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178. The ones that enter paradise from the barrier wall (The Araaff).

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178. The ones that enter paradise from the barrier wall (The Araaff).

The verse (7:49) of the Quran uses the sentence “ You enter paradise, there is no fear or worry”.

There is a difference of opinion about whom these words are addressed to and addressed by whom.

Some say these words are addressed to those on the barrier wall (The Araaff).

As per this interpretation all those on the barrier wall (Araff) are destined to reach paradise . 

Some other scholars say this is the statement of those on the barrier wall (Araaff) while pointing towards those in paradise the people on the barrier wall (Araaff) would say “ You swore that Allah will never show mercy on these people (those in hell), but it has been announced for them to enter paradise now, . 

These are the two types of interpretations that can be attributed to this verse.

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