Part 17:
Chapter 21:
Al Anbiya (The Messengers of God)
Total verses 112
This Chapter is named ‘Al Anbiya’ because, it speaks about messengers Musa, Harun, Ibrahim, Lut, Isac, Yaqub, Nuh, Dawud, Sulaiman, Ayub, Ismail, Idris, Tul-Kifl, Yunus and Zakariah.
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.
1. The enquiry for the people has come near. But they turn away and are careless.
2. Whenever any latest news comes to them from their God, they hear it only playfully.
3. Their minds neglect. The unjust talk, “ Is he not but a human being like you? Do you approach magic even while seeing it?”, very secretly.
4. (The messenger)said, “My God knows what ever the word in Heaven507 and on the Earth. He is Knowing and Hearing.”
5. For that, they say, “This (what he says) is a meaningless dream. No, he himself has invented this. No, he is a poet. Let him bring a sign like that which was given to the forefathers.”
6. No place, We destroyed before them, believed. Will they believe?
7. (O Mohammed), and before you, We sent only men as messengers.239 We revealed the message to them. If you do not know you ask those who have knowledge.150
8. And We have not made them into a body which does not eat food. They did not even remain permanently.
9. We saved them and whom ever We wanted, by making true the promise(given) to them. We destroyed the transgressors.
10. We revealed a Book to you. There is teaching for you in it. Should you not understand?
11. And We rooted out ever so many places which have been unjust. Then, We created another generation.
12. And they ran away at once, when they realized Our suffering.
13. It was said, “Do not run away. You return to what you have enjoyed and to your homes. You will be enquired.”
14. They said, “It is a woe for us. We have been unjust.”
15. This is there cry, until We made them like ( a field) which was burnt after being reaped.
16. And We have not created the heaven,507 the earth and what ever between them for play.
17. If We had wanted to make fun(play) then We would have made it from Ourselves. We would have done(anything).
18. We throw the truth on the falsehood. It crushes the falsehood. At once the falsehood is destroyed. As you describe(God) wrongly, woe is for you.
19. Whatever in the heaven507 and on the earth belongs only to Him. Those who remain with Him will not be proud from worshipping Him. They will not also be tired.
20. They will pray in the night and in the day. They will not get bored.
21. Do they prepare gods from the earth? Can they raise them by giving life?
22. If they had been other gods except Allah in both (heaven and the earth), both of them would have been ruined. The Owner of the Arsh is Pure(from all weaknesses)10 for what they say.
23. He will not be questioned about what He did. They will only be inquired.
24. Have they made gods besides Him? Say (oh Mohammed), “ You bring your signs. This is the teaching of those who are with me and the teaching of those and who went before.” But, most of them do not know the truth. They are rebels.
25. And We have not sent any messenger before you, without informing, “No one is worshipful except Me. So, worship only Me.”
26. And they say, “ The most Beneficent has taken a progeny”. He is pure(from weaknesses)10. They(angels) are rather honored servants.
27. They will not precede Him in speaking. They will act according to His order.
28. He knows what is before and behind them. They will not recommend(others) except those who have been approved by Him17. They will tremble out of fear of Him.
29. And We reward only hell to the one who says, “Indeed I am the worshipful besides Him”. Thus We will give the reward for the unjust.
30. Should not the disbelievers think that how the heavens507 and the earth remained attached, and it is only We who separated both of them and formed every living creature from water? Should they not believe287?
31. We installed pegs248 in order that the earth should not slide them. We also formed many long roads so that they will see the way.
32. We made the heaven507 as the protective roof288. But, the turn away from the signs in them.
33. And He only created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each swims in the sky(orbit)241 .
34. And before you(O Mohammed), I have not given eternity to any human being. Will they remain eternal if you die?
35. Every soul will taste death. We will put you to trial in order to test484 you with good and bad. You will be returned only to Us.
36. And those who disbelieve(O Mohammed), when they see you, consider you only as a thing of mockery. (They say) , “Is he the one who comments about your gods?” They are disbelievers of even remembering the most Beneficent.
37. Human being has been created of haste. (Then) I will show you My signs. Do not be hasty with Me.
38. And they ask, “When will this warning (take place), if you are true?”
39. Should not the disbelievers be aware of the time, when they will not be able to prevent their faces and their backs from the hell? They will not be helped.
40. Rather, it will come suddenly to them and surprise them. They will not able to prevent it. And they will not be given time.
41. And (O Mohammed) before you many messengers were mocked at. It is that about which they mocked surrounded the mockers(them).
42. Ask , “Who will save you from the most Beneficent at night and by day?” Yet they turn away from remembering their god.
43. Do they have gods who can save them except Us? They cannot even help themselves. They will not be protected from Us.
44. We increase their life-term and gave them and their forefather facilities of life. Should they not think243, “ We reduce the earth from its borders” do you think that they can defeat(Us)?
45. Say(O Mohammed) , “I warn only with the revelation.” The deaf does not hear the call when he is warned.
46. And if a small amount of your God’s punishment touches them, they will say, “Woe for us. Indeed, we cause injustice”.
47. And We will install scales of justice for the Day of Qiyamah1. Injustice will not be caused to anybody even to a small extent. We will also bring forth even if it is in the size of a mustard seed. We are sufficient to calculate.
48. And We gave Musa and Harun the criterion(comprehension) , light and teaching for the (God ) fearing.
49. They will fear God in seclusion. They also fear about that Time1.
50. And this is a blessed teaching. We only revealed this. Is it that you deny?.
51. And before this ( We) gave Ibrahim, his right way. We were aware of him.
52. 53. When he asked his father and his people , “ What are these idols that you worship?” They said , “ We saw our fore-fathers worshipping them.”
54.He said , “ Indeed, you and your fore-fathers are in open misguidance” .
55. They asked,“Do you speak truth, or do you mock ?”
56. He said , “ Not so. The one who created the heavens507 and the earth is only your God. I give witness to this.”
57. (Also said) , “ And by the promise on Allah I will break your idols after you have returned473.
58. He broke other (idols) into pieces except (the big idol) inorder that they should return to the big idol.473
59. They said , “ Who has done this to our gods ? Indeed, he has done injustice.”
60. They said , “ We heard a young man commenting about them. He called Ibrahim”.
61. (They ) said , “ Bring him before the people. Let them testify.”
62. They ask , “ O Ibrahim, is it you who has done this to our gods ?
63. (For that) he said , “ No, the biggest idol among them has done this432. You enquire them (broken idols) if they are able to speak.”
64. At once, (they) became aware and talked among themselves , “ Indeed, you have only caused injustice ( by worshipping them).”
65.Then they reversed (their decision) and said,”You already knew that they do not speak.”
66. He asked,”Do you worship that which will not cause either any good or any harm except Allah?”
67. (And also asked),”It is only humiliation for those you worship except Allah and you. Will you not understand?”
68. (They) said,” If you want to do (anything) you help your gods by burning him in fire.”
69. (God) said,” O fire, be cool and become safety on Ibrahim.”
70. And they plotted against him. We made them losers.
71. And We saved him and Lut and (delivered) them to the land which We had made a blessing for the people of the worlds.
72. And We gifted him Isac and in addition, Yaqub. We made all(of them) good.
73. As We made them leaders, showing the right way, with Our order. We informed them to do good, to establish prayer and to give zakath. They were worshippers of Us.
74. And We gave power and knowledge to Lut. We saved him from the (people of that) place which is involved in doing shameful acts. Indeed, they have been bad and doing wrong.
75. And We took them into Our mercy.He was one of the good(people).
76. When Nuh prayed to Us, before this, We accepted (it) for them. We saved him and his family from a great trouble.
77. And We helped him(by saving) him from the people, who considered Our verses lies. Indeed, they have been bad people. So , We drowned all of them.
78. And remind them, when Dawud and Sulaiman gave judgment about the Sheep which grazed in the field ( of another people). We were witness to their judgment.
79. And We made Sulaiman to understand that. We gave the power and knowledge to both (of them). We gave the control of birds and the mountains to Dawud. They prayed (to God). We have the capacity to do anything.
80. And We taught him to make ( the coats of mail) armour for you which will protect you during war. Are you then grateful ?
81. And We gave the control of strong blowing – wind to Sulaiman. It went to the land blessed by Us with his order. We are Knowing every thing .
82. And He gave him the control of those among the shaitans who were pearl-divers and in addition others doing other duties. We have been watching over them.
83,84. And We accepted his prayer, when Ayub called his God, “ Indeed, misery has touched me. You are the most Merciful of the merciful.” We removed his misery. We gave him, as a mercy , his family , along with them others similar to them. This is a teaching for the worshippers26.
85. And Ismail , Idris and Thul-Kifl all were of the patient.
86. And We made them enter into Our Mercy. They were righteous.
87. And the man of the fish (Yunus) went away in anger. He thought , “ We will not have power over him.” He called from the ( covers of ) darkness, “ there is no one worshipful except you. You are Pure (from all weaknesses)10. Indeed, I have become one of the unjust.
88. We accepted his prayer. We saved him from his grief. Thus, We will save the believers.
89,90. And when Zakaria called his God, “ My God , do not leave me alone. You are the best of the inheritors”. We gave to Yahya as a gift to him. We made his wife capable (of giving birth to a child). Indeed , they have been hastening towards good and praying to Us with interest and fear. They have also been obeying us.
91. And We blew one of the souls90 in Our possession into the woman who had guarded her chastity.514 We made her and her son the sign to people of worlds415.
92. Indeed, this your nation is only one nation. I am only your God. Worship only Me.
93. And they have been divided in their matter. All of them have to return only to Us.
94. There is no denial of the effort of those who believe and do good deeds. Indeed,We record that.
95. And it is forbidden for the people of the place, which We have destroyed, (to return ). They will not return.
96. Finally (the tribes of) Yajuj and Majuj451 will be freed and they will hasten from every elevation.
97. The true promise has come near. Then the sights of the disbelievers will be staring fixedly. (They will) say ,” Woe to us only. We have been careless about this. No, we caused injustice.”
98. Indeed, you and that which you worship besides Allah will be the fuel for the hell. You will have to come there.
99. If they had been gods, then they would not have come here. All will remain here permanently.
100. There is only sobbing for them. They will not hear anything there.
101. Indeed, to whom our God’s help has preceded, they are far away removed from that370.
102. They will not hear the noise. They will remain permanently in, what their minds desire.
103. The greatest shock will not cause them grief. Angels will greet them. (They will say),” This is the promised Day1 for you.”
104. We will establish again as We started the first (of) creation, when on that Day1 We will roll the heaven507 like rolling the written sheets225&453. This is Our promise. Indeed, We would be doing anything.
105. And indeed, We have written in the Book of’ Zabur’ , after the teaching,” My good servants will inherit the earth.”
106. Indeed, for the people who worship there is enough in this.
107. And(o Muhammad) , We have sent you 187 as a mercy to the people of the worlds281.
108. It is informed to me only,” Your God is only one God.” Ask, “Do you accept this?”
109. If they turn away ,then say,” I have informed all of you equally. I do not know whether it is near to you, about which you are warned or far away.”
110. Indeed , He knows the loud word( spoken loudly) and that which you hide.
111. And I do not know,whether this time( limit) is to be a test484 and a facility of life for a fixed period.
112. My God,You deliver a true judgment. (The messenger) said,” Only our God, who is the most Beneficent, is sought for help as against your statement.”
21.AL ANBIYA (The Messengers of God)
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