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245. Prophet Ibrahim’s prayer was turned down.

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245. Prophet Ibrahim’s prayer was turned down.

The verses (2;145, 14:35) of the Quran say the prayers by Prophet Ibrahim were not granted by Allah.

Of all the messengers of God, Prophet Ibrahim is given much prominence in the Quran to the extent that he is mentioned as a friend of God.And exhorts Muslims to follow him.

Prophet Ibrahim who is held in such high regard by the Quran pleaded with Allah to protect his heirs from idolatry (verse 14:35). But his descendants turned out to be idolaters.

And he also prays to Allah to make his descendants be pious. But Allah rejects his prayers by mentioning not to intercede on behalf of evil doers.(verse 2:124)

This shows however great a messenger may be, there is no guarantee/assurance that his prayers would be accepted in full. This verse strictly imposes the ideology that God will put into action whatever He wills.

This is in strong refutation of those who believe that if the pious/saints/savants/ demand things will be granted by the great Almighty.

These people should ponder about Prophet Ibrahim being mentioned as friend of God was refused a prayer by God Almighty.

To know how the shrine worshippers are wrong in their arguments please refer explanations points 17, 41, 49, 79, 83, 100, 104, 121, 122, 140, 141, 193, 213, 215, 269, 298, 327, 397, 427, 471.

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