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Chapter - 8


(Things seized from the enemies in the battle-field)

Total verses: 75

Things seized in the battle is known as Al-Anfal. This name was given to the chapter because the word ‘Anfal’ is located in the first verse of this chapter.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the Merciful.

1.(O Muhammad),they ask you  about the booty seized in the battle-field from the enemies. Say, “(The decision taking power about) the booty seized in the battle-field belongs only to Allah and His messenger”. So, fear Allah. Set right the relationship among yourself. If you believe then obey Allah and His messenger.

2. The believers are those who, when (anything) about Allah is said, their minds will shiver. When his verses are spoken, that will increase their belief. They will trust only Allah.

3.They will establish their prayer. They will spend (in good deeds) from what We have given.

4.They are only the true believers. For them, with their God, many degrees (or high status), forgiveness and noble food.

5.(O Muhammad), as (you hated) when your God  sent forth you from your house with truth, a section of the believers also hated that.

6.(They also) argue against you, eventhough the truth was known already. They seem as if they are being drawn towards death, even while looking on26.

7.Remember that Allah promised you. “Between two groups of your enemies, one will be (favourable) to you358.” You want an unarmed group (of traders) for you. Allah wants to establish the truth and root-out198 the dis-believers (of Him) by his orders155.

8.He wants to establish the truth and destroy the falsehood even when the criminals hate (it).

9. When you sought help from your God, He assured you, “I will help you with a thousand angels flying behind you.”

10. Allah made this as a good news and thereby you will get peace of mind. Help is only form Allah. Allah is Mighty and Wise.

11.Remember that He caused you drowsiness. That was a satisfaction got from Him. He sent down water from the heaven507 on you, clean you with water, to remove the impurity of Shaitan from you, to strengthen your minds and thereby make your feet firm.

12.O Muhammad), remind, that your God informed the angels, “I am with you. Strengthen  the believers. I will cause fear in the minds of the disbelievers (of Me). So cut above the necks, cut off everyone of their joints.”

13.It is because they disobeyed Allah and His messenger. Indeed, Allah is a severe punisher of those who disobeyed Him and His messenger.

14. It is here, taste this. There is suffering of hell for the  disbelievers.

15.O believers (of only), when you meet the advancing disbelievers (only one God) do not run turning your back to them.

16.Whoever runs turning his back, returns with Allah’s anger, except the one, who on that day in order to make a sudden indirect attack or to join the other company (of fighters). Their place of shelter is hell. That is a very bad place of rest.

17.You did not kill them, but it was only Allah who killed them. (O Muhammad),when you threw  you did not throw but it was only Allah who threw. He did it in order to give a reward in a handsome manner to the believers. Allah is Hearing and knowing197.

18.It is because, He will weaken the plot of those who disbelieve Him.

19.[O disbelievers (of only one God)], if you seek the judgement now the judgement has come to you. If you desist it is best for you. If you come again to fight then We will also come. Even if your forces are big it will not help you (even) to a small extent. Allah is with the believers.

20.O believers, obey Allah and his messenger. Do not avoid him (Muhammad) even while you are hearing.

21.Do not be like those who said, “We  have heard” without hearing.

22.Indeed, the worst of living creatures with Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not understand(the truth).

23.Had Allah known194 of any good in them, then He would have made them hear. Even if He had made them here they would have refused by ignoring194.

24.O believers, reply to Allah. (Answer) this messenger (Muhammad), when he calls you towards Allah and that which will give you life. And know that Allah is there between a man and his mind and indeed, you will be gathered together to Him.

25.Fear a test. Not that it will only touch(afflict) those who have caused injustice among you409. Know that Allah is severe punisher.

26.Remember, you were few in number on the earth, fearing that people may kidnap you. He gave you refuge. He strengthened you with His help. He gave you good things as food so that we will be grateful.

27.O believers, do not betray Allah and this messenger, knowingly. And also do not betray that which has been entrusted to you.

28.And know that your children (in large number) and your material wealth are only test and there is a great reward with Allah.

29.O believers, He will grant you understanding if you fear Allah. He will remove your wrongs from you and will forgive you. He has great mercy.

30.(O Muhammad), remember when the disbelievers (of only one God) plotted against you, to hold and keep you with them to kill and drive you out. They also plot. Allah also plots6. Allah is the Best among the plotters.

31.And when Our verses are recited to them, they say, “(We have) heard. If we wanted we would have said in the same manner. Those were nothing but the stories of the fore-fathers.”

32.And remember what they said, “O Allah, you rain down from the heaven507 stones on us if it is indeed, the truth which had come from you or give painful suffering.”

33.(O Muhammad), and when you are with them  Allah would not punish them. He will not punish them while they have been seeking forgiveness.

34.How can Allah (leave) them unpunished when they do not have the capacity to be the administrators of ‘Masjidul Haram’ and they have been preventing (people)? Nobody can be its administrator except those who fear (God). Eventhough most of those will not understand (this).

35.nd their prayer in this House33 is (nothing) but whistling and clapping of hands. (It will be said), “Taste the suffering as you have been disbelieving (only one God).”

36.ndeed, the disbelievers (of only one God) spend their wealth in order to prevent (the people) from Allah’s way. Will also spend in the (future). Then that will become their loss. Then they will  be defeated. The disbelievers (of only one God) will be gathered towards hell.

37.(They will be gathered) indeed by separating the bad from the good, by putting one over the other and by making a heap of all, only to be put into hell. It is they who are the losers.

38.If the disbelievers (of only one God) desist (then whatever) happened in the past will be forgiven for them. If they continue again, say, “The guidance (followed) in the case of their (fore-fathers) has already gone.”

39.Fight with them53 until  there is no more rebellion and all the power54 will be with Allah. If they desist, indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.

40.They know, that Allah is your Protector, if they boycott. He is the best Protector. The best Helper.

Part 10

41.And if you are believers in Allah, the day on which two forces met, the day of discrimination on which We sent down on My servant, then know that one fifth of the booty captured in the battleground is assigned to Allah, this messenger (his relatives), the orphans, the poor and the wayfarer206 (traveller). Allah has power195 over all things.

42.Remember, (during the battle of ‘Badr’) you were in the valley near (‘Madina’) and they were in the valley far from (Madina) and the group of merchants (caravan) were on the ground below. Then you would have contradicted in that plan if you had (already) planned. (God made this state) so that the things which have to be done should be completed, those who were destroyed should be destroyed with proper reason and those who live should live with proper reason. Indeed, Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

43.(O Muhammad), remember when Allah showed them  to you in your dream as few in number. You would have lost courage if Allah ad shown them as large in number. (You would have) contradicted in this matter. But, Allah saved. Indeed, He is the Knowing of what was in the minds.

44.Remember, when you met in the (battle field), Allah showed them to your eyes as few in numbers and He showed you to their eyes as large in number. Allah (showed like this)466 because He wanted to do the things which have to be done. All the things will be taken only to Allah.

45.O believers, when you meet a force in the (battle field) stand firm. And, remember Allah more. You will be successful.

46.And obey Allah and the messenger. Do not contradict, (if you do it) you will become cowards. Your strength will be lost. Be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.

47.And do not be like those who departed from their houses for pride and to show to the people and those who prevented (people) from Allah’s way. Allah is the Knowing of what they do, fully.

48. And Remember, when shaitan showed their deeds pleasing to them. He also said, “This day, nobody is there to defeat you among the people. Indeed I am near you. He retreated (drew back) when the two forces came in sight of each other. Then he said, “Indeed, I have disassociated from you. Indeed, I see what you do not see. I fear Allah. Allah is a severe punisher.”

49.Remember, the hypocrites and those who have disease in their minds said (about you), “Their religion has deceived them.” Whoever, is on the side of Allah will get success. Indeed, Allah is Mighty and Wise.

50.When the angels capture their souls of the disbelievers (of only one God) by beating on their faces and backs, you could only see165 when they say, “Taste the suffering of the burning fire.”

51.It is because of your deed. Allah will not cause injustice to the slaves.

52. Whatever happened to the people of Firaun and those who went before, the same will happen (to these people also). They rejected the sign of Allah. Allah punishes them because of their sins. Indeed, Allah is Mighty, punishes with severity (severe in punishment).

53.It is because Allah does not change His favour given to whichever people unless, they change what is within themselves. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

54.Whatever happened to the people of Firaun and those who went before, the same will happen (to these people also). They considered their God’s signs lies. We destroyed them because of their sins. We drowned the people of Firaun. All of them caused injustice.

55.Indeed, the disbelievers (of only one God) are indeed the worst of living-beings before Allah. They will not believe.

56.(O Muhammad), you made an agreement with them. They break their agreement everytime. They do not fear.

57.So, if you gain victory over them in the battle, then also chase them along with those who are behind them. Only then they will learn the lesson.

58.(O Muhammad),if you fear  treachery from the people you also break the agreement made with them equally. Indeed, Allah does not like the treachery.

59.Let not the disbelievers (of only one God) think that they have won. Indeed, they will not win.

60. You prepare, as much strength as you can and war-horses against them359. Thereby you can make them fear Allah’s enemies, your enemies and some others besides them. You do not know them53. Allah knows them. You will be given in full whatever you spend in the way of Allah. You will not be caused injustice197.

61.If they incline towards peace then you also incline towards it. You be only on the side of Allah. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

62.And (O Muhammad), if they want to betray you then Allah is sufficient. It is only He who strengthened you with His help and with the believers.

63.And He caused intimacy in their minds. You would not have caused intimacy in their minds even if you had spent everything in the earth. But Allah caused intimacy in them. Indeed, He is All-Mighty, All-Knowing.

64.O prophet, Allah is sufficient, for you and for the believers who follow you.

65.O prophet, encourage, the believers to fight53. Among you, if there are twenty steadfast (people) then they will win against two hundred. If there are hundred among you then they will win against thousand359(people). It is because they are people who do not understand198.

66.Now, Allah has made easy to you. He knows that there is weakness in you. So, if there are hundred steadfast (people) among you, then they will win against two hundred (people). If there are thousand (people) among you then they will win359 against two thousand (people) with Allah’s wish. Allah is with the steadfast198.

67.It is unbecoming of any prophet to capture until (He) roots out the enemies. You desire the things of this world. But, Allah desires (you) the here-after. Allah is All-Mighty, All-Knowing199.

68.You would have been caused severe suffering for getting (ransom to free the convicts) if Allah’s degree had not preceded.

69.Eat the permitted and the lawful which you have captured in the battle from the enemies. Fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

70.(O Muhammad), you tell, the convicts with you, “He will reward you, better than what has been received from you, if He knows that you have goodness in your minds. He will forgive you. He is Forgiving, Merciful.”

71.They have already betrayed6 Allah, if they want to betray you. He gave (you) power in their matter. Allah is Knowing, Wise.

72.Indeed, those who believe, do ‘hijra’460 and fight in the way of Allah with their wealth and lives and those who gave help by giving refuge are intimate friends385 to one another. You have no friendship with those who have not believed and did ‘hijra’ till they do ‘hijra’. It is your duty to help (them) if they seek help from you in religious matters. Except against the people with whom you made treaty. Allah is observant of what you do.

73.If you do not do it there will be corruption and great disorder on the earth. The disbelievers (of only one God) are intimate friends of each other.

74. The true believers are those who fight in the way  of Allah, believed and perform ‘hijra’460 and those who helped by giving refuge. They have forgiveness and noble food.

75.And only those, who after believing, did ‘hijra’ and fought along with you, are on your side. The blood relatives are nearer to each other as (found) in the Book of Allah. Indeed, Allah is knowing of everything.

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