Chapter 13
Ar_Rãd – The Thunder
Total Verses: 43
This chapter is named Ar-Rãd because the 13th verse of this chapter, informs about thunder’s prayer to God.
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.
1. Alif, Laam, Meem, Ra2. These are the verses from this Book. It is a truth that it was revealed to you from your God. Yet, most of the people will not believe.
2. It is only Allah who raised the heavens507 without pillars that you see240. Then, He sat 511on the ‘Arsh’. He has kept the sun and the moon under his control. Each one of them runs for an appointed time241. It is He who administers the matter. In order that you should believe firmly the meeting with your God,488 he explains the signs.
3. And it is He who spread the earth . He placed the mountain and the rivers in it. From each fruit, he formed a pair242. He covers the night with darkness. For the people, who think, indeed, there are many signs.
4. And on the earth there are places which remain adjacent to one another. There are gardens of grapevine, crops and date-palms (trees) with branches and without branches. It is watered with the same water. We have made the one better than the other in taste. Indeed, there are many signs in it for the people who understand.
5. And if you are astonished then, their saying, “If we become dust can we indeed become new creation” is more astonishing than that. It is they who refused to accept their God. The shackles (chains) are only on the neck. It is they who are the people of hell. They will remain there permanently.
6. They seek evil in a hurry before the good. Before them, examples have been set. Even if they caused injustice, indeed, your God forgives people. And indeed, your God punishes severely.
7. And those who disbelieve ask, “Should not any sign be revealed from his God to him? You are only a warner. There is a guide for every nation.”
8. Allah knows what every women carries (In the womb), the contraction and the expansion of the womb. For each thing there is a fixed measure144.
9. He is the Knowing of the hidden and the seen, the Greatest and the Exalted.
10. One among you, who speaks secretly or loudly, hidden in the night or walks in the day, is (one and) the same (as far as He is concerned).
11. There are (angels) surrounding a man from the front and the back. They guard him by the order of Allah. Unless the people change, what is in themselves, Allah will not change that is with them. There is nobody to prevent when Allah wants to harm the people (of a community). There is nobody except Him to help them.
12. It is He who shows the lightning which causes fear and expectation. He also generates heavy clouds.
13. And the ‘thunder’ also glorifies and praises Him. Angels also (glorify and praise Him) because of His fear. It is He who sends thunderbolts. He punishes whom He wants with them (thunderbolts). They argue about Allah. He is Mighty in power.
14. The true prayer is only for Allah. To those whom these people pray, except Him, they will not answer them even to a smaller extent. They are like the people who keep both their hands stretched towards it so that the water will get into the mouth (of its own accord). It will not get into the mouth ( of its own accord). The prayers of the disbelievers ( of only one God) is only a waste.
15. And the things in the heavens507 and earth, whether they like it or not, prostrate (do sajda) only to Him. There shadows also prostrate (do sajda) to Him, in the morning and in the evening(396)
16.Ask ( O Muhammad), “ Who is the God of the heavens507 and the earth?” and say Allah. And say, “Have you imagined protectors other than Him? They do not have the power even to do either good or bad to themselves”. And ask , “Are the blind and the seeing equal ? Are darkness429 and light equal?” And say, “Have they imagined partners to Allah? Have they created anything like Allah that any confusion occurred to them about who created’? It is Allah who created everything. He is the one, the subjugating.
17. He sent down the water from heaven.507 It follows to the capacity of the canals. The flood carries floating foam. Such foam occurs when the ornaments and utensils, are melted in the fire. Thus, Allah gives example for truth and lie. Foam disappears. That which is useful to people remains in the earth. Thus, Allah gives examples.
18. There is good reward for those who accepts God’s invitation. Those who have not accepted His invitation shall give everything on the earth and they shall also be ready to give even if they own the like of it, as compensation. They have severe inquiry. Their dwelling (Home) is hell. That is a very bad place for rest.
19. Will the one, who has known what has been revealed from your God is true, be blind? Only the people of understanding will get a lesson.
20. They will fulfil Allah’s agreement. They shall not break their agreement.
21. And they will unite those (relatives) about whom Allah has ordered (them) to unite. They shall fear their God. They shall fear severe inquiry.
22. And they will resort to patience desiring their God’s satisfaction. They will establish prayer. They will spend (in good deeds) secretly and openly from what We have given to them. They will prevent bad with good. The (good) end in the world is for them.
23. They along with , their parents , wives and the good among the progeny enter into the permanent gardens of the paradise. Angels will enter and come to them from every gate.
24. As you have been patient, peace will be upon you(159). (The angels will say) that the judgment of this world is good (for you).
25. Curse is on those who, after making a promise with Allah, break it and severe that which Allah has ordered to be joined and they also spread corruption on the earth. For them there is disgrace in the hereafter.
26. Allah generously gives wealth to whom He wants. Also gives less. They get happy in the life of this world. When the worldly loss compared to the hereafter, is nothing but brief enjoyment.
27. The disbelievers ( of only one God) ask, “ should not there be a sign revealed to him from his God?” And say , “ Allah leaves them astray (wrong way) whom He wants. He shows the way for those who have repented.”
28. The minds of believers get peace with the remembrance of Allah. Remember , it is only with the remembrance of Allah the minds get peace.477
29. For those who believe and do good deeds (there is ) a comfortable life and beautiful place for rest.
30. Thus, we have sent you (O Muhammad) to the generation in order to inform them, about the revelation to you, from me. Before this, many generations have gone. They disbelieve in the most Beneficent. And say. “It is He who is my God. There is no body worshipful except Him. I trust only Him. My return is only to Him.”
31. (They will not believe), even though with the Quran, mountains are uprooted or the land is made into pieces or with that (they) were made to speak with the dead. All power belongs only to Him. Do not believers know if Allah had wanted He would have shown the right way to all the people? It is because of the deeds of the disbelievers, and till the coming of Allah’s order, calamity will (continue) to trouble them. Or it will descend near their place. And indeed, Allah will not go back on his promise.
32. And (observe), “Before you ( O Muhammad) messengers have been mocked at. Then I gave time to the disbelievers. Then I seized them. How was my punishment?”
33. Do they associate others with Allah, when Allah has been watching over the deeds of every one ? Ask, “ Explain about them.” Do you inform that which is not known to Him on the earth, or (they) mere words ? The plot of the disbeliever (of only one God) has been made attractive. They have been prevented from (good) way. There is no body to guide whoever Allah leaves astray.
34. For them there is suffering in the worldly life also. The suffering in the hereafter is severe. There is no body to protect them from Allah.
35. The status of paradise promised to those who fear (God) is such that beneath that rivers flow. The food and shade will be permanent. This is the end of those who fear (God). The end those who disbelieve is hell.
36. And to whoever We gave the Book (O Muhammad) they become happy over that which is revealed to you. In that group there are also people who disbelieve in certain things. Say , “ I have to worship Allah. I have been ordered not to associate others to Him. I invite you only towards Him. Return is also with Him”
37. And thus, we revealed it as law in the Arabic489 language(227). There is neither a guardian nor a saviour for you, if you follow (vain) desires, after this knowledge has come to you.
38. And we sent messengers before you. We made wives and children to you. No messenger can do any miracle without Allah’s permission. For every appointed time there is a record.
39. In this, Allah will erase what He wants or leave it untouched(30). The Mother of the Book(157) is only with Him.
40. (And what is it your concern, O Muhammad). If We show certain things to them from What we have warned or if We seized, your duty is to convey.Inquiry is with Us.
41. Do they not see that We come to the earth in order to reduce the earth from its borders?(243). Only Allah is giver of judgment. There is no one to postpone His judgment. He inquires swiftly.
43. And disbelievers say ,( O Muhammad) , “ you are not (God’s) messenger” . Say , “ Allah is a sufficient witness between me and you. Those who have the knowledge of the Book are also sufficient”.
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