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468. Proving facts by undergoing scrutiny. 

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468. Proving facts by undergoing scrutiny.

In these verses (7:184, 15:6, 23:70, 34:8, 34:46, 37:36, 44:14, 52:29, 68:2, 68:51, 81:22) of the Quran the Almighty says the enemies of Prophet Muhammad labeled him insane. 

Similarly, many spiritual persons were given the same title. But they did not respond to such allegations, the reason being they feared they would be subjected to scrutiny.

Generally, the spiritualists prattle and keep lying in the name of spiritualism. When they are subjected to scrutiny by a psychologist it could be realized they had been affected by paranoia, and will utter unbelievable lies, hence will not subject themselves to any scrutiny.

The psychiatrists have confirmed the very fact, a person declares he is in touch with spirits and speaking to them confirms he is mentally affected. 

Mostly this happens to be true. 

When Prophet Muhammad declared he received message from the Almighty, his detractors said he was not lying but was affected mentally.

When he was called of having been mentally affected, he did not run away from being subjected to scrutiny.

On the contrary he offered himself to any kind of scrutiny. This can be seen in verse 34:46 of the Quran where the Almighty is seen commanding Prophet Muhammad to challenge his enemies regarding this.

He called upon the people to come in singles or in twos, to check whether he was mentally affected. And challenged them to know for sure that he was not mentally disturbed.

Those who came to him in singles and twos, to confirm his mental fitness accepted Islam. And for this reason others avoided visiting him to confirm his mental fitness.

He was the only spiritual person in the entire world, to come forward to offer himself to be scrutinized.

Please refer to explanation point 212 to know how Prophet Muhammad encountered all his critics who were skeptical about his prophethood.

These verses of the Quran deal a death blow to arguments that Prophet Muhammad suffered of witchcraft. The verses that proclaim Prophet Muhammad did not suffer from any mental diseases emphatically conveys he was not all insane.

To know more about whether the Prophet was affected due to sorcery please refer to explanation points 28, 285, 357, 468, 495, 499 of this compilation.

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