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239. Why are there no females among messengers of God?

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239. Why are there no females among messengers of God?

Verses (12:109, 16:43, 21:7) of the Quran say messengers of God all of them men were sent to guide people to the straight path, 

This should not be construed as an ignominy on women.

.A lot of discrimination is exhibited between men and women in spirituality of different faiths of the world. Quran discloses in many places about the absence of any discrimination between men and women in Islam regarding spiritualism. There is no difference between men and women in reaching heights in spiritualism by doing good deeds and receiving God’s rewards for such acts can be seen from verses (40:40, 4:124, 16:97, 3:195, 33:35) of the Quran.

A woman who has done more good deeds is held in a higher esteem than a man who has done lesser. People are awarded in the hereafter based not on gender they belong to, but on their deeds ,acts, and ideology they follow.

Hence it can be seen that females are not excluded to be messengers because of their gender. 

And also not excluded because they are considered unfit to meet arch angel Jibreel while carrying down messages from God Almighty.

It can be seen from the verses (20:38, 28:7) of the Quran a message being sent to Prophet Musa’s mother.

And also can be seen from verses (3:47, 19:7) of the Quran the message about Arch Angel Jibreel delivering commands of Allah to Maryam (AS)

And verses (66:11-12) while talking about the characteristics of a true Muslim point out to two persons both female.

When the Almighty points out two females as precedants to true Muslims,it can be understood that females can excel compared to men in spiritualism.

Then why were females not sent as messengers of God?

The work of a messenger of God is a rigorous task, not possible even by all men. 

.A person sent as a messenger of God need to face single handedly all ideologies and doctrines against monotheism during which they may be:-

A) Killed 

B) Banished.

C) Tortured by stoning. 

D) Subjected to nudity.

and undergo various other torments.

And foremost of all these is they may be subjected to sexual assaults again and again. 

A woman can never be able to face a whole community single handedly and bear the difficulties while doing so.

Even today women prefer tasks that are not painstaking, like lifting heavy loads, pulling along heavy loads etc;. The task of messengers of God is much tougher than all this. 

The evidences we have cited above doubtlessly point out that the responsibility of prophethood was not granted to women folk because of gender discrimination or to bring them ignominy 

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