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263. Prophet Muhammad’s space journey.

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263. Prophet Muhammad’s space journey.

Allah says in verse (17:1) of the Quran about Prophet Muhammad being taken from Masjid-ul-Haram in Makkah to Masjid-al-Aksa on a certain night. 

Prophet Muhammad elabrates on this message further by saying that he was taken on a space journey from Masjid-al-Aksa in to space when he witnessed several evidences about God, and was the time when he though not did not see Him had a conversation and sealed the five times a day worship mandatory duty for Muslims.

To know more please refer to Hadith Book Bukhari:349, 3887.

Is it possible to pass through the seven heavens and return in one night?

Imagine the speed with which the journey had taken place.

Could the human body endure such a journey?                   

These are the questions that are bound to be raised.

None of these are a possibility in humans. Did Prophet Muhammad undertake the journey of his own accord, not possible.

This journey was programmed by the Almighty. Whatever He wills He accomplishes. The Almighty does not exist in the yardstick of a possibility of something, or its impossibility to a certain extent or something not at all possible. 

In this verse speaking about the space journey, it says Allah as the One who took His slave on the journey is ‘The Immaculate’ and above all weaknesses.

We can understand that the Almighty talks about the space journey only to prove all things are possible by Him. The Almighty puts a full stop to all questions by saying indirectly “I am the Almighty the One who made space journey happen”.

We believe that within a second the archangel Jibril descends on earth with Allah’s commandments, similar is the time taken for the same Jibril to take a person from earth to space. The fundamentals are the same.

Being an angel is possible to travel at the speed of light and sound, but Prophet Muhammad isn’t so. He is a human being. Is the feat possible for a human being? There is an answer to this question in the hadith about the journey of Miraj. 

When the archangel JIbril was assigned to bring Prophet Muhammad, a vehicle (mode of conveyance) named Buraq was brought to use. Hadith Book Bukhari :3887, and various other.

When mentioning its features it is said to be pad smaller than a horse and a little bigger than a mule.

The maximum a horse can cover is half a kilometre a step. But here in the case of this creature, the distance covered in a step is said to be as far as the eyesight can reach, suggesting it (a step) as a flight, meaning at the speed of light .

If man can invent a vehicle powered by electricity to travel at an exceptional speed, creating a being to travel at a much higher speed is much easier for the Almighty. Though ‘The Almighty’ is omnipotent to demonstrate His capability to make people perform space journey without any such vehicle, He has made this arrangements for us to believe it in a simple manner.

The meaning of the word ‘Buraq’ is lightning, confirming the light speed of the vehicle. 

The possibility to travel to space and back becomes true when the speed of travel is that of light. SInce space vehicles reaching the speed of light were not invented at the time it was declared an impossible feat.

Doubts about the heart of men not tolerating the speed of light travel might also rise.

The Quran has made it clear any upward travel into space by man shrinks his heart.

(Please refer to verse 6:125 of the Quran, and explanation point no; 172 to know more.)

At His will Allah could take Prophet Muhammad in space journey without any harm to the heart of the prophet, but in order for people to believe the Almighty made some changes through angels cut opening the heart of Prophet Muhammad.

Hadith Book Bukhari:349. 3207.

Programming to withstand the effects of fast travel may have been included here.

Since all programming to withstand the rigours of the speed travel, including the heart, was carried out could the Prophet bear the journey. 

For people who believe in the power of Allah, this is simple acceptance.

Now let's analyse the refusal by some misguided group denying the space journey of Prophet Muhammad.

Their contention is that only the journey from Makkah to Jerusalem is mentioned in the Quran and as such there is no basis to believe in the journey into space 

If they refute the journey into space on the basis of human comprehension then, they should be doing the same for the journey from Makkah to Jerusalem because those days it was an impossible fea in the eyes of humans.

If they argue that only the contents of the Quran needs to be believed and not the Hadiths, they need to go through explanation points 36, 39, 50, 55, 56, 57, 60, 67, 72, 105, 125, 127, 128, 132, 164, 244, 255, 256, 258, 267, 318, 329, 350, 352, 430 understand that the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad is also Wahee or divine revealings..

Also please refer to explanation points 315, 267, 362 to know that the space journey of Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in the Quran 

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