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17. Do recommendations matter in the hereafter?

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17. Do recommendations matter in the hereafter?

Do recommendations matter in the hereafter world? We find three kinds of opinions expressed on this subject. 

1.Absolutely no recommendations allowed in the hereafter world. 

2.The virtuous and prophets are allowed to recommend. 

3.Recommendations with conditions allowed. 

The first two opinions expressed are wrong. People who have gone through the following verses 2:48, 2:123, 2:254, 6:51, 6:70, 6:94, 26:100, 32:4, 36:23, 39:43,44, 74:48 alone conclude there are absolutely no recommendations in the hereafter world, and that recommendations are useless there. There are verses that convey the idea that recommendations can be made, and others rebut the same. Nevertheless, there are verses that seem to connect the contradicting thoughts and at the same time convey that recommendation can be made with conditions. These verses obviate the contradictions. 

Who dares to suggest without His authorization? Al-Quran 2:255

No one dares to suggest without His authorization. Al-Quran 10:3.

Hence, we cannot conclude that there are absolutely no recommendations in the hereafter world, whereas these verses convey the message, recommendation can be made but with His authority.

The Quran says in the following verses 21:28, 19:87, 20:109, 34:23, 43:86, 53:26 that whoever is authorized by the Al-Mighty can recommend and those recommended will benefit them. 

These verses stand to prove that people who say there are absolutely no recommendations in the hereafter are wrong. 

Those who do believe that recommendations are useful in the hereafter should vie for the best and seek paradise and ask God for it at the first instance.

Prophet Muhammad never said to people to plead seeking his recommendation from God Al-Mighty. He said his recommendations are available for sinners based on some good deeds they commit in this world. 

Nobody knows whom Allah will authorize to recommend. 

Hence pleading with a sage or a pious person while in this world to intercede in the hereafter should not be done. This act amounts to meddling in Allah’s domain. 

The reason for people of Makkah turning infidels due to this act can be seen in the verse 10:18. 

Not only authorizing somebody to recommend, but also issuing authorization to whom it applies is the domain of Allah. Thus no one should seek recommendations from others in the hereafter while in this world. 

When Allah has the sole authority to forgive, He chooses one person to recommend another for mercy. This is a recommendation manifest, but Allah wields the final authority. 

(Hadith Book Bukhari: 99, 335, 448, 3340, 4476, 4712, 6304, 6305, 6565, 6566, 6570, 7410, 7440, 7474, 7509, 7510) 

How justifying Dargah worship is malicious can be referred to in notes 41, 49, 79, 83, 100, 104, 121, 122, 140, 141, 193, 213, 215, 245, 269, 298, 327,

397, 427, 471, 18. 

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