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429. There are waves in the deep sea. 

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429. There are waves in the deep sea. 

Verse 24:40 of the Quran, while talking about the sea, says there are waves and darkness in the deep sea. These two declarations of the Quran reflect two great scientific discoveries.

(This has been extensively explained in point no;303 of this compilation.)

There is scientific truth in the Quranic declaration that there are waves in the deep sea. Right from the time this verse of the Quran was revealed till the present century man was unaware of the fact waves existed in the deep sea.

When countries like Japan were affected by Tsunami, it was found out that the waves on the surface of the sea could traverse long distances but, cannot attain the height equal to that of a palm tree, and studies regarding the same were undertaken.

Unseen waves from above waves are generated under the sea that could travel at a speed of 500 miles/hour, destroying the entire surroundings on reaching the shores with huge force.

The Tsunami waves have the capacity to rise to a height 50 feet with a huge force to throw water along the coastal areas destroying everything on its way. The Tsunami waves that hit the shores of our country rose up to a height of 25 feet, say the people who witnessed the same.

Quakes under the sea close to the shore that create Tsunami waves capable of reaching the shores within a time of about 10 minutes. 

There are huge waves under the sea that rise out to the outer surface like an airplane from the bottom of the sea up to the height of a palm tree from the surface of the sea.

The Quran that revealed 1434 years ago that there are huge waves in the depths of sea proves itself to be the word of God. 

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