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453. Paradise to be destroyed and recreated on earth.

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453. Paradise to be destroyed and recreated on earth.

These verses (14:48, 21:104, 39:67) of the Quran talk of the destruction of the heavens and earth to be recreated again as new. This gives rise to a question whether heaven and hell are to be destroyed.

 There are hadiths that declare of Prophet Muhammad having witnessed the Paradise on his Mehraj journey. From these hadiths it comes to be known that paradise has already been created and is located in the heavens.

And from the declaration in the Quran, about the martyrs being immediately allowed to enter the paradise and remain there in green colored cages, confirms the paradise has already been created.

But at the time of destruction of the world, the heavens, the earth, the paradise and hell, will also be destroyed and created afresh. This is the way of Almighty God. Creating and destroying the same is portrayed as the exclusive attribute of the Almighty is pointed by Him.

A man would think after having purchased something whether he would be able to buy a new one if it is destroyed, or he would think of the difficulties he would face in obtaining new one, but the Almighty who creates by just a command ‘Be’ and it comes into being does not have to face any such difficulty in recreating things and living organisms is proudly declared by Him in verses (10:4, 10:34, 27:64, 29:19, 30:11, 30:27, 85:13) of the Quran. 

From the above verses we come to understand the world would be turned to its initial stages when there was nothing and Allah would recreate the same again from scratch. We do not find any exception anywhere, in the case of paradise.

Though Paradise has been created already, the same would be destroyed and recreated is the right message conveyed here and, this is the destination of the paradise dwellers. Verses (14:48, 21:104) of the Quran talk about the destruction of the earth and heavens when the world is destroyed all together.

The message that the heavens will be destroyed conveys paradise faces the same fate, and the message that the heaven will be recreated says about the fate of the paradise.

Verses (3:133, 57:21) of the Quran also mention the size of the paradise to be multifold when compared to its counterpart in the heavens. We come to understand from the above, the paradise in the heavens at the moment is quite different from the one yet to be created that includes the heavens and the earth.

We are aware of the fact that after the decimation of the world, all the dead men on earth would be resurrected again, and this would take place on this earth, says verse (20:55) of the Quran. There is evidence to show the dead would be resurrected only on earth, and nothing that says they will be resurrected and taken above. Moreover the verses (18:47,48, 20:105-108, 39:68,69, 20:55, 7:25, 71:17,18, 30:25, 54:6,7,8) of the Quran declare clearly that the paradise yet to be created would be on earth. On analyzing and compiling the available evidences, we come to understand, after the destruction of the heavens, the earth, the paradise, the hell, and all that existed at the time, would be recreated as new, and that the dead would be resurrected in the earth, which would be much bigger in size with the paradise located in it. Though many have expressed their own opinions regarding paradise and hell, we do not find anything contrary to the thoughts expressed by us and hence we conclude our opinion aptly.

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