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266. Not possible to reach the depths of the earth!

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266. Not possible to reach the depths of the earth!

Verse (17:37) of the Quran says man can go up into the space as far as he desires, and that the size of his heart would contract during the journey. But the Quran also says it is impossible for him to go to the depths of the earth to the extent he goes up the length of the same mountain. (ie) suppose a man climbs up a mountain 10,000 feet high, he cannot go deep into the earth the same distance. 

This verse stands to be an important scientific disclosure to the world.

The tamil translators have rendered this verse meaningless by their work. 

Most of the translations into Tamil seem to toe the same line expressing not the physical scientific truth of geography expressed in this verse, but bringing out the comparison between man and natural physical features in the world and warning humans not to tread on earth in pride.

Right from the early days cutting mines, digging wells, building dams, creating lakes for irrigation, and various other works are being carried out by men on the surface of the earth. These kinds of activities do not have anything to do with expressing the pride of individuals as humans.

The correct translation for this verse can be rendered as follows “You did not break open the earth to reach the heights of mountains. Let’s look into this in detail.

The message of this verse is -though man goes into space without limits, he is unable to do the same in the depths of the earth. 

The Almighty forcefully specifies that man cannot do any rare activities on the surface of the earth for him to boast about.

Let’s look in to the scientific truths hidden in this.

Man has reached the moon 3,56,399 kms away in space and also Mars which is around eight crore kms in space with sending only equipment.

The diameter of the earth is 12,756 kms of which man has reached just 3.3 kms at the Boksburg mines in South Africa. 

Even this measurement falls short ,because this place is 1600 metres above sea level, taking the actual depth to just 1700 metres man has explored below the earth’s surface.

Man is unable to withstand an average temperature of 40 C degrees. The temperature at 1700 metres below the surface of the earth is 57 C degrees. The workers are unable to bear this heat and the adjacent areas are cooled facilitating them to work. 

Scientists have found out that once man crosses the limit of 700 metres deep, below the earth, the heat can never be tolerated by humans. Hence going down the earth to a depth of 9kms is never possible by man.

In addition the more and more man goes down the surface of the earth , the force of gravity increases resulting in the increase of his own weight which becomes unbearable for him to bear. All these factors make man going down the depths of the earth as desired, just impossible.

This great truth was declared by the Quran 14 centuries ago proving it to be God’s word.

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