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509. Who is Iblis?

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509. Who is Iblis?

The Almighty created Adam (AS) the first human being and commanded the celestial beings to prostrate before him, except Iblis all the rest heeded, (2:34, 7:11, 15:31, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116, 38:74) of the Quran. 

When superficially viewed the phrase ‘except Iblis’ seems to convey a message that Iblis is a member of the beings ordered to prostrate. 

But on perusing the other verses regarding Iblis and other celestial beings, we find he does not belong to the group termed as angels or heavenly celestials. 

Verse 18:50 says he belongs to the group of Ginns. 

Prophet Muhammad said the heavenly celestials are made from light, and the Ginns are created from fire. Hadith Book: Muslim. Verse 15:27 of the Quran says the Ginns were created from fire. Hence Iblis having been created from fire cannot belong to the beings from light.

Moreover the angels are created with the inherent nature of obeying the commandments of the Almighty without fail. Verses 16:49, 16:50, 21:19, 21:27, 66:6 of the Quran confirm this. 

Had Iblis belonged to the group of heavenly celestials he would not have disobeyed the Almighty.

Moreover, there is no segregation of sex in heavenly celestial beings and neither do they procreate. Since the Quran says in verse 18:50 about descendants of Iblis, he cannot belong to the heavenly celestials,

But we understand the Almighty did allow Iblis to be with the heavenly celestials, the group to which he does not belong. 

From the verses 15:34, 38:77 of the Quran we find he was ordered to be exited from the heavenly body, and he was with them (heavenly celestials) until then.

Though the reason why he was allowed to remain with the angels is not given to us, we come to know Allah retained him with them doubtlessly.

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