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174.The tree that exposed the sex instincts.

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174.The tree that exposed the sex instincts.

In verses (7:20, 7:22, 20:121) of the Quran we find it saying as soon as Adam and Hawwa tasted the fruits from the tree they became aware of their exposed genitals.

Different opinions are expressed interpreting the same.

Adam was dressed while in paradise, and as soon as he tasted the fruit from the prohibited tree his dresses disappeared and he became naked, prompting him to cover himself with leaves in paradise. This is the opinion of most of the scholars. 

The word structure in these verses have prompted the scholars to fall in line. 

There are many doubts expressed regarding this opinion of the said scholars.

In verse 20:118 of the Quran Allah assures you will not become naked in paradise.Had Allah given the kind of assurance as quoted, it could not have been violated .But it is said as soon as they tasted from the tree they turned naked, means the assurance given by God is not being kept up. 

How to explain this without any contradictions?

If the verse No;20:118 of the Quran is interpreted as “ you will not become naked as long as you taste from the tree” then the contradiction is removed. Also a message can be derived, that would say “once the taste from the tree is enjoyed , the punishment is nakedness.

There is another contradiction that arises out of this situation. If the punishment for tasting from the tree is nakedness, then the immediate succor of covering themselves with leaves is the punishment effective not even for a small time. 

”You will not be become naked’ can be interpreted as will not feel the nakedness.Since they were unaware of the sex variation till then, they did not feel the difference in themselves.

When we interpret this by saying “ as soon as they tasted form the tree, the sense of sexuallity and attraction towards each other based on sex ,made themselves to cover with leaves” will not give rise to any contradictions.

There are more reasons to believe in such an interpretation.

Allah has used the sentence ” Once they tasted from the tree their private parts became exposed to them”. 

.If it has been said “the private parts were exposed” it could mean they turned naked. But the Almighty has used the phrase “their individual private parts, the both of them”. The private parts of a person are visible to him even if he is dressed.It does not necessarily mean it is exposed only after the dress is removed.

Since it is used in the sense that their private parts could be seen by themselves and not that they discovered their private parts.We need take it as meaning they realized their private parts. 

Moreover Allah says “ Once they tasted from the tree their private parts were visible to them”.The word “Badad” is translated here.

This word is used in some places to mean “visible to the eye” and in many places to mean “ Appearance in mind” (Feeling)

For example Prophet Yousuf when he was put into the prison Allah says in verse (12:35) ” After witnessing the signs they had a feeling that he should be imprisoned for a certain period.

Here the word “Badad” is translated as ‘a feeling in the mind’ and not as visible to the eye.

In these verses 6:28, 3:154, 5:101, 12:77, 39:48, 45:33 of the Quran the word “Badad” is not used to mean “visible to the eye” Hence we have taken the verses 7:22. and 20:121,to mean the special features and characteristics attributed to the private parts.

For example in children though their private parts are visible to them ,they do not know any details about them.But once they reach their adolescence they come know the significance and the use of it.Similarly Adam and Hawwa were in the stage of children before tasting from that tree, and after tasting from the tree were like adolescents, is the best way to understand these verses..Since they were in the stages of children, here the nakedness need not be targeted.

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