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20.THA HA (16th and 26th of the Arabic Alphabet)

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Chapter 20:

Tha-Ha (16th and 26th of the Arabic Alphabet)

Total Verses: 135

As the two letters ‘Ta’ and ‘Ha’ are mentioned in the first verse of this chapter, it is named like this.

In the name Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. Ta, Ha.2

2. (O Mohammed) We have not revealed this Quran to you that you become miserable.

3. We (revealed) this to the fearing of us as a teaching.

4. (This) is revealed by the Creator of highest heavens507 and the earth.

5. The most Beneficent sat511 on the ‘Arsh’.

6. Whatever in the heavens,507 on the earth, in between these two and under the earth belong only to him.

7. And if you speak the word loudly then indeed, He knows (not only that but also) and that which is more secret.

8. There is no one worshipful except Allah. He has beautiful names.

9. And do you know the news about Moosa?

10. When he saw the fire , he said to his family, “Wait, I saw a fire. From that I will bring you a torch or I will find any other way for fire.”

11. When he came there he was called, ‘O Musa’.

12. Indeed, I am your God. So , remove your footwear. You are in the sacred valley of ‘Thuva’.

13. I have selected you. So, you hear the message revealed to you.

14. Indeed, I am Allah. There is no one worshipful except Me.So, you worship Me. Hence, establish prayer in order to remember Me.

15. Indeed, that Hour1 has to come. I have hidden it, in order that the reward will be given to everyone according to his effort.

16. Let not the one who followed his desire, without believing that, prevent you from that. (If it is so) you will be ruined.

17. And God asked, “O Musa, what is in your right hand?”

18. He said, “This is my staff. I will lean on it. With this , I will pluck down leaves for my sheep. I have many other uses in it.”

19. He said, “O Musa, throw it down.”

20. When he threw it, it became a hissing snake.

21. He said, “Hold it without fear. We will change it into its former state.”

22. And place your hand to your side. It will come out white (bright), harmless. It is another sign.

23. We show some of Our great signs.

24. You go to Firaun. (God said), he has transgressed.

25. He Said, “My God, open my mind for me.”

26. Make my work easy.

27. And untie the knots from my tongue.

28. (Only then) they will understand my word.

29. ,& 30. And you make my brother Haroon from my family as my assistant.26

31. You strengthen me with him.

32. And make him partner in my work.

33. That we will pray you more.

34. And that we will remember you more.

35. Indeed, You are ever seeing us.

36. He said, “O Musa, your request is granted.”

37. And We have favored one more time.

38. Remember, We informed your mother that which will have to be informed.

39. (We informed your mother), “Place him (the child) in a box and put it in the sea. The sea will bring to the shore. The one who is an enemy to Me and him, will take him.” I bestowed My love upon you in order that you will be brought under My care.

40. Your sister went and said, “Shall I inform you about the nurse for the child?” So , We brought him back in order that your mothers eyes will become cool(mind should be content) and that she will not grieve. You have killed a soul.375 We saved you from grief. We tested484 you in many ways. You lived with the people of Madyan for many years. O Musa, then you returned according to (My) plan.

41. And I have selected you for Me.

42. You and your brother go with My signs. Do not get tired in remembering Me.

43. Both of you go to Firaun. Indeed, he has transgressed.

44. He (also said), “ And both speak only polite words. He may learn a lesson or may fear.”

45. Both said, “Our God, indeed, we fear that he will cause us harm or he may transgress on us.”

46. He said, “ Do not be afraid. Indeed, I am with you,49 Seeing and Hearing.”

47. & 48. Both of you go to him and say, “ indeed, we are your God’s messengers. So, you send the children of Israel with us181. Do not give them trouble. We have brought signs from your God. Peace be upon those who followed the right way. Indeed, it is informed to us that for those who denied, considering it a lie, there is suffering.”

49. He ask , “O Musa, who is your God, to both of you?”

50. He said, “My God is the one who gave a shape for everyone and then showed the right way.”

51. He asked, “ What is the status(fate) of the previous generation?”

52. He said, “The knowledge about that is in the(master) Register157 of my God. My God will neither err nor forget.”

53. He only made this earth a cradle.284 He made the ways easy for you. By sending down water from the heaven,507 We brought forth various kinds of plants in pairs, with it.242

54. Eat. Allow your cattle to grace. There are many signs in it for the intelligent.

55. We created you only from this(Earth). We will return only to this. We will bring you out another time.

56. And We certainly showed him (Firaun) all our signs. He rejected considering them lies.

57. He ask, “O Musa, have you come to us, to drive us out from our land with your magic?”

58. (He also said) , “We will also do such magic to you. Fix a time in a common place (To conduct the competition) between you and us. Neither we nor you will violate that.”

59. He said, “Festival day is the time for you. Let the people be gathered in the forenoon.”

60. Firaun went back and finalized his plot. Then he came.

61. Musa said to them, “ You will only incur loss. Do not invent lies on Allah. He will destroy you with suffering. The inventor has incurred loss.”

62. They debated among themselves. They did it secretly.

63. (They) Said , “Indeed both of them are magicians. They want to drive you from your land with their magic. They want to destroy your great practice”.

64. (They Said) , “Keep your plot ready. Then march in order. Those who will win the competition are the winners. ”

65. (Magicians) Asked, “O Musa, would you (want to) throw or should we throw first?”

66. He said, “No. You throw.” At once, their ropes and staff appeared to him hissing due to their magic.285

67. And Musa felt fear in him.

68. (We) said, “Do not fear. Indeed, you will only be superior.”

69. (Also said) , “And you throw that which is in your right hand. It will swallow what they have done. What they have done is a trick of a magician182. When he comes (for competition) magician will never win.”

70. At once, the magicians fell on ‘Sajda’ and said, “ We believed in the God of Musa and Haroon.”

71. He(Firaun) said, “Have you believed him before I give you permission? Indeed, it is he, your teacher who had taught you magic. So I will crucify you, by cutting your hands and feet on opposite sides, on the trunk of date-palm. (Then) you will know who among us is the severe punisher and stable.”

72. (They) said, “We will not prefer you over the clear signs which have come to us and our Creator. So, you give whatever judgment you want. You will give the judgment only in the worldly life.”

73. (Also said) , “Indeed, we have believed in our God in order that, He will forgive our sins and the magic which compelled us to do. Allah is the Best and Everlasting.”

74. Indeed, for the one, who comes to his God as a sinner, there is only hell. He will neither die nor live in it.

75. High degrees are only for those who come to his God, doing good deeds and as believers.

76. There are permanent gardens or paradise. Beneath them rivers flow. They will remain there permanently. This is the reward for those who lived a pure life.

77. And We reveal to Musa, “Lead My servants. Make for them a way, which is not wet, in the sea. Do not be afraid of being caught. Do not fear(anything).”

78. Firaun followed them with his army. Whatever that has to cover in the sea covered him

79. And Firaun led his people astray. Did not show the right way.

80. O children of Israel, We saved you from your enemy. We promised the right side of the ‘Mountain Thur’. We sent down, ‘Mannu and Salwa’442(as food) for you.

81. Eat pure (things),that we have given you. Do not transgress here. (If you do like that) My anger will descend on you. He has fallen, on whom My anger has descended.

82. Indeed, I will forgive those who repented, believed, did good deeds and then got the right way.

83. ( God asked) , “ O Musa, Why did you leave your people in haste ?”.

84. He said , “ They come here behind me , my God. I came in haste to you in order to please you.

85. (God) said , “ indeed , We tested484 your people after you departed. ‘Samiri’ has led them astray.”

86. At once, Musa returned to his people in anger and grief (stricken). Asked , “ O my people, did not your God give you a good promise ?. Or, was it a long time ( after my departure) ? Or , did you break your promise to me, in order that you wanted that your God’s anger should descend upon you?”

87. (They said) , “ We did not plan to break the promise to you. Instead, we were made to carry the ornaments of those people. We threw them. ‘ Samiri’ also threw.

88. He brought –forth a body, like a calf to them. It made a sound. At once, he said, “ This is only your God, God of Musa. He went astray19”.

89. Should they not observe, “ It will not answer any word and it has not got any authority either to harm or to do good to them ? “

90. Before this, Haroon has said to them , “ O my people , you have been tested484 by this. Indeed , the most Beneficent is your God. So, follow me. Obey my order. “

91. They said , “ we will continue in this till Musa returns to us.”

92. 93. Musa asked26 , “ O Harun, what is the hurdle to you in not following me, when you saw them go astray. You have disobeyed my order.”

94.(Haroon) said , “ O son of my mother, do not hold my beard and head. I feared that you might say that I have caused division among the children of Israel without waiting for your word”.

95. ( Musa) asked , “ O Samiri , what is your matter ?”

96. ( He) said, “ I saw what they did not see. I took a handful from (under) feet of this messenger. I threw it. Thus , my mind charmed me19”.

97. ( Musa) said, “ You get out. And indeed, ever you will say in ( the state of ) your life , ‘ do not touch me’. You have also a fixed time which can not be changed. See your god that you worshipped. We will burn it in the fire and scatter in the sea19.”

98. Your God is only Allah. (No one ) is worshipful except Allah. He has the knowledge of everything in detail.

99. ( O Muhammad) , thus, We tell you the news that went before. We have also revealed you Our message.

100. Those who disobey will bear the sin on the Day of Khiyamah1.

101. They will remain there permanently. It will be an evil burden for them on the Day of Khiyamah1.

102. On the Day1, the ‘sur’ is blown, We will raise the sinners with blue eyes.

103. They will converse among themselves secretly , “ you lived in this (world) but for ten days.”

104. We know what they say, when the knowledgeable among them say , “ You lived in this (world) but for a day.

105. And they ask you ( O Muhammad) , about the mountains. Say , “ My God will blast them into particles of dust.”

106. And then, He will make it an open waste land.

107. You will not see any ups and downs ( elevation or depression).

108. On that Day1 , they will follow the ‘caller’ without any denial. All the sounds will become subdued before the most Beneficent. You will not hear any other (sound) except the sound of the feet.

109. On that Day1 , no one’s intercession will be useful17except the one whom the most Beneficent has permitted and accepted his word.

110. He knows what is before them and behind them. They will not know Him completely.

111. And faces will be bowed downward before the Ever-living. The one who carried the injustice has incurred the loss.

112. A person who does good deeds, while he is a believer will not fear that he will be caused injustice or given less.

113. And thus , We sent down the Quran in Arabic489 language 227 , in order that they will fear (God) or to teach them a lesson, we have warned clearly in it.

114. Allah , the true King, is exalted. Do not be in haste in matter of Quran152&312 before His revelation is completed to you. Say , “ My God , increase knowledge to me447”.

115. And indeed, We took promise from Adam before. He forgot. I did not find any firmness in him.

116. And when We said to the angels to do ‘sajda’ all11 except Iblis509 did ‘sajda’. He refused.

117. O Adam, indeed, he is an enemy to you and to your wife. Let him not remove you from paradise12. Then you will become miserable.

118. Indeed, you will not be here with hunger. Will not become naked.

119. ( We said) , “ And indeed, you will not be here with thirst. Sun ( its rays ) will not fall on you”.

120. Shaitan induced bad thoughts in him. ( He) said , “ O Adam, shall I inform you about the tree (which will give you) a permanent (life) and imperishable rule”.

121. And both of them ate from that. Their private parts were exposed to them174 . Both of them tried to cover themselves with leaves of the paradise. Adam disobeyed his God. So, he went astray.

122. Then his God selected him. He forgave him and showed the right way.

123. Both of you , get down altogether. A few among you will be the enemies of a few others. If the right way comes to you from Me, then the one who follows My right way will not go astray. He will not be miserable.

124. For the one, who turns away from My teaching, indeed, there is life of hardship. We will raise him up blind on the Day of Khiyamah1 .

125. He will ask, “ My God , why have you raised me blind, when I had sight ?”

126. (God) will say , “ Thus, it is. Our verses came to you. As you forgot them, this day you are forgotten.

127. And We will give reward to one who transgressed without believing My verses. The suffering of the hereafter is severe and permanent.

128. Has it not shown them, the right way that We have destroyed ever so many generations ?. These (people) walk on the places where they resided. Indeed , for those who have knowledge there are signs.

129. And the (destruction) would have been confirmed if an appointed period of time and fate had not preceded from your God.

130. Be patient (O Muhammad), about what they say. You glorify and praise your God, before the rising of the sun, before the setting of sun and during the hours of the night. You pray at the ends of the day. You may be satisfied with ( the reward you get).

131. And (O Muhammad) do not project your eyes towards the attraction of the worldly life, which We gave to a few among them, to test.484 Your God’s wealth is the best and the permanent.

132. And enjoin(tell) ( O Muhammad) your family to pray. You bear with (the trouble) , incurred because of that. I have not asked for wealth from you. We only give wealth to you. The good outcome is only for fearing (the God).

133. And they ask, “ Should he not bring signs from his God to us?”. Have not the signs of the previous Books reached them ?”

134. And if we had destroyed them, with suffering before, they would have said, “ Our God , should you not have sent any messenger to us?. We would have followed your verses before we had incurred humiliation and disgraced ?

135. All expect. Say , “ You also expect. You will know, who has got the right way and who is eligible for the right way.”

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