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270. Performing salah in silence and with sound recitation. 

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270. Performing salah in silence and with sound recitation.

There are two opinions expressed about the meaning of the contents of this verse (17:110) in the hadith books. 

The hadiths 7526, 6327, 4723 from the Book Bukhari declare as said by Ayisha (RA) this verse talks about man’s prayer to God. 

The meaning of the word ‘salah’ is prayer and as well worship. Since Ayesha (RA) has declared the verse talks about worship taking into consideration the meaning of the word salah it is indeed acceptable.

In our earlier editions we have given explanations based on this basics. But sayings by Ayesha are unacceptable in for a different reason.

If this verse talks about pleading with God, it should not be done soundly or secretly. 

And should be carried out in a mediocre manner is the message given out here. But the discipline regarding pleading with Allah differs from that expressed by Ayesha in this verse.

Plead with your Lord in humbleness and secrecy.He does not take a liking towards the transgressors. Verse (7:55) of the Quran.

Allah commands in this verse to pray to Him in secrecy.But as per Ayesha’s (RA) explanation is to pray in a low voice and not in secrecy. 

Moreover there are hadiths that stress the need to pray in silence. But Ayesha’s (RA) explanation is against all these messages. 

Verse 7:55 that says to pray in silence contains the word “Dua’ But the verse 17:110 contains the word ‘ salat’ stressing more the Muslim form of worship and less of ‘plead’ with God.

Taking a cue from verse 7:55 is more suitable to set rules on ways to plead with God. 

Ibnu Abbas while talking about the need for revelation of this verse places an opinion contradicting that of Ayesha’s. 

When in the initial days, Prophet Muhammad propagated Islam in Makkah, he used to perform salah (worship) by reciting aloud the verses of the Quran, on hearing it the infidels used to criticise the prophet, the Quran and the great God Who revealed it.It was at this time the verse regarding recitation of Quranic verses during worship to be done in a voice not high enough to disturb the infidels nor low in an inaudible voice, was revealed.

Hadith Book Bukhari:4722, 7490, 7525

This saying of Ibnu Abbas about the revelation of this verse when Prophet Muhammad was propagating Islam in sececy in the initial days does not contradict the verse itself. 

Some of the misguided say the present way of carrying on worship is not compatible with this verse. 

At present we observe salah (worship) by reciting aloud and some in silence, and at all times we plead with God in silence. Because this was the method taught to us by Prophet Muhammad.

But the argument by these people is, the worship is to be carried out in a mild voice , and not loud or in a low voice.

The method followed at present by us is not against this verse since it is evidenced by the initial days way of the prophet. 

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