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29. Double speak of hypocrites towards Prophet Muhammad.

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29. Double speak of hypocrites towards Prophet Muhammad.

There is some advice in each of the verses 2:104, 4:46 of the Quran saying not to speak in two voices about Islam.

The Arabic word ‘Raeana’ can be used in two contexts. It can be used to mean as ‘Guide us’ and to mean ‘Our shepherd who takes care of our sheep’

The hypocrites among the Jews used to derive a deceitful pleasure by calling Prophet Muhammad as ‘Raeana’ to mean as their domestic shepherd. But the Muslims used to address him with the same word implying reverence.

The word ‘Ullurna’ in Arabic means ‘take care of and guide us’, but this word does not have another meaning like ‘Raeana’. Here we find the order to Muslims to avoid using words having two meanings while addressing Prophet Muhammad.

Similarly, the Arabic word Athaw’na meaning ‘we bind ourselves’, was used by the Jews who addressed Prophet Muhammad by distorting it to ‘Asaina’ meaning ‘we stand against’.

Here we can see the Muslims being goaded to use words in their proper sense while addressing Prophet Muhammad and not follow the Jews.

And are advised to be clear cut in their words while addressing. 

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