Qasas because in the 25th verse of this chapter, the word Al-Qasas is mentioned.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1.Taa, Seem, Meem2.

2.These are the verses of the clear Book.

3.We tell you about the true news of Musa and Firaun to the people who believe.

4.Indeed, Firaun prided (himself) in the land. He made many divisions of those in it. And weakened a group. He killed the male children among them. He left the female (children) alive. Indeed, he was only a corruptor.

5.,6. And in order to favour the people who were considered weak in the land to make them leaders, to make them inheritors of this land, to give them power in the land and wanted to show to Firaun, Haman and both of their armies, what they feared.

7. And We informed the mother of Musa, “Feed milk to (suckle) him. If you are afraid of him then put him into the sea. Do not be afraid. Do not be sad. Indeed, We will return him to you and make him a messenger.”

8. And the family of Firaun picked him up, so that he should become their enemy and grief. Indeed, Firaun, Haman and both of their armies have miscalculated.

9. And the wife of Firaun said, “Let him be a comfort of eye for me and you. Do not kill him. He may be of use to us or (we may) adopt him as our son.” They were unaware (of the result).

10. And the mind of Musa’s mother became blank. She would have revealed (the truth), had We not strengthened her mind. We did this in order to make her one of the believers.

11. And (her mother) said to the sister of Musa, “You follow him.” She has been watching from a distance without their knowing.

12. And We have already forbidden to him (Musa) suckling women (wet nurses). She (sister of Musa) said, “Shall I tell you about the family which will take the responsibility of growing this child, for you? They will want its well being.”

13. We returned him to her in order that she should be comfortable in her mind without grief and she should know that Allah’s promise is true. Yet, most of them do not know this.

14. We gave him power and knowledge when he became mature and attained stability164. Thus, we reward the good-doers.

15. And he went there when the people of that place were careless. He saw there two men fighting. One belonged to his community. The other belonged to the community of the enemy. The one who belonged to his community sought his help against the one who belonged to the community of the enemy. At once, Musa gave a blow. Immediately he died. He said, “This is shaitaan’s work. Indeed he is a clear misleading enemy375.”(He) said, “My God, indeed, I have caused harm to myself. So, forgive me.” He forgave him. Indeed, He is Forgiving and the most Merciful375.

17. (He) said, “My God, if You do me a favour, hereafter, I will not be helpful to the criminals.”

18. And fearing, he was observing that place, in the morning. Then the one who sought his help on the first day (again) called him seeking his help. Musa told him, “Indeed, you are a clear deviator.”

19. And then, when he tried to seize the one who was the enemy to both of them, he said375 , “O Musa, do you want to kill me as you have killed the one yesterday? You want only to establish your power on the earth. You do not want to become a reformer.” And from the extreme corner of the place, a man came running and said, “O Musa, indeed, the eminent ones have been counseling to kill you. So, you leave. Indeed, I am your well-wisher.

21. Fearing, he left from there carefully. He said, “My God, help me from the unjust people.”

22. And when he came to the place of Madyan, he said, “My God may show me the right way.”

23. And when he came to the water-hole of Madyan, he saw a group of people drawing water. On seeing two women standing a little away from them he asked, “What is your matter?” They said, “We cannot draw water until the shepherds leave. Our father is an aged man.”

24. He drew water for them. Then he went towards the shade and said, “My God, indeed, I am in need of the good that you give me.”

25. One of the two women came to him walking shyly and said, “Indeed, my father calls you in order to give the reward for having drawn water for us.” (He) came to him and related the news (about himself). He (the father) said, “You do not fear, you have escaped from the unjust people.”

26. One of the women said, “O my father, appoint him for work. Indeed, the eligible one for the appointment by you, is only a strong and a trustworthy one.”

27. He said309, “Indeed, on condition that you should work (for wages) for eight years, I will give in marriage to you one of my two daughters. If you complete ten years, then (it) is up to you. I do not want to give you any trouble. If Allah wants you will see me as good.”

28. (Musa) said, “This is the agreement between you and me. If I fulfill any of the two terms (time limit), there will not be any wrong on me. Only Allah is the witness for what we talked.”

29. And when Musa travelled with his family, after fulfilling that term, He saw in the direction of Mountain Tur a fire. He said to his family, “ Wait here, indeed, I saw a fire. I will either bring the news about it or a burning torch for you to warm from the cold.”

30. When he came there, in the Blessed place, from the tree on the right side of the stream, (he) was called. “O Musa, Indeed, I am Allah, the God of the worlds.”

31. ( And He said),” Throw your staff. He ran away without looking back, when it was seen to be a hissing snake”. ( God Said),” O Musa, come forward. Do not be afraid. Indeed you are free from fear.”

32. Place you hand inside your shirt-pocket. It will come forth white (bright) without any harm. You narrow you ribs during fear367. Those two are two signs from your God to Firaun and his courtiers. Indeed, they have been people only in wrong.

33. He said,”My God, Indeed, I have killed one of the lives375.So I fear that they may kill me.”

34.( And Also said),” My brother Harun speaks more clearly than me, So, You send  him with me for help. He will make me true. Indeed, I fear that they may consider me a liar.”

35. He (God) said, “We will strengthen your arms with your brother. We will give you signs. They will not approach you. (Go) with your Our signs. Both of you and those who followed you will be the successful.”

36. When Musa brought clear signs to them, they said, “This is nothing but invented magic. We have not heard from our forefathers of old about this.

37. And Musa said, “God knows who has brought the right way from Him and to whom good end will happen. Indeed, the unjust will not be successful.”

38. And Firaun said, “O eminent people, I have not known any God except me.” (He) said, “O Haman, build a palace for me with baked clay. I have to see (climbing up) Musa’s God from there. Indeed, I think he is only a liar.”

39. And he and his armies unjustly prided on the earth. They thought that they would not be returned to Us.

40. So We punished him and his armies. We threw them into the sea. Observe, “How was the end of the unjust?”

41. And We made them leaders calling to the Hell. On the Day of Khiyama1 they will not be helped.

42. And We made the curse to pursue them in this world on the Day of Khiyama1. They will be with the humiliated.

43. And after destroying the previous generation in order that they should learn a lesson, We gave the Book to Musa. It is the lesson, mercy and right way to human beings.

44. And when We gave the order to Musa, you (Muhammad) were not on the western side. You did not even see.

45. Yet, We created many generations. Many years have passed them. You (Muhammad) did not leave with the people of Madyan reciting our verses. Instead We have been sending Messengers.

46. And when We called, you (Muhammad) were not near the Mountain ‘Tur’. Instead (it is said), in order that by your God’s mercy you should warn the generation, for which no warner came before this. And they should learn a lesson.

47. (And We would not have sent you as a Messenger), if it is not for what they would have said, “Our God, should you not have sent us a Messenger? We would have followed your verses. We would have believed you”, When any grief occurred to them due their own deed.

48. When the truth came to them from Us, they say, “Should he not have given like that which had been given to Musa?” Did they not deny what was given to Musa before? They say, “Both were only magic competing (with) each other.” They also say, “Indeed, we deny everything.”

49. Say, “If you are truthful you bring from Allah, a Book, which can show a right way better than these two. I will follow it.”

50. If they do not answer you (then), you know that they follow only their desires. Who is the misguided than the one who followed his desires than the right way, received from Allah. Indeed, Allah will not show the right way to the unjust people.

51. Indeed, We made this news available to them in order that they may learn a lesson.

52. Only those to whom We revealed this Book before, believe it.

53. And when it is recited to them, they say, “We believed it. Indeed, this is the truth came from our God. Indeed, even before that we have been Muslims.”

54. They will be given their reward two times, because they tolerated, prevented the bad with good and spent (in good deeds) from what We gave them.

55. And they turn away when they hear vain things . Also say, “Our deeds are for us, your deeds are for you. Peace be upon you159. We will not like the ignorant.

56. (O Muhammad), indeed you cannot guide in the right way whoever you want. Instead, Allah shows the right way to whom He wants. He is the Most Knowing of those who have received the right way81.

57. And they say, “If we follow the right way we will be swept away from our land. “Have We not made the Holy place, which gives refuge, a home for them?34 Every variety of fruit is brought towards it as food from Us. Yet most of them do not know310.

58. And We have destroyed ever so many places which led their lives luxuriously. Here are their houses. After them they lived but only briefly. Only We became (their) inheritor.

59. And your God would not have destroyed the places until a messenger is sent to its capital (place). He will recite Our verses to them. We have not destroyed any place unless the people of that place caused injustice.

60. And whatever thing is given to you, that is enjoyment and adornment of this worldly life. The best is what is with Allah and (that is) stable. Will you not understand?

61. To the one who will get the beautiful promise that We gave in the hereafter, be like the one to whom We gave the facilities of this worldly life? On the Day of Khiyamah1, he will be made to stand before (God).

62. And the Day1 he calls them, (He) will ask, “Where are those whom you considered My equal?”

63. Against whom the promise had been certain, they will say, “Our God, we misled only them. We misled them as we have been misled. We turn away from it towards you. They have not worshipped us.”

64. And it will be said, “Call your gods.” They will call. But, they will not answer them. Also see the suffering. Should they have not gone the right way?

65. And on the Day1 He calls them, (He will) ask, “What answer did you give to the messenger?”

66. On that Day1, they will be made to forget the information. So they will not ask about each other.

67. Only those who have repented, believed and did good deeds will be successful.

68. And your God will create what He wants and selects. They have no right at all. Allah is Pure10 (from all weakness). He is Exalted and High above what they associate with Him.

69. And your God knows what their minds hide and what they reveal.

70. And He is Allah. No one is worshipful except Him. The praise belongs to Him only, in this world and in the hereafter. Power also belongs to Him. You will be returned to Him only.

71. And ask, “If Allah makes the night permanent, till the Day of Khiyamah1, then answer who is the god who can bring the light to you except Allah. Will you not think?”

72. And ask, “If Allah makes the day permanent, till the Day of Khiyamah1, then answer who is the god who can bring the night which gives you comfort, except Allah. Will you not think?”

73. And it is in His Mercy, He made the night and the day that you get comfort, seek his bounty and are grateful.

74. And on the Day1 He calls them, (He) will ask, “Where are those whom you considered My equal?”

75. And We will pick from every generation a witness. We will say, “Bring your signs.” Then they will know that truth belongs only to Allah. Whatever they invented will disappear from them.

76. Indeed, Qarun was one of the people of Musa. He caused injustice to them. We gave him treasuries. Carrying those keys would be very difficult (even) for the strong people. Remind what his people told him, “Do not pride. Indeed, Allah does not like those who pride.”

77. Also said, “Seek the life of the hereafter in what Allah gave you. Do not forget your duty in this world. As Allah has given good help, you also do good help. Do not seek corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corruptors.

78. He said, “This was given to me due to the knowledge I have.” Did he not know that Allah had destroyed before him many generations who had more strength and man power than him? These criminals will not be enquired about their sins.

79. He went to his people with his adornment. Those who liked this worldly life said, “Should we not have been given, as it had been given to Qarun? Indeed, he has great blessing.”

80. Those who have been given knowledge said, “For you it is only woe. For those who believed and did good deeds Allah’s reward is better. It will not be given to others except the patient.”

81. And We made him buried along with his house. There was not even a single group to help Him except Allah. He is also not in a state of getting help.

82. And those who wanted his status the previous day, started saying in the morning of that (next) day, “Alas, Allah among His slaves gives wealth generously to whom He wants. If Allah had not shown mercy then He would have made us buried inside the earth. Alas, the disbelievers (of only one God) will not get success.”

83. We have made the life in the hereafter for those who do not like arrogance and corruption. Good end is only for the (God) fearing.

84. For those who bring good will have better than that. For those who bring bad they will not be given any reward except what they did.

85. (O Muhammad), indeed, the one who imposed the Quran upon you, will return you to the place from where you came311. And say, “My God knows well, who brought the right way and who is on the clear misguidance.”

86. And you were not expecting this Book to be revealed to you. It is revealed but only as a blessing from your God344. So do not become the helper of the disbelievers (of only one God).

87. And let not (anything) prevent you from it after Allah’s verses have been revealed to you. You call towards your God. Do not associate partners to God.

88. Do not pray (to) any other god besides Allah. No one is worshipful besides Him. Everything will be destroyed except His face. The Power is only to Him. (You) will be returned only to Him.

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