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181. Striving for the cause of the oppressed.

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181. Striving for the cause of the oppressed.

In these verses (7:105, 7:134, 20:47, 26:17, 26:22, 44:18) of the Quran we find details of how Prophet Musa strived for the cause of the people against a non-Muslim ruler.

Prophet Musa was sent to propagate monotheism along with another task. 

The Pharaoh dynasty of the time oppressed the People of Israel and treated them as second class citizens of the kingdom.

Prophet Musa did not stop with propagation of monotheism to Firon (Pharaoh) and demanded the People of Israel be sent along with him rather than to be continuously oppressed by him. This is what is conveyed in these verses.

These verses are an evidence that voicing the concerns of the oppressed and demanding the rights of muslims from non-Muslim rulers is allowed in Islam. 

The life history of Prophet Musa is an example to emulate in countries which are not ruled by Islamic laws,and working for the rights of muslims, or working against their ill treatment needs to be addressed at the highest level of the ruling hierarchy..

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