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247. Can we seek forgiveness for those who equated God? 

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247. Can we seek forgiveness for those who equated God?

The Almighty explains in this verse (9:113) about how Muslims and Prophet Muhammad need implement the ideology of Islam.

This explanation pertains to Muslims and Prophet Muhammad as not to seek forgiveness for their parents and relatives if they happen to be idolaters.

When the Almighty has strictly mentioned in the Quran about not forgiving idolaters, the attempt to seek forgiveness for them is violating s commandment.

Generally man is inclined to punish those who wrong, but when it comes to close relatives he forgives though they have wronged. 

But the attribute of God is directly opposite.The almighty gets annoyed when someone else is delegated to His position. Though Muslims and Prophet Muhammad are close to Him than all others, when comes to His dignity He overrides all considerations. Creating an equal to Him and playing with His dignity annoys Him to a great extent. He does not forgive them and also considers asking for their forgiveness a crime. 

The verse above clearly explains this ideology..

We can pray for the proper guidance of non-Muslims, we can pray for their riches in this world, we can pray for their well being in this world. The great God Who permits all these actions refuses to permit anyone equating Him with others.

And even Prophet Muhammad is not any exemption in this matter, says this verse.

We can get a better clarity on this verse, when we look into the period it was revealed.

When Abu Talib was in his deathbed Prophet Muhammad visited him. At that time Abu Jahal was in the company of Abu Talib.Prophet Muhammad said to Abu Talib “ Oh, my great uncle say there is no god other than Allah, even now it is not late, I will plead to Allah on your behalf “ At that instance Abu Jahal and Abdullah bin Abi Umayiya the two of them said “Oh Abu Talib! Do you want to forsake the religion of Abdul Muthalib? The two kept on talking to Abu Talib until he refused to come into the fold of Islam in spite of persuasion from Prophet Muhammad, who said he will continue asking for the forgiveness of Abu Talib until he was forbidden to do so. This was the time of the verse saying “equators of God are confirmed dwellers of hell and whosoever whether they are relatives of Muslims, the Prophet and other believers do not have any right to plead forgiveness on behalf of equators of God.”Verse 9:113. was revealed with the other (verse 28:56) saying Oh prophet! You cannot guide anyone whom you desire to the straight path”.

Narrator Musayyab bin Hasan bin Abi Wahb (R.A)

Hadith Book Bukhari: 3884, 4675

This message was revealed as a refusal to Prophet Muhammad when he attempted to seek forgiveness for Abu Talib in his deathbed, who was supportive in the spread of Islam, 

This incident makes clear that whoever transgresses the commandments of God cannot be offered succor, even by messengers of God.

Similarly we can see from the below Hadith, Prophet Muhammad was refused to seek for forgiveness for his mother. 

I tried to get permission from God to pray and seek forgiveness for my mother, but I was refused said the Prophet Muhammad. 

Hadith Book Muslim :1621, 1622

Not only Prophet Muhammad, even Prophet Ibrahim who is declared by Allah Himself as his friend attempted to seek forgiveness for his father, can be seen from verses 14:41, 19:47, 26:86 of the Quran. 

Prophet Ibrahim later kept away from such attempts after being reprimanded by Allah. Verse 9:114

 Allah says there is a model for muslims in Prophet Ibrahim to simulate, but in the matter of pleading forgiveness for his disbelieving father.Verse 60:4.

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