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180. Prayers are to be made in silence and all humbleness.

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180. Prayers are to be made in silence and all humbleness.

This verse (7:55) of the Quran teaches us the method or ways to pray or make supplications.

We are aware of the ways to approach a dignitary or a minister in the government.

When we place our demands to them, we do not place them in a rhyme, or in the form of a poem, or with an accompanying song and dance, or in a high decibel, it will be rejected by them.

We should be more humble while asking for blessings from God’s side, than we do when asking for help from a human. This is the message conveyed here. 

The first discipline that needs to be observed while praying to God is subservience. One cannot ask Him musically or in rhymes, or with dance and songs. All these forms of prayers belie reverence and subservienceness. Most of the Muslims pray to God without even realizing they are facing the great God, and asking help from the Omnipotent.

Even more praying in secret is pointed out as yet another discipline in this verse.

We come to understand from this verse praying in a group in chorus is also not the proper method.

Each person has his own demands and needs, and asking them in one’s mother tongue, with secrecy and subservience is the most important discipline in prayer to God.

We need to take note, the Almighty will accept prayers that are made the way He has commanded us to.

To know more please refer to explanation points 190, 192, 270.

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