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157. What is the meaning of the phrase “The Book that is safeguarded”

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157. What is the meaning of the phrase “The Book that is safeguarded”

Almighty Allah before He could create the world created a Book and recorded in it all that would take place in this world up to its end. .Whatever takes place in this world would have been already recorded in this Book,even the falling of a leaf from a tree and its precise time would have been predicted in it. This register is known as Lauhul Mahfuz.

This is known by many names such as ‘A Register’, ‘The safeguarded Book’, ‘The Hidden Book’, a good or evil takes place as per the words about him recorded already. Birth and death of any person etc.

A person turning good or evil takes place as per the writings in this register .Any one, being wealthy or a pauper in this world is predicted in this Book.

The verses 6:38, 6:59, 9:36, 10:61, 11:6, 13:39, 17:58, 20:52, 22:70, 23:62, 27:75, 30:56, 33:6, 34:3, 35:11, 36:12, 43:4, 50:4, 52:3, 54:43, 56:78, 57:22, 85:22 of the Quran talk about this. The verses 85:21-22, 56:77-78 talk about also the Quran being revealed to Prophet Muhammad from this register.If everything takes place as per the ‘The Register’ with man not having a free will, a question arises about justification of punishment handed out by God when man is held responsible for the actions already destined by Him.Please refer Explanation point No;28 to know the answer to this question.

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