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156. Is Prophet Muhammad to suffer twice the torment. 

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156. Is Prophet Muhammad to suffer twice the torment. 

In verse (17:75) Allah says “Has the Prophet ventured to guide people in the wrong way,we would make him suffer twice the torment in the hereafter.

Prophet Muhammad during his final days being afflicted with ailments said he suffered twice the toment.

Hadith Book Bukhari:(5648, 5660, 5667)

Some opine this hadith contradicts the Quran.

In this verse the Almighty says about twice the torment to be undergone by people in a show of punishment. To test people in this world and to award them in the hereafter inflicting the pious with sufferings is not contradicting the Quran.

There is evidence in the Quran to show that many, for example Prophet Ayyub underwent enormous hardships.

This verse talks about torments experienced by transgressors and not about people who are tested for their beliefs.The sufferings undergone by people tested for their faith do not amount to punishment. Hence this hadith about Prophet Muhammad undergoing twice the pain cannot be considered as contradicting the Quran.

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