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Chapter 14: Ibrahim (The messenger of God). Total. 52 Verses.

In this chapter, certain important events in the (life) story of Ibrahim, the messenger of God, are mentioned. This chapter is named ‘Ibrahim’ because in 35th verse we find Ibrahim, after renovating ‘Kabathulla’ , prays to Allah wishing that this place be made into a place of refuge. We find in the 37th verse, the news of the settlement of his family in the deserted expanse of ‘Makka’ by the command of Allah and we find in this verse, the incident in which God gives him two children, ‘ Ismail’ and ‘ Isac’ at his old age.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. Alif, Lam, Ra. (2). We have revealed this Book to you, in order that you will lead the people, with the permission of their God, towards light from darkness (429) and to the way of the praise-worthy and the exalted.

2. Whatever in the heavens507 and on the earth belong only to Allah. For the disbelievers there is a danger of severe torment.

3. They like this worldly life rather than the hereafter. They prevent from Allah’s way. They present it as a crooked religion. They are in astray, faraway (from truth).

4. And We sent every messenger only in the language of those people in order that he will explain (clearly the message) to his people244. Allah leaves astray whom He wants. He guides rightly whom He wants. He is Almighty, the Wise.

5. And certainly, We sent ‘Musa’ with Our signs, ordering,“Lead your people from the darkness429 to light. Remind them of the bounties of Allah.” Indeed, there are signs for the patient and the grateful (person).

6. And remind them what Musa said to his people,” Remember the favour of Allah (on you) by rescuing you from Firaun’s people. They made you taste the worst suffering. They slaughtered your men-folk alike. There was a great test from your God, in this,”

7. And remember, that which your God declared.” I shall give more if you are grateful. If you are thankless, then My torment is severe.”

8. And Musa said, “Even if you and all others in the earth disbelieve, Allah is free from all needs485 and praiseworthy.

9. Has not the news come to you , about the people of ‘Nuh’ the people of ‘Aad’ and the people of ‘tamud’ who went before and those who come after them? Nobody knows them except Allah. Their messengers brought them clear signs. These people closed their mouths with their hands. They said, “ Indeed, we have disbelieved that which you have been sent with. We are in grave doubt about that to which you invite us”.

10. Their messengers said,” Do you doubt Allah who has created the heavens507 and the earth? He invites you in order to forgive your sins and to give time for a specified period to you”. They ask, “ You are only persons like us. You want to prevent us from worshipping our forefathers. Therefore, you bring us a clear miracle.”

11 Their messengers said,”We are only persons like you, but Allah gives His favour to whom He wants, among His servants. We cannot bring any miracle to you without the permission of Allah. The believers should only trust Allah”. 

12 ( And said), “ What has happened to us that we should not trust Allah? He has showed us our way. We will tolerate the trouble you give us. Firm believers should only trust Allah”.

13,14. And the disbelievers said to their messengers, “ We will drive you out of our land or you have to return to our religion.” Their God sent news to them (messengers), “ We shall destroy those who have caused injustice. Then, We will settle you in their place.” This is for those who fear to stand before Me and for those who feared My warning 26.

15. And (messengers) got success. Every obstinate tyrant incurred loss.

16. Hell is before him. He will be made to drink purulent water.

17. He will swallow it sip by sip. That will not enter into his throat. Death will approach him from every direction. But, he will not die. In addition there is also severe suffering.

18. The example of the disbelievers is ash. On the day of cyclone, heavy winds blow it away. They will not have power over whatever they gathered. It is this extreme error (It is far away from truth ).

19. Have you not understood that Allah has created the heavens507 and the earth with proper reason? If He warns He will destroy you and bring a new creation.

20. And it is not difficult for Allah.

21. And all will stand before Alllah. The weak will ask the people who were proud,” We followed only you. So, will you save us from the suffering of Allah even to a small extent? They shall say in reply,” If Allah had guided us we would have guided you. As far as we are concerned whether we get angry or tolerate, it is all the same. we have no place of refuge.”

22. And after the judgement was passed, shaitan will say, “Allah gave true promise to you. I also gave a promise and have broken my promise. I have no power over you except that you accepted my invitation. So, do not blame me. You blame yourself. I cnnot be your saviour. You cannot also be my saviour. I deny your association of me (With God), before.” Indeed, for those who have caused injustice there is sever suffering.

23. And those who believed and did good deeds will be sent to the gardens of paradise. Beneath them rivers will flow. They shall live there permanently with the permission of God. Their greeting there will only be ‘Salam’159.

24. Have you not understood that Allah made an example of a good tree to a good principle? The root of that tree is (fixed deeply) firm and it branch reaches the heaven.507

25. All the time it gives food (fruits) with the permission of its God. Allah presents examples to the people so that they will learn a lesson.

26. And a bad tree is the example of a bad principle. It has been uprooted from above. It will not stand.

27. Allah establishes the believers with firm principle in this worldly life and in the hereafter. Allah leaves, those who have caused injustice, astray.Allah does what He wants.

28,29. Were you not aware of those who change the mercy of Allah into disbelief (in Allah) and made their people stay in hell called the world of ruin? They will char in that. That is a very bad living place.

30. And they associated others to Him so that they can lead astray (from the way of Allah). Say,” Enjoy yourself, indeed, your destination is only hell.”

31. Tell the believers, who are My servants, to establish prayer and to spend in (good) deeds, from what We have given to them, secretly and openly, before the coming of the day1. in which there is neither bargaining nor friendship.

32. It is Allah who created the heavens507 and the earth. He sent down water from the heaven. With that, He brought forth fruits as food for you. With His order He made the ship useful to you, to set sail in the sea. He also made the rivers useful to you.

33. And He made the sun and the moon useful to you in their constant movement. He made the night and day useful to you.

34. And He gave you everything you asked. If you count Allah’s favour you cannot finish counting them. Indeed, human-being caused injustice. He is ungrateful.

35. And remind what Ibrahim said245,” O God, make this place, a place of refuge, secure 34 .Protect me and my children from worshipping the idols.”

36. O God, these have lead many people astray. Those who follow me, belong to me. If anyone acts against me then indeed, You are Forgiving and the Merciful.

37. O our God, I have settled my progeny near your Holy House33, in a valley which is unfit for cultivation, so that they shall establish there prayer. So, our God, make the minds of a few among the people incline towards them. You give them fruits as food so that they will be gratesful to you 246.

38. O our God, indeed, You know what we hide and reveal. Nothing on the earth or in the heavens507 can hide from Allah.

39. All praise be to Allah who gave Ismail and Isac in my old age. Indeed, my God is the accepter of prayer.

40. O my God, make me and my descendants establishers of prayer. O our God, accept my prayer.

41. Ibrahim (Also said247), “O our God, forgive me, my parents and the believers on the day1 when the enquiry is conducted.”

42. And do not think that Allah dose not observe the deeds of those who have caused injustice. Allah has delayed them only for the day in which their sights will remain still.

43. (On that day), they will run recklessly, raising their heads high. The sights which remained still will not return to the earlier state. Their minds will also become inactive.

44. And warn the people of the day(1) which will cause suffering. Those who have caused injustice will say “O Our God, give us time for a short period. We will accept your invitation and follow the messengers”. Have you not made promise and have been telling before that there will never be destruction for us?

45. ( It will be said to them ), “ And you have been settled in this settlements of those who have caused wrong to themselves. It was known to you clearly , how We treated them. We also presented you many examples.”

46. And they did severe planning. Even though their plot could dislodge a mountain (the success) of the plot is only will with Allah.

47. You do not think that Allah will break the promise that He has given to His messengers. In deed Allah is the Almighty and the Punisher .

48. On that day1 , earth will be changed into another earth and the heaven507 will be changed225 into (another heaven)453. (They) will be gathered towards Allah, The one , the Subjugator.

49. And you will see, on that day1 , the criminals shackled in chains .

50. Their shirts are prepared with tar. Their faces will be covered with fire

51. Allah will reward every one according to what he has done. Indeed , Allah is quick in inquiring .

52. This has to reach the mankind 187 ( This is revealed) so that with this they will be warned , thereby they will know that there is only one who is worshipful. And those of understanding will think.

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