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241. The sun is constantly moving.

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241. The sun is constantly moving.

In these verses (13:2, 31:29, 35:13, 36:38 39:5) of the Quran we find the mention of the sun in constant movement along with all other planets for a certain time of period. We find the same repeated in verses (21:33, 36:40) of the Quran.

Man believed the earth was flat at a certain period of time.

Later on he changed his belief by saying the earth is spherical in shape and is the center of the solar family, with the sun revolving around the earth. 

Later his belief turned by saying, the sun being in a stationary position while the earth revolved around it.

Today he has come to understand that the earth rotates on its own axis taking a day to complete one rotation, and one year to revolve around the sun.

The scientists of the day have discovered that the sun rotates itself with the earth revolving around it, and pulls along its family member planets with it at a speed of nine lakh kilometers /hour

The claim that the sun not only rotates, but also is in constant movement for a certain period of time could only be that of the great God.

This fact could never be the imagination of an illiterate Prophet Muhammad fourteen centuries ago.

The words used in this verse if keenly observed without bias would make clear that they are not the words of man but of God. This is yet another evidence to prove ‘The Quran’ is God’s word.

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