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225. Are the heavens and earth permanent?

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225. Are the heavens and earth permanent?

In these verses of the (11:107, 108) of the Quran we find it saying “ As long as the heavens and earth are permanent, the good will remain in paradise and the evil in hell fire

This verse conveys the message that the heavens and earth are indestructible, so are the paradise dwellers and those in hell fire.

But verses (55:26, 27) of the Quran say when the world is destroyed, everything including the heavens and earth would follow the same fate.

This is not to be misconstrued as two sets of verses (55:26, 27) and (11:107, 108) contradicting each other. 

Let’s learn from the following verses the way to understand these verses without contradiction.

Verses (14:48, 21:104, 39:67) say this earth and the heavens will be changed to different ones.

These verses, talking about the destruction of the earth and heavens, mention the present earth and heavens that are to be destroyed.

Hence this verse talking about the permanent nature of the earth and heavens, mention the earth and heavens that are to be made later cannot be treated as a contradiction. 

To know more please refer to explanation point 453.

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