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281. Prophet Muhammad a universal prophet.

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281. Prophet Muhammad a universal prophet.

The Quran while talking about the appointment of Prophet Muhammad as a messenger of God, mentions his limits and to whom he is being sent.

 These should not be viewed as contradicting each other, because Prophet Muhammad’s reach started to increase gradually.

In the beginning Allah commands the prophet in verse 96:1, to “Read” and understand.

In the first divine message received by Prophet Muhammad he was asked to “ Read “ and understand and was not commanded to spread the message at the very instance.

Then, in verse 26:214, Allah extends the prophet’s limits to reach and warn his close relatives.

Then in verses 6:92, 42:7, Allah further extends the prophet's limits to spread his message to Umm Al Qura “ The Mother of cities”, and residents around to warn them.

The responsibility handed over to Prophet Muhammad at that time was only the limits of Makkah and its surrounding.

Then verses 7:158, 21:107, 34:28 of the Quran speak of the limits being extended to all people in the world at that period of time.

And finally through verses 62:2, 3, the limits to call people was extended to not only people of the time but also to future generations to come.

Since the limits of reach by Prophet Muhammad was gradually increased and extended, we do not find any contradictions.

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