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141. The meaning of ‘Waseela’.

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141. The meaning of ‘Waseela’.

.In this verse (5:35)of the Quran it asks people to look for ‘wasila’ a medium, a tool,to get closer to Allah.

The meaning for wasila stands- as a medium or a facilitating tool for example, a boat that is used to cross a sea.

The tools mentioned in the Quran to get closer to Allah, are worship (salah), patience, and various other worships, and it is not mentioned anywhere in the Quran, about getting closer to the creator with the help of an intercedent. .And the word ‘wasila’ could never mean as a ‘go in between’ person.

.When there is a need from Allah we need to ask him, only after fulfilling worships prescribed by Him. Such pious deeds need to be taken as ‘wasila’ or medium or acts ,to reach closer to Allah , not go in search of graves of men interred asking to intercede on our behalf,to get close to Allah. 

To get a clearer understanding in this matter let’s go through the verses where we find evidence to substantiate.

This verse starts as ‘Oh those who you believe’ addressing Prophet Muhammad, his comrades, and all muslims till the doomsday.

.Allah makes three commandments towards Muslims in this verse.

The first is to fear Allah. This commandment is directed not only towards people, but also includes Prophet Muhammad who feared Allah the correct way He should be feared.

The second commandment is to seek ‘wasila’, this also is directed towards all of us Muslims.

The meaning of the word ‘wasila’ translates as pious deeds,.and Prophet Muhammad executed these pious deeds better than all of us put together, hence correlation is justified.

If the word ‘wasila’ is to mean getting hold of pious person, then this does not apply to Prophet Muhammad and various other pious men.

.As per theses peoples contention the phrase ‘Oh Muhammad seek ‘waseela’ for you if means to to pick a pious person, then who did Prophet Muhammad choose.

This commandment stands good even for the persons whom they pick as waseela.Did the so called pious person pick any other person as wasila if not did they totally ignore the commandment. 

Hence arriving at the meaning of the word wasila as a ‘go in between’ person does not make any sense. There is some kind of sensibleness when we ask a person for a favor after completing the task he had ordered us to do. There is a meaning in asking the person ‘Won’t you do this favor to me since I have completed the task you have ordered me to do’.

For example consider this ,-If a request to help is made to somebody by saying ‘Ibrahim obeyed you so grant me my wishes’ that person will consider us insane. He will answer ‘If Ibrahim was good enough to obey me why should I gift you? If Ibrahim was good to me I will reward him, why should I consider you for the gift, will be the answer.. 

Praying to God asking for favors on behalf of someone else’s good deeds sounds the same. 

Won’t Al-mighty be annoyed if a demand is made for favours citing Prophet Muhammad. Won’t a question arise why should God grant you something based on Prophet Muhammad’s deeds. This is something even a layman understands. Don’t these people realize it.

There cannot be anything more foolish than asking for help from one by citing the behavior of a third person.. If a demand is thus made ,it will provoke the person...A similar demand would amount to indignation directed towards the Al-mighty..

The companions of Prophet Muhammad who were students of Prophet Muhammad did dot seek waseela at his grave, And neither did they pray citing him in thier prayers. Hence if they had understood the correct meaning of the commandment ‘seek waseela’ they wouldn’t indulge in such activities that bring indignation to the creator.This verse is being misused by these people (shrine worshippers) who instead of decimating the worship of intermediaries (for which it is structured) on the contrary encourage it.

Another verse (17:57) clearly mentions that even the great souls seek waseela. This verse confirms the meaning of waseela as goodness..

To know more about the what Islam teaches regarding equality and brotherhood, and also that everybody is equal by birth please refer explanation points 11, 32, 49, 59, 168, 182, 227, 290, 368, 508 

And also to learn more about the fallacies of the shrine worshippers please refer explanation points 17, 41, 49, 79, 83, 100, 104, 121, 122, 140, 193, 213, 215, 245, 269, 298, 327, 397, 427, 471

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