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34. The holy place of worship that is safeguarded. 

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34. The holy place of worship that is safeguarded.

The first place in the world built to worship the Creator is Kaaba. This place of worship will remain as a place of refuge for humans is said in the following verses of the Quran (2:125, 3:97, 5:97, 14:35, 28:57, 105:1-5, 106:4) 

Makkah, declared 14 centuries ago as a place of refuge for humans, remains so after innumerable changes of governments there till today.

It has remained a place of worship for the past 1443 years, invincible by any force, and of having repulsed all attacks on it. It remains a place of refuge as declared in the Quran till now. 

Some people put a perverse question asking how a place could where many people die during Hajj be called a place of refuge,

These people do not understand the meaning of the words ‘place of refuge’ 

Wise people would understand these words are said not with an implication that no one will lose their lives while in Makkah. Numerous deaths have taken place before and after these verses have been revealed. These verses declaring Makkah as a place of refuge were delivered when people were eyewitness to deaths taking place regularly there. Companions of Prophet Muhammad who were close to him died in MakkahHence we find that these verses cannot be considered as to mean nobody will ever die in Makkah. 

Deaths of people occur when, where, and how the Almighty wills, this is Islamic belief. Similar is the case of people who happen to die in Makkah. 

There is a practice among Muslims even today, of those leaving on pilgrimage to Makkah, asking forgiveness from their near and dear for their misdeeds, because Muslims do not believe deaths, accidents will not occur in Makkah. From this it can be figured out that one cannot question people about what they do not believe. 

There were instances where some mischief makers entered the precincts of Kaaba and staged an attack. Based on this some question the veracity of the verse declaring Makkah as ‘a place of refuge.’

Declaration as a place of refuge does not necessarily mean there would not be any disagreement within groups of people or a fight within would not take place, nor will there be a supportive armed resistance.

This means those who wish to destroy Islam cannot or will not be able to do so or capture Makkah.

Would Muslims due to ignorance fight amongst themselves in the place of refuge, shed blood in its precincts, and cause damages to Kaaba, Islam does not deny such a possibility. In fact, Islam prophecies such an eventuality. 

This place cannot be destroyed by anyone except by those who claim its ownership, when that happens do not ask about the destruction that will take place to Arabs. Later the Kaaba will be destroyed by Abysinians to a stage where it cannot be renovated at all. –Book Ahmad. 

People with lanky legs from Abyssinia will demolish the Kaaba said Prophet Muhammad. 

1591.Book Bukhari:1591 

As per the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad there was a fight between Hajjaj Bin Yusuf and Abdullah Bin Zubair when blood was shed in this place of refuge, and Kaaba was damaged and rebuilt twice. 

Similarly, a section of Shias called as Karamith in the year Hijiri 317 during Hajj entered Makkah and killed several (Hajis) pilgrims and carried away the Ha-jarul Aswath stone to Bahrain, a Shite country. Ha-jarul Aswath was not there in Makkah for a period of 22 years. It was returned and handed back in the year Hijiri 337 (i.e.) after 22 years.

All these incidents point out the fact that Muslims alone would be responsible for the destruction of the place of refuge.

The fact that Allah made this a place of refuge is not negated here. If Muslims themselves do not bring destruction to the place of refuge, it will remain so. And if Muslims spoil the sanctity of the place of worship themselves, the argument that this place is not a place of refuge does not stand, because it has not been won by others as is proven.

The explanations given by Prophet Muhammad should be read along with these verses to understand fully. 

The enemies of Islam will be defeated is the underlying message. 

And it also means that Makkah will not go to the hands of people who do not believe in the sanctity of the place of worship. 

The British imperialists who ruled almost the entire world could not get close to Makkah, though they laid their hands on lands nearby. 

Even during the Crusades fought against Islam with the targeted objective of capturing Makkah, could not be fulfilled. 

Hence Makkah remains doubtlessly a place of refuge forever. 

 Hence, we find these verses standing testimony as words of Al Mighty. 

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