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Chapter 16: An-Nahl (The Bee).

Total. 128 Verses.

As an important news, about the Bee and the honey, is mentioned in 68 and 69th verses of this chapter this chapter is named ‘An-Nahl’.

 In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. Allah’s order has come. So, do not make haste. He is Pure (from all weaknesses)10. He is high, above what they associate with Him

2. He sends His angels with the inspirational order to the servants, whom He wants, in order to warn, “There is no one worshipful except Me. Therefore fear only Me”.

3. He created the heavens507 and the earth only with proper reason. He is High above what they associate with Him.

4. He created the human being from a drop of sperm. He is but an open disputant.

5. And He created the cattle only for you. Among them there are things (like wool etc) which can protect from cold. There are other benefits also. You eat from them171.

6. And you have honour in that when you lead them in the morning and bring back in the evening.

7. And they carry your loads with great difficulty to the place of your destination. Your God is Kind and Merciful.

8. And (He created) horses, mules, donkeys and other similar things for you to ride and for dignity. Then, He will create things which you do not know253

9. And right way is Allah’s responsibility. Crooked way is also there. If He had wanted He would have shown all of you the right way.

10. It is He who sent down water from the heaven507 to you. There is also drinking water. With that you get plants for grazing (the cattle).

11. With that, He makes it grow for you, crops, olive tree, date – palm and grapevine and every kind of fruit. Indeed, there is a sign in it for the people who think.

12. And He made the night, the day, the sun, the moon and other similar things beneficial to you. (Other) stars are also subjected to His control, by His order. Indeed, there are many signs in it for the people who understand.

13. And whatever He created for you on the earth have many varying colours. Indeed, for the people who want to learn there is a sign in it.

14. And He made the sea beneficial to you so that you will eat fresh meat from the sea,505 bring out the ornaments from it, which you wear and to be grateful. You see the ships ploughing through it.

15. , 16. And He formed pegs248 so that the earth should not shake you and formed many ways (roads), rivers and signs to find the route. And they find the route with the help of the stars26

16. -17. Is the Creator and the one who does not create the same? Will you not think.

18. And you will not be able to count the favours of Allah if you try to count them. Indeed Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

19. And Allah knows what you hide and what you reveal

20. And those they call other than Allah, cannot create anything. They themselves are created

21. They are dead; not alive. They do not know, “When they will be made alive”

22. Your God is only one God. Those minds which do not believe in the hereafter, deny (this). They are proud.

23. There is no doubt; Allah surely knows what they hide and what they reveal. He does not like the proud.

24. And when they are asked “what did your God reveal?”, they say, “fictitious tales of the forefathers”.

25. (They say thus), “They will carry on the day of Khiyamah1, their burdens in full and the burdens of those whom they misled”. Remember, what they carry is very bad254

26. Those who went before them also plotted. Allah came under their buildings61. The roof above fell on them. Suffering came to them that they cannot realize.

27. Then, on the day of Khiyama1, He will humiliate them. He will ask, “Where are they about whom you have been arguing, considering them to be My equal?” Those who were given education will say, “ Indeed, this day humiliation and evil be on the disbelievers”.

28. When the angels take the lives of those who have caused harm to themselves, they will speak in submission. “We did not do any evil”. Not so. Indeed, Allah is knowing of what you have been doing.

29. It will be said, “Enter through the gates of hell. You will remain there permanently. The home of the proud is very bad.”

30. And it will be asked to those who have feared (God), “What did your God reveal?” They will say ‘good’. In this world ‘good’ is for those who do good. The life in the hereafter is the best. The world of those who fear (God) is very good.

31. They will enter into the permanent gardens of paradise. Beneath them the rivers flow. There, they will have whatever they want. Thus, Allah rewards those who fear (Him).

32. The angels take their souls when they are (in) good state and say165, “Peace be on you159. Enter into paradise for what you have done.”

33. Do they expect only the coming of the angels or the order of your God? Those who went before them also did thus. Allah has not caused them any harm. Instead they caused harm to their own souls

34. The wrongs they did caught them. Whatever they have been mocking at (punishment) surrounded them.

35. The disbelievers say, “If Allah had wanted, we and our forefathers would not have worshipped any other thing except Him. He would not have forbidden us of anything without His order”. Those who went before them also did thus. Do they have anything other than conveying clearly?

36. And certainly, We sent a messenger to every generation (saying), “Worship Allah. Keep away from evil powers”. There were people among the generations to whom Allah showed the way. There were people who were confirmed of misguidance. So travel through the earth and observe the end of those who considered (it) lies.

37. Allah will not show the right way to those whom He has left astray even if you have great desire in their getting the right way. There are no helpers for them81.

38. And they say, making a promise on Allah with certainty, that Allah will not raise the dead. Not so. This is His truthful promise. But, most of the people do not know.

39. (He will raise them up again), in order to make clear to them, in which they differ and to make those who have disbelieved, know that they were liars.

40. Indeed, Our word is only to say ‘Be’ if We want something. And immediately it is.506

41. For those who have done ‘Hijrah’460 for Allah, after being caused injustice, We will settle them in this world in a good way. The reward in the hereafter is greater than this. Will they not know?

42. They will maintain patience.They will rely only on God

43. ---44. And before you (O Muhammad), We sent only men as messengers239. We conveyed to them Our message with clear signs and Books105. If you do not know then ask the wise150. We revealed this teaching26 to you in order that you should explain255 that which was revealed to the people and that they should think.

45, 46, 47. Do they not have fear that Allah will make the earth swallow those who plotted for evil deeds; or the suffering shall come to them without their knowing; or He will catch them when they have been engaged in their activities; or He will catch them when they have been afraid? They cannot escape. Indeed, you God is Kind, Merciful26

48. Have they not seen everything that Allah has created? That shadow prostrates inclining towards the right and the left sides

49. Whatever in the Heavens,507 the living things on the earth and the angels prostrate only to Allah. The Angels will not be proud396.

50. They fear their God who is above. They do what they are ordered.

51. And Allah says, “Do not imagine two gods. He is only one God. So, fear only Me”

52. And whatever is in the heavens507 and on the earth belongs only to Him. This religion also belongs to Him only forever. Do you fear those who are other than Allah?

53. Whatever favours that you have only belong to Allah. Then, when a harm is caused to you, you only plead to Him.

54, 55. Then when the harm was removed from you, a section among you, betraying what We have done to you, associate others to their God. Enjoy (yourselves now). Then you will know26.

56. And they assign a portion of what We have given to them to those whom they do not know (imaginary gods). By the promise on Allah, you will be enquired about what you have invented

57. They ascribe daughters to Allah. He is pure (from all weaknesses) but for them they want what they desired (a male child)

58. And when good news about the female child is conveyed to one of them, his face darkens and he becomes one who is affected by grief.

59. He hides from his people because of the bad (according to him) news conveyed to him. (He thinks) whether to keep it with humiliation or bury it (alive) in the earth. Remember, the judgment that they give is very bad.

60. Those who do not believe in the hereafter have only bad manners. But for Allah there is the highest attribute. He is Almighty, the Wise.

61. And if Allah had to punish them for the people’s injustice He would not have left any living things on the earth. But, He has postponed their (fate) for an appointed time. When their time comes they will neither remain behind nor precede.

62. Andy they ascribe (a female child) for Allah which they do not like (for themselves). Their tongues tell lies that there is benefit for them from this. For them, there is only hell. There is no doubt that they will be pushed into (it).

63. By the promise on Allah, messengers have been sent to the generations who went before you. Shaitan showed their deeds making them attractive. Now, it is he who is still their dear friend. For them there is a painful suffering.

64. And We have revealed this book (O Muhammad) to you so that you will explain to them about which they differ. (This) is a right way and mercy for the people who believe256.

65 And it is Allah who sent down water from the heaven. He gave life to the earth after its death, with this. Indeed there is a sign in it for the people who hear.

66 And indeed, there is a lesson in the cattle for you. We make you drink pure milk which is between the digested food of its stomach and the blood. It is very sweet for those who drink (it).257

67 And you prepare strong drink116 (intoxicant) and tasty food from the fruits of the date-palm and grapevine. There is a sign in it for the people who understand.

68, 69. And your God informed the bees, “You form your hives on the mountains, trees and constructions of the human being. Then eat from each fruit. You go in the ways of Allah, easily.474 From its stomach comes forth a drink259, in varying colours. There is cure for the people from disease and indeed, there is a sign in it for the people who think26.

70. And it is only Allah who created you. Then He will seize you. They are people who are prolonged into old age so that they will become ignorant after having knowledge. Indeed, Allah is the Knowing, the Almighty.

71. And Allah has honoured one of you over other, in wealth. Those who were honoured (with wealth) do not make their slaves107 equal by giving their wealth. Do they then reject their Allah’s favour?

72. Allah made your wives from yourselves. He made children and grand children from your wives. He gave you food from good things. Do they forget to thank Allah’s favour believing lies?

73. And they worship others than Allah, who do not have in their possession even a small quantity of their food in the heavens507 and the earth, and who have no power.

74. Do not set examples to Allah. Only Allah knows. You do not know.

75. Allah shows us an example of a slave who has no power over anything and is owned by others and the one to whom We have given the good wealth. He spends on (good deeds) from that secretly and openly. Will they (the two) be equal? All praise be to Allah. But most of them do not know.

76. And Allah shows two men as example. One of them is dumb. He has no power over anything. He is a burden to his master. He will not bring good wherever you send him. Will such a person and the one remains in the right way and directs justice, be equal?

77. And whatever is hidden in the heavens507 and on the earth belongs only to Allah. The time1 of that event will come like a wink of eye or less than that time. Allah has power over all things.

78. Allah delivered you from the wombs of you mothers, when you knew nothing. He made ears, sights and minds for you so that you will thank Him.

79. Have they not seen the birds and their control in the space of the sky?507 No one except Allah holds them (up) Indeed, there are many signs for the people who believe260.

80. And Allah has made peace in your houses for you. He made tents from the skins of the cattle. You carry them easily whether you travel or remain in your place. He also made (beneficial) facilities till an appointed time like clothes from the wool of the sheep, fur of the coat and hair of the camel.

81. And Allah made shades from the things He has created. He made caves in the mountains for you. He made shades which protect you from the heat and armour (coats of mail) which protect you in the battle. Thus he completed His favours on you so that you will obey.

82. If they turn away your duty is only to convey them clearly.

83. They know the favour of Allah and (still) they turn away. Most of them are only disbelievers.

84. And the disbelievers will not be allowed (to speak) on the day1, We raise a witness from every generation. They will not be compelled (to worship) there.

85. And there, when those who have caused injustice see the suffering, their suffering will not be reduced. They will not also be given time.

86. And when those who associated others to Allah see their gods, they will say, “O our God, they are our gods. We worshipped only them instead of You”. They will reply you, “Indeed, you are telling lies”.

87. And they will submit their surrender on that day1 to Allah. Whatever they invented will disappear from them.

88. We will increase suffering over suffering to those who disbelieved (Us) and prevented from Allah’s way.

89. And that day1 We will place among every generation a witness against them, from themselves and bring you (O Muhammad) as a witness against them. We sent down this Book as an explanation for everything, right way, mercy and the good news for the Muslims.

90. Indeed, Allah ordered justice, good and giving to relatives. He forbids evil and transgression. He admonishes you so that you will get good understanding.

91. And you fulfill the covenant with Allah. If you make any covenant then do not break it64, when you make Allah guardian on you and confirmed the promises. Indeed Allah is knowing of what you do.

92. And do not be like her, who spun the thread firmly and then cut, what she had spun, into pieces. Do not use your promises dishonestly because a generation is more in number than another generation. Allah tests484 you with this. He will explain to you on the day of Khiyamah1 about which you differed.

93. And if Allah had wanted he would have made you into a single nation. But he sends astray whom He wants. You will be enquired about what you have been doing.

94. And do not make use of your promises among you dishonestly64. If it is done so then the feet which became firm would slip. (You) will taste the evil because you prevented from the way of Allah. You will have severe suffering.

95. And do not sell Allah’s covenant for a cheap price. Indeed, if you know, what is with Allah is best for you.

96. What you have will be finished. What is with Allah will remain firmly. We will give them their reward for those who were patient and had done good (deeds).

97. We will make them live a happy life, whether it is a man or a woman, who believe and do good deeds. He will give their reward for the good they have been doing.

98. Seek protection with Allah from the expelled Shaitan when you recite the Quran.

99. Indeed, he has no power over those who have believed and relied on only their God.

100. He has power over those who made him protector and associated others with God.

101. And if We change a verse with another verse in that place, they say, “You are an inventor (of lies)”. Allah knows what is to be revealed. But most of them do not know30.

102. Say (O Muhammad), “This is brought down by ‘Ruh-ul-Khudus’444 from your God as a good news, in order to strengthen the believers and as right way to Muslims”.

103. And we certainly know that they say, “It is only a human being who teaches him”. His language is a different language with whom they relate142. It is but a clear Arabic489 language227.

104. Indeed, Allah does not show the right way to those who do not believe His verses. They have painful suffering.

105. Those who do not believe in Allah’s verses are only inventors of lies. They are the liars.

106. Allah’s anger and severe suffering are on those who, after believing in Allah, disbelieved and those who give place in their minds generously to disbelief261. Except for the one who is forced, while his mind is firm in his belief.

107. The only reason for this was that they believed in this worldly life than the hereafter. Allah does not show the right way to those who disbelieve (Him).

108. Allah has put the seal on their minds, ears and sights. It is they who do not understand.

109. Surely, there is no doubt that they have incurred loss in the hereafter.

110. Indeed, your God is for those who after having been tested, do ‘Hijrah’460, fight for justice and observe patience. Indeed, after this, your God is Forgiving, Merciful.

111. That day1 ,when every person will come pleading for itself, will be given in full for what he has done. They will not be caused injustice.

112. And Allah cites a place as an example. That place was comfortable and peaceful. From every place food came to it abundantly. But that place became ungrateful of Allah’s favour. So Allah covered them with cloth of hunger and fear for what they had been doing.

113. And a messenger came to them from among themselves. They considered him a liar. Suffering attacked them when they caused injustice

114. You eat the lawful and the pure which Allah gave you. Be grateful to Allah if you are worshippers of Allah.

115. Allah has forbidden for you dead animals, blood, flesh of the swine and anything407  slaughtered for others than Allah42, unless, one who is neither transgressed nor volunteered but compelled431. Then indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.171

116. And do not invent lies which your tongues ascribe on Allah, “This is lawful; this is forbidden”. Indeed, those who have invented lies on Allah will not be successful.

117. (It) is worthless enjoyment. (In the hereafter) there is painful suffering for them.

118. And we had forbidden to the Jews262 what had been related to you (O Muhammad) before. We did not cause harm to them but, they caused harm to themselves.

119. Indeed, Allah is for those who due to ignorance committed wrong and thereafter, repenting, corrected themselves. Indeed, thereafter your God is Forgiving, Merciful.

120. Indeed, Ibrahim was a generation, obedient to Allah and stood (firmly) in the true way. He was not of those who associate others with God.

121. He has been grateful for His favours. He selected him. He guided him in the right way

122. And we gave good to him in the world. He will be among the good in the hereafter.

123. We conveyed you Our message, “(O Muhammad) follow the religion of Ibrahim who stood (firmly) in the true way”. He has not been the one who associate others to God.

124. (The law146 that they should not catch fish) on Saturday was only on those who differed. On the day1 of Khiyamah, indeed your God will give judgment between them in this matter in which they differed.

125. You invite towards your God’s way with wisdom and beautiful advice. You argue with them in a polite manner. Indeed, your God is Knowing of those who went astray; Also knowing those who got the right way.

126. And if you want to punish, you punish up to the level to which you were tormented. If you observe patience then, that is better for those who are patient.

127. And observe patience. Your patience is only with Allah. Do not be sad for them. Do not be troubled because they do the plotting.

128. Indeed, Allah is only with those who fear Him and do good deeds.

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