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244. The messengers spoke the language of the community.

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244. The messengers spoke the language of the community.

The verses (14:4, 19:97, 44:58) of the Quran say, the prophets sent to particular communities spoke the language of that community, the mother tongue of that prophet...

The reason for this is the fact, the task of the messengers does not end with the delivery of the message, but also to explain it in the same native language of the community for them to understand.

This is a fitting reply to those who say they cannot accept the explanations of the prophet, only his revelation.

This verse (14:4) of the Quran is a befitting reply in no certain words to those who keep saying the task of the prophet is only to to deliver the words of God and not explain. Each and every word of this verse seems like it has been designed to refute these peoples claim.

Allah declares in the Quran through this verse, he has sent messengers to communities that speak the same language as the of the messenger. The Almighty also clarifies in the verse about the reason for sending in the prophets is they could explain the scriptures in the same language spoken by the communities.

Let’s imagine like this, our mother tongue is Tamil, if the person bringing a letter in Tamil does not know Tamil language it does not in any way affect us the receivers of the letter.

We will not be bothered about the language of the letter,.If the contents are understood by the people to whom it is meant.

But if a letter is sent through a person who is required to explain the contents of the letter to the reciever, then it is a must he knows and understands the same language in which the letter is sent.

The Almighty says the Quran was delivered in the same way. If any one is stubborn enough to say that “ I will understand the Quran as per my desire and do not require the explanation of the person bringing the letter would lead to refuting the above cited verse.

Allah says in the Quran only when the messenger knows the language of the community could he explain the scripture sent to them. Refuting the saying of God regarding the requirement of a messenger to explain the contents of the scripture is against the Quran.

The task of the messenger was not only to deliver the scripture but also to explain its contents to people. And it was the duty of those people to accept it.

It would be a great injustice if the people of that particular period alone are educated about the scripture they are delivered and the rest to follow them are deprived of it. The Almighty has in many places of the Quran made it clear that he does not in any way perpetuate injustice to anyone. 

The people of the day used to get clarifications from Prophet Muhammad regarding their doubts.The explanations given by Prophet Muhammad to the doubts of people regarding the Quran belongs to people of all ages to come and are designated as Hadiths which are still safeguraded.

People who say that Prophet Muhammad did not offer any explanations to the verses of the Quran, are refuting the above verses 

If it has been accepted that messengers were offering explanations for the verses of scriptures all along means those explanations stand good for all times.

Hence these verses prove, the explanations given by Prophet Muhammad are very much necessary.

To know more about obeying Allah’s commandments and follow Prophet Muhammad’s guidance please refer explanation points nos. 18, 36, 39, 50, 55, 56, 57, 60, 67, 72, 105, 125, 127, 128, 132, 154, 164, 184, 255, 256, 258, 286, 318, 350, 352, 358, 430

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