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184. Prophet Musa’s propaganda before being bestowed with a scripture.

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184. Prophet Musa’s propaganda before being bestowed with a scripture.

This verse (7:145) of the Quran says Prophet Musa was delivered with a scripture in written form. 

It is very important to take note of the time when it was revealed..

Prophet Musa and Prophet Haroon took the message of God to Firon and his people.Prophet Musa performed miracles given by God to prove his prophethood. But Firaun's supporters it calling him a sorcerer.And challenged Prophet Musa to compete with the best of their sorcerer's.Prophet Musa accepts the challenge and the competition takes place between Prophet Musa and the sorcerer’s.Prophet Musa was not bestowed with any scripture.

Firaun was perpetuating cruelties on the People of Israel, they were tolerating all the hardships by him.Even at that time Prophet Musa was not bestowed with any scripture. 

Firaun and his forces were subjected to various tests like, drought, torrential rains, louse, frogs, and blood. etc. Till then Prophet Musa was not revealed any scripture.

Later Prophet Musa and his followers had to flee their place of living, with Firaun following suit, finally when Firaun was drowned in the sea while Prophet Musa and his followers were saved.Even till then Prophet Musa was not delivered with any scripture.

Prophet Musa was bestowed with a scripture only after all these happenings. 

On going through verses (7:103-150) of the Quran one can easily come to know the truth.

While talking in verses 7:103-141 of the Quran about Prophet Musa’s spreading of the message of God, his tribulations, decimation of Firaun etc, the verses starting from 142-145 speak about the details of the scripture revealed to him.

Allah made Prophet Musa go to Mount Tor, asking him to set aside forty days for the purpose, and delivered him the scripture in written form.

From this we understand that Prophet Musa worked among his community for years without a scripture, and guided them till they were rescued by the Almighty from the forces of Firaun. 

And can be seen that divine commands and messages and guidances, could be delivered by The Almighty in ways other than Scriptures.

Hence what needs to be learned from this is that any religious message delivered even without scriptures needs to be treated as divine messages.

Similarly Prophet Muhammad was sent with a scripture called the Quran, and the explanations for it from him needs to be treated as from Almighty and followed with the same respect. 

To know more about obeying Allah’s commandments and following the guidance of Prophet Muhammad refer explanation points 18, 36, 39, 50, 55, 56, 57, 60, 67, 72, 105, 125, 127, 128, 132, 154, 164, 244, 255, 256, 258, 286, 318, 350, 352, 358, 430. 

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