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Part 15

Chapter 17: Banu-Israel (The children of Israel).

Total. 111 Verses.

This chapter is named Banu-Israel because verses 4 to 8 of this chapter mention about victories won by people of Israel, their turning away from God and the defeats incurred by them.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. The one who took His servant (Muhammad) by night, from Masjid-ul-Haram to Masjid-ul-Aqsa, whose surrounding We have made a blessing, to show His signs, is Pure10 (from all weaknesses). He is the Hearing, the Seeing.263

2. And We revealed the Book to Musa. We made that a right way to the children of Israel, denoting, “Do not make guardians of others except Me.”

3. O the descendants of those who boarded (the ship) with Nuh, indeed, he was a grateful Servant.

4. And we revealed to the people of Israel in that Book,”You will do corruption twice on the earth. You will become extremely proud.”

5. When the first of the two promises were fulfilled We sent against you Our servants who were severe and strong. They intruded into their house. It was a fulfilled promise.264

6. Then We gave you opportunity against them. We helped you with wealth and male children. We made you into a large number.

7. If you do good, then you do good only for yourselves. If you do bad then that is also for yourselves. When the second promise was fulfilled, they did harm to you. They entered into the Masjid (Baitul Muqadus). As they had entered into it before. They destroyed whatever came under their control.

8. Your God will give mercy. If you return towards (the old state) then We will also return. We have made the hell a prison for the disbelievers.

9. Indeed Quran shows the way towards the right way. It also conveys good news; “There is a great reward for those who have believed and did good deeds”.

10. And We have prepared painful suffering for those who have not believed in the hereafter.

11. Human-being prays for good and bad. Human-being is ever hasty.

12. And We made the night and the day as two signs. We made the sign of the night dim and the sign of the day bright, in order that (you should) seek the mercy from your God, to know the number of years and the account of time. We have explained everything in details.

13. And for each human-being We have hung in his neck a register of record. We will bring forth a book for him on the day1 of Khiyamah. He will see it open.

14. (It will be said), “Read your book. You are sufficient to take account of yourself.”

15. The one who got the right way has got it for himself. The one who goes astray errs against himself. One will not bear the burden of the other. We will not punish265 (anybody) unless We send a messenger.

16. And when We want to destroy a place we will order those who were immersed in luxury in that place (to live obeying). They will commit wrong in that. So (Our) word gets confirmed on them. Immediately We will destroy it completely.

17. And We have destroyed many generations after ‘Nuh’. Your God is sufficient to understand and see the sins of His servants.

18. We will give instantly what We want, to whom We desire among those who desire the passing (comfort of this) world. Then We will prepare the hell for them. They will char in it humiliated and will be far away from mercy.

19. Those who, when they are believers, desire the hereafter and strive for it. Then, their striving will be appreciated6.

20. We (your God) will give Our favour more to these, to those and to all. Your God’s favour cannot be forbidden.

21. Observe, “How We have honoured a few among them over the others? The life in the hereafter has many degrees and many honours”

22. Do not imagine any other God with Allah. If you do it then you will remain humiliated and forsaken.

23. And your God has ordered, “Do not worship any other except Me. You do service to your parents”. Do not even say a word of disrespect to them, who are with you, when both of them or one of them becomes old. Do not drive them away. You say only a word of respect to both.

24. And you lower your wings of humility with affection251. And ask, “O God give your mercy to both of them as they had looked after me when I was a small boy”.

25. Your God knows well what is in your minds. If you are good then indeed, He is Forgiving of those who repent.

26. And give the right of the relatives, the poor and the traveller26. Do not spend wastefully.

27. Indeed, the spendthrifts are (blood) brothers of Shaitan. Shaitan is ungrateful to His God.

28. And speak only polite words to them, when (you do not have the means) you have been in a state of expecting your God’s mercy and you have to refuse them (by not giving anything).

29. And do not make your hands tied to your necks (do not be stringy). Do not open it completely. (If you open like that) you will be left in humiliation and poverty.

30. Indeed, your God gives wealth generously to whom He wants. Gives also less. Indeed, He is well Knowing and Seeing of His servants

31. And do not kill your children487 fearing poverty. Indeed, We give food to them and to you463. Killing them is a great sin.

32. And do not go near adultery. Indeed, it is shameful and evil way.

33. And without any lawful reason do not resort to killing of the soul, which is forbidden by Allah. We have given power to the guardian of those who have been killed unjustly401. Let him not transgress in order to kill. Then indeed, he will be helped43.

34. And do not go near the orphan’s wealth until he becomes mature, (and) unless it is in a proper way. Fulfill the promise. Indeed, promise will be inquired.

35. And when you measure, measure in full. Weigh with a straight balance. This is good. Good end.

36. And do not follow that which you do not have knowledge. Indeed, ear, sight, mind and all such things will be enquired.

37. And do not walk on the earth with pride. Indeed, you will not reach the level of mountain’s height by tearing the earth266.

38. All these evils are hateful to your God.

39. These are (O Muhammad) revealed to you by your God from His Wisdom. Do not imaging other god with Allah. (If you do so) you will be thrown into hell humiliated and banished (from God’s mercy).

40. Has your God taken angels as His daughters giving male children to you? Indeed you speak a dangerous statement.

41. And We have explained many things in this Quran to make them think. That increased only their hatred.

42. Say, “If they had many gods with Him, as they say, they also would have sought a way to submit (to the God) of the ‘Arsh’”.

43. He is Pure10 (of all weaknesses) from what they say. He is very High.

44. The seven heavens,507 the earth and whatever in them pray to him. There is nothing that does not glorify and praise Him. Yet you will not understand their prayer. Indeed, He is the Fore-bearing and the Forgiving.

45. And We place an invisible veil between you and those who do not believe in the hereafter, when your recite the Quran.

46. And We have put in their minds lids and plug in the ears so that they should not understand. They hate and run turning their backs, when you mention your God alone.

47. We know very well (O Muhammad) whatever those who have caused injustice said secretly, “You follow only , a person who was charmed” and when they heard you whatever they heard.

48. Observe, “How they show examples to you?” So they went astray. They cannot reach the right way.

49. And they ask, “Shall we be given life (from the death) and become new creation again, after we become decayed bones?”.

50. 51. Say (even then He will give you life), “You become stone, iron or whatever creation you imagine to be big in your mind”. They ask, “who created you (for the) first time?” Bowing their heads to you they ask, “When shall that (time) come?” You say, “That may come early26.”

52. You will answer Him with ( the words of) praise when He invites you on the day1. You will think that you lived ( on the earth ) but for a short time.

53. And tell My servants to speak good. Indeed, Shaitan will create division among them. Indeed, Shaitan is an open enemy to human beings.

54. Your God knows well about you. If He wants He will give His mercy to you. (If He) wants He will punish you. You (O Muhammad), I have not sent you as a guardian to them.

55. And your God knows well, those who are in the heavens507 and the earth. We have honoured a few among the messengers above other few73. We gave ‘ Zabur’ to Dawud.

56. Say, “You pray to those you have imagined except Allah. It is not possible for them either to remove or change your trouble”.

57. From among those, even who were very close (to God), to whom these pray, they seek ‘Wasila’ towards their God. They expect His mercy. They fear His torment. Indeed, your God’s torment has to be feared141.

58. And there is not a place which We will not destroy or punish it severely before the day of Khiyamah1. It is recorded in the (Master) register157.

59. And the check to Our sending miracles (now) is because the forefathers considered them lies. We gave the camel to the people of ‘Tamud’ before their eyes. They caused injustice to it. We send miracles only to warn.

60. And remember (O Muhammad) that we said you, “Indeed your God knows the human beings completely”. We have made the vision that we show to you and the cursed tree (mentioned) in Quran, as test the people267. We threatened them. That increased in them only great transgression..

61. And We said to the angels “Bow to Adam”,11 everybody except ‘Iblis’509bowed. He asked, “Will I bow to one (whom) you created from clay?503

62. (He) also said, “Tell me about him whom you have honoured above me. I will root out his progeny , except a few, if you give me time till the day of Khiyamah1”.

63. (God) said, “You go. Whoever follows you then indeed, hell is their reward. (That is) a full reward.

64. And God said, “Make them go astray whom you can among them with your voice. You send forth your cavalry and infantry against them. You become partner with them in their material wealth and in their children (possessing large number of children). You also give them promise. Shaitan does not promise them anything but illusion.

65. (God also said), “Indeed, you have no power over servants”. Your God is sufficient to take up the responsibility.

66. It is He who drives the ship on the sea, so that, you will seek your God’s bounty. Indeed, He is the Merciful to you.

67. And if any harm is caused to you on the sea, those whom you call except Him, disappear. You turn away when He brings you ashore after saving you. Human being is ever ungrateful.

68. Are you unafraid (of the fact) that He can make you buried in a part of land or rain stones on you? You will not see any guardian for you, afterwards.

69. Or are you unafraid (of the fact) that when He sends you on it (sea), because you denied (Him) He will not send the storm against you and drown you? Then you will not see any helper to you against Us.

70. He honoured the children of Adam504. We carried them on the earth and the Sea. We gave them good things. We honoured them over most of the creations We have created.

71. And on the day1 when We call forth each generation with their respective leaders, those who have been given their records in their right hands will read their records. They will not be caused injustice in the least.

72. And one who is blind here will be blind in the hereafter and deviate from the right way390.

73. And Indeed (O Muhammad), they tried to mislead you into inventing on Us, what We have not revealed as a message. (If you had done it) then they would have made you a dear friend.

74. And at least you (Muhammad) would have inclined towards them a little if We had not steadied you.

75. He would have made you taste the suffering in double, when you live and in double when you die, if you had done like that. Then, you will not see any helper for you, from Us156.

76. And indeed, they (O Muhammad) tried to evict and drive you out from this land and then, they will remain after you only a little268.

77. (Only this is Our) way (O Muhammad) about the messengers We have sent before. You will not see any change in Our way.

78. Establish prayer from the sunset to the surrounding darkness in the night and establish (recitation of) Quran in the ‘Fajr’ (prayer). Indeed, Quran remains testifying in the ‘Fajr’ prayer226.

79. And you (O Muhammad), pray ‘Tahajjud’ with this (Quran) as an additional prayer in the night. Your God may raise you from an exalted place.

80. And say, “My God, you make me enter with honour. You make me exit with honour. From you grant me a supporting power”.

 81. And also, “Truth has come. Falsehood has perished. Indeed, falsehood is ever bound to perish”.

82. And We reveal in Quran mercy for the believers and that which is a cure for the disease. It will only increase loss to those who have caused injustice.

83. And when We give favour to the human being, he turns away from Us and goes far away. When harm occurs to him he becomes desparate.

84. Say, “Everyone acts according to his own way. Your God only knows who goes in the right way”.

85. And they (O Muhammad), ask you about the soul. Say, “The soul is under my God’s order. You have been given only a little knowledge”.

86, 87. If We want (O Muhammad), We would remove the messages revealed to you. Then you will not see any guardian to yourself, from Us about it. But (it is not removed) by the mercy of God. And Indeed, His mercy on you is ever great26.

88. Say, “If both the human-beings and the Jinns gather (join) together in order to bring the like of Quran, the like of it cannot be brought, even if one among them is the assistant of the other”.

89. And We gave in the Quran all examples for the people. Most of the people do not accept anything but disbelief (in God).

90. (They) say, “We will not believe you until you cause a spring to flow from us on this land”.

91. (They say), “Or you will have a garden of date-palm and grapevine. You will cause a river to gush-forth water between them”.

92. (They say), “Or as you intend, cause the heaven507 to fall on us in pieces. Or you will have to bring Allah and His angels to us face to face”

93. (They also say), “Or, you will have a house of gold. Or you should ascend to the heaven.507 We will not believe in your ascension unless you descent to us with the Book which we will read”. Say (O Muhammad), “My God is Pure10 (from all weaknesses). I am only a human being and a messenger”.

94. And the hurdle for the people in believing, when the right way came to them, is only what they say, “Has Allah sent a human being as a messenger?”.

95. Say, “We would have sent an angel as a messenger to them, if they had walked (lived) on the earth securely”.

96. Also say, “Allah is sufficient to be an observer between me and you. Indeed, He is well Knowing and Observant of His servants”.

97. And it is only the one, to whom Allah showed the way, is the person who got the right way. Whoever He wants to leave astray, you will not see any protector to him, except Him. We will raise them on the day1 of ‘Khiyamah’ (fallen) on their faces blind, dumb and deaf. Their place of rest is hell. We will increase the fire whenever it subsides.

98. It is the punishment for them, because they rejected Our verses saying, “Will we be raised from the dead as a new creation, when we become decayed bones”.

99. Do they not know that He, who has created the heaven507 and the earth, has the power to create people like these? He has made without doubt a fixed period of time. Those who have caused injustice accept nothing but disbelief (in God).

100. Say, “If you had been the owners of my God’s treasuries you would have kept (them) only with you, afraid of spending. Human-being is ever stingy101”.

101. We revealed to Musa nine clear signs. Ask the children of Israel (what had happened) when he came to them. Then ‘Firaun’ said to Musa, “O Musa, indeed, I consider you as only as the one who was charmed”.

102. He said, “You have known that it is only the God of the heavens507 and the earth, who has sent them as signs. O Firaun, indeed, I consider you as the one who will be destroyed”.

103. He thought of driving them out of that land. We drowned him and all the others with him.

104. And then, We told the children of Israel, “Live in the land. We will bring you together when the promise of the hereafter is fulfilled”.

105. And We revealed it with truth. It descended only with truth. We have sent you but only as giver of good news and a warner.

106. And We separated the Quran and revealed (step by step) gradually, in order that, you will recite it to the people at intervals447.

107. Say, “Believe or do not believe”. When it is said to those who were given the knowledge (of the Book), they will fall face down in prostration.

108. And our God is Pure10 (from all weaknesses). (They) say that their God’s promise will be fulfilled.

109. And They fall down on their faces, crying. It increases their humility for them.

110. Say, “Call ‘Allah’ or ‘Rahman’, which ever name you call Him, He has beautiful names”. Do not perform prayer either loudly or silently. You seek a way in between the two270.

111. And say (O Muhammad), “All praise be only to Allah, who has not taken a progeny. There is no partner for him in the rule. He has no such humiliation so as to need a helper”. Glorify him often.

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