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90. The meaning of the Quran's mention of Prophet Isa as ‘Allah’s Word.’

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90. The meaning of the Quran's mention of Prophet Isa as ‘Allah’s Word.’

Verses (3:39, 3:45, 4:171) of the Quran quote Prophet Isa as ‘word of Allah’ and verses

4:171, 15:29, 21:91, 66:12 of the Quran says Prophet Isa as the ‘soul of Allah’. 

Christians misunderstand the usage of these words of the Quran and say Prophet Isa is ‘the son of God’ and propagate that the concept is also in agreement with Quranic verses. Verses 2:116, 4:171, 10:68, 17:111, 18:4, 19:35, 19:88-93, 21:26, 23:91, 25:2, 37:149-153, 39:4, 43:81 of the Quran clearly and without any doubt says not only Prophet Isa, but anyone for that matter can also never be the begotten of Al-Mighty. Then, why does the Quran refer to Prophet Isa as the ‘soul of Allah’. Normally to create a human being a male sperm and a female egg are required, but Prophet Isa was created with a commandment of Allah. This is the reason that the Quran mentions Prophet Isa as the word of God. 

The sky, the earth, and numerous others, in fact all other creations were the result of the commandments of Allah, but all these cannot be the offspring of Allah. Just because there is mention of Prophet Isa in the Quran as the ‘soul of Allah’ doesn’t mean he is the son of God.

When we say it’s my hand or it’s my pen, we see the word is used in two different contexts. When the word my hand is used it means ‘a part of me’. 

At the same time when one says my pen it does not connote the pen as a part of his body, meaning pen is not part of one’s body, the reason being pen cannot be a part of the body like the hand is.

When one says my pen, we take it as one’s possession. 

In the same way the phrase ‘Prophet Isa as the soul of Allah’ needs to be taken in this context. People will understand it as “A soul that was created with My (His, God’s) commandment’. 

Hence when we say the soul of God means a part of his belonging and not a part of his soul itself. Verses 15:29, 38:72 of the Quran talks of Adam (A.S) as the soul of Allah. But Christians do not call him the son of God. 

We need to give a clear and similar identity in understanding the verses of the Quran with regard to Adam (A.S) and Isa (A.S).and conclude that Adam (A.S) and Isa (A.S) are quoted in the same context in the Quran, and not to distinguish between the prophets to suit the needs of individuals as that of Christians. Verse 3:59 of the Quran clearly says Adam (A.S) and Isa (A.S) were created in an identical manner.

Please refer to explanation point No.86 to know more about words that give a dual meaning. 

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