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Chapter - 9

AT_AWBAH – Repentance

Total verses: 129

Allah says in the verses 117 and 118 that He has forgiven the leader of the prophets (peace be upon him), those who have come doing ‘hijra’, those who helped by giving refuge and in particular the three companions of the prophet who have not taken part in the battle of ‘Tabuk’. As this chapter speaks about the forgiveness given to the whole mankind, this chapter is named ‘At-Tawbah’.

The other speciality about this chapter is the word-structure found in the beginning of each chapter, “Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem” meaning, “In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and the most Merciful” is not found in the beginning of this chapter. Many persons have given various reasons and philosophies about this. Usman(Rali), the third president ( Khalifa) of the Islamic empire, who made the copy of the Holy Quran gave the following reason.

He says, “I think that the ninth chapter and the eighth chapter in the Holy Quran may be only one (a single) chapter. Both the chapters convey the same matter. Hence, I have left ‘Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem’ in the beginning of the nineth chapter.”

In addition, while mentioning about this he also says, “The prophet (peace be upon him) used to call the scribes to write down immediately whenever a chapter was revealed. He will also point out where and in which chapter should the verse be placed. In this case he (messenger) has not mentioned whether these two chapters are two different chapters or they are only one chapter. So, I have not included Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem.”

Eventhough, there is difference of opinion about the authenticity of this matter, there is no difference of opinion that ‘Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem’ was not written in the beginning of this chapter.

1.O believers, (this) declaration is about the disassociation of Allah and His messenger from the treaty you made with the Polytheists (those who associate partners with Allah).

2.You roam about in this land (Makkah) for four months. And know that you cannot win against Allah and Allah will humiliate the disbelievers.

3.Allah and His messenger have disassociated from the disbelievers. This is a declaration of Allah and His messenger to the people on the great day of Haj. If you mend then that is best for you. Know that if you reject, you cannot win against Allah. Warn the disbelievers (of only one God) about the painful suffering.

4.Except those polytheists with whom you have made the treaty and if they have caused any defect (in the treaty) and they have not helped anybody against you, you complete their treaty with them, till the prescribed time. Allah loves those who fear (Him).

5.Hence, you kill the polytheist wherever you find, after the completion of Holy months55. Catch them. Lay siege to them. You wait for them at every place of ambush. Leave them in their way, if they mend, establish prayer and give zakath. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful53.

6.And whoever from the polytheists seeks your refuge, give him refuge so that they may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to a  place of safety. It is because they are ignorant people.

7.How can there be a treaty for the polytheist with Allah and His messenger? Except those with whom you have done treaty in ‘Masjidul Haram’. You also be honest with them till they are honest with you. Indeed, Allah loves those who fear (Him).

8.How? They will not care for your relationship and treaty if they are successful. They satisfy you with their mouths(statements). Their minds reject. Most of them are criminals.

9.They sell Allah’s verses at a cheap price445. They also prevent from His way. Indeed, what they have been doing is bad.

10.They will not care for either relationship or treaty in the case of believers. They are the transgressors.

11.They will be your brothers in religion if they mend, establish prayer and give zakath. We make the signs clear for the people who understand.

12.If they break their treaty, after making it and slander your religion, fight with them as the leaders of disbelief have indeed no treaty. They may leave from (their attitude)53.

13.Should we not fight with those who broke the agreement and planned to expel this messenger(Muhammad) and then they started the (fight) on their own? Do you fear them? If you are believers, then Allah has more right over you to be feared53.

14.Fight with them. Allah will punish them with your hands. He will humiliate them. He will help you against them. He will give comfort to the minds of the believing people53.

15.(He) will remove the anger in their minds. Allah will forgive whom He wants. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.

16.Do you think, Allah will leave you in a state where the identity of those who have not made close friends of others, except Allah, His messengers and the believers and those who fight (in the way of Allah) is unknown? Allah is well aware of what you do.

17.It is not fit for the polytheist to administer Allah’s mosque, when they themselves have been witnesses to their disbelief (in only one God). Their deeds were destroyed. They will stay in the hell fire permanently.

18.Only such people who believe in Allah, Last Day1, establish prayer, give zakath and fear no one except Allah, should administer Allah’s mosque. Only they could be rightly guided.

19. Do you consider those who supply water to ‘Hajis’ and administer ‘Masjidul Haram’ (Kaba) equal to those who believe in the Last Day1 and fight in the way of Allah? They will not be equal with Allah. Allah will not show the right way to those who caused injustice.

20.Those who believe, performed ‘hijra’460, fight in the way of Allah with their wealth and lives are eligible for great degrees with Allah. They are the successful.

21.Their God gives them the good news that, He (would give) His Mercy, satisfaction and gardens of paradise. There, they will have permanent happiness.

22.They will stay in it permanently, forever. There is a great reward with Allah.

23.O believers, do not make yourself close friends89 of your parents and your brothers if they want (select) disbelief(of God) instead of belief. Those who make them your close friends have caused injustice.

24. Say, “If your parents, your children, your brothers, your wives, your family (members), the wealth you have gathered, the trade, about which you fear loss and the houses which you like, are more dearer to you than Allah, His messenger and fighting in His way, then wait till Allah declares His order. Allah will not show guidance to those who do wrong.”

25.Allah has helped you in many (battle) grounds. On the day of the battle of ‘Humain’, when your great number made you proud, it did not benefit you anything. The land became narrow eventhough it was broad. Then you ran turning your backs26.

26.Then Allah sent down His comfort on His messenger and the believers. He sent down forces which you have not seen. He punished the disbelievers (of Him). This is the punishment of the disbelievers.

27.Then, Allah forgives whom He wants. Allah is Forgiving, the most Merciful.

28.O believers, indeed, the polytheists are impure. So, they should not come near ‘Masjidul Haram’ after this year200. If you fear poverty, if Allah wants then He will make you self-sufficient with His bounty. Allah is Knowing, Wise.

29.Fight53 with those who among the people of the Book27 do not believe in Allah, the Last Day1, do not forbid186 which Allah and His messenger have forbidden and those who do not follow the true religion till they give ‘Zisya’201 tax with their hands, in humiliation.

30.Jews say, “ ‘Uzair’ is Allah’s son”. Christians say, “ ‘Masih’ is Allah’s son.” This is a statement with their mouths. They accept the statement of the disbelievers (of only one God) before this. Allah will destroy them. How are they misdirected?

31.They made their preachers, priest and ‘masih’92 the son of Maryam, gods besides Allah459. They were ordered to worship only one God. There is no one worshipful except Him. He is pure10(from all weakness) and above what they associate with him.

32.They think that they can put out the light of Allah by blowing with their mouths. Though the polytheist hate (Him), Allah will not leave without completing(establishing) His light.

33.It is only He who sent His messenger with right way and true religion in order to make it superior to all (other) religions, eventhough the disbelievers hate it.

34.O believers, most of the preachers and priests wrongly eat the wealth of the people. They prevent (the people) from the way of Allah. Give warning, “For those who hold gold and silver without spending in the way of Allah, there is a painful suffering139.”

35.On that day, they will be burnt in the hell fire and their fore-heads, sides and backs will be seared with them. (It will be said), “It is this you have hoarded for yourself. So, taste your hoardings.”

36.The number of months with Allah is twelve202, in Allah’s Register157, from the day of creation of the heavens507 and the earth. Out of these, fourth months are Holy55. It is the right way. Do not cause harm to yourselves during these (holy) months. As the disbelievers gathered together to fight against you, you also gather together to fight against them. Know53 that Allah is with those who fear.

37.Indeed, the postponing (the month’s holiness) will increase the disbelief (in God). Thereby, the disbelievers go astray. They remove the holiness for an year. They give holiness for the next year. They make unholy that Allah has made holy in-order to set right the number, which Allah had made holy. Their bad deeds are shown as good to them. Allah will not guide the people who disbelieve.

38. O believers, what happened to you? You inclined towards the world when it is said to you, “Depart in the way of Allah”. Are you satisfied with this worldly life than the here-after. The enjoyment of this world is nothing before the here-after.

39.If you do not depart, He will punish you with suffering. He will replace you with some other people. You cannot cause any harm to Him. Allah has power over all things.

40.Even if you do not help him (Muhammad) when the polytheist expelled him, one of the two,  when they were in the cave, when he (Muhammad) said, “You do not be sad. Allah is with us”, to his companion, Allah has helped him. He sent down His peace upon him. He strengthened him with the forces which you have not seen. He made the word of the disbelievers the lowest.  It is only Allah’s word which is the Highest. And Allah is the All-Mighty, the Wise.

41.You depart whether the strength of your forces is big or small. You fight in the way of Allah with your wealth and lives203. If you should know it, it is better for you.

42.They, would have followed you (O Muhammad), if the good had been available near and it had been a moderate journey. But for them the travel was difficult and long. Making a promise on Allah, they say, “If it were possible, we would have departed with you.” They destroyed themselves. Allah knows that, indeed, they are liars.

43.(O Muhammad), Allah forgave you493. Why did you permit them before it was clear to you, who told the truth and before you could know the liars?

44.Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day1 will not ask your permission to keep themselves away from fighting with their wealth and lives. Allah is knowing of those who fear Him.

45.Only those who do not believe Allah and the Last Day1 and have doubts in their mind will ask your permission. They have been wavering in their doubts.

46.They would have prepared for that if they had intended to depart. But Allah did not like their departure. So, he made them lazy. It was told, “You sit along with those who did not go to fight.”

47.If they had gone with you, then they would not have increased (anything) but disorder. They would have carried news in order to create confusion. Their spies are among you. And Allah knows those who have caused injustice.

48.(O Muhammad), they already intended to create sedition(trouble-making). They directed the problems towards you. The truth came out finally. Allah’s matter prevailed over though they hated it.

49.Among them there are also people who say, “Give me permission. Do not let me tested.” Remember, they have fallen into corruption. And indeed, hell will surround the disbelievers.

50.If any good happens to you that gives them sorrow. When ordeal(test) is caused to you, then they returned happily saying, “(It is good), we have already been careful.”

51.Say, “Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed to us. He is our Master. And the believers should rely only on Allah.”

52.Say (O Muhammad), “Do you expect any other thing except the two benefits(victory or martyrdom) for us? But we expect for you either Allah giving suffering or punishment with our hands. You expect. Indeed, we also expect along with you.”

53.And also say, “Spend willingly or unwillingly. It will not be accepted from you. Indeed, you are the wrong-doing people.”

54.What prevents their spending being accepted from them is, their rejection of Allah and His messenger, laziness that they showed while praying and their spending unwillingly in the good cause.

55.Let not the children (in great number) and their wealth attract you. Allah wants to punish them in the worldly life and their souls should depart while they have been rejecting (only one God).

56.They make promise on Allah and say, “We are also from among you.” They are not from among you. Instead they are people who fear.

57.They would have gone towards them quickly if they had seen their shelter, caves or mines.

58. From among them are people, who find fault with you in the distribution of charity. They are satisfied if they are given from it. They get angry immediately, if they are not given from it.

59.If they were satisfied with what Allah had given to them and said, “Allah is sufficient for us. Allah and His messenger will give His bounty to us. Indeed, we are desirous of Allah only. (It would have been better)140

60.Charities are for the beggar, the poor, those employed to collect the minds of those which have to be attracted204 for (freeing) slaves, for the debtors, in the way of Allah205 and for the wayfarer (traveller). This is the duty enjoined by Allah. Allah is Knowing, Wise130.

61.And among them there are people who give trouble to this prophet. They say, “He is a believer of whatever he hears.” And say, “He hears what is good for you. He believes in Allah. He believes in the saying of the believers. He is a blessing to the believers among you.” For those who trouble Allah’s messenger there is painful suffering.

62.They make promise on Allah in order to satisfy you. If they are believers then, only Allah and His messenger are the worthy persons to satisfy.

63.Hell fire is there for those who act against Allah and His messenger. They will remain there permanently. Should they not understand that it will be great humiliation?

64.The hypocrites fear the revelation of the chapter,  which reveals what is in their minds, on the believers. Say, “Mock, Allah will reveal what you fear.”

65.And you ask them (about it), they will say, “We only talked jokingly and playfully”. Ask them, “Were you mocking at Allah, His verses and His messenger?”

66. Make no excuse. After you have disbelieved you rejected (Us). We will punish other faction even though We forgive a faction as they have been doing wrong.

67.Hypocritical men and women, are alike. They enjoin bad and forbid good. They close their hands (without opening). Forgot Allah. He also forgot them6. Only hypocrites commit wrong.

68.Allah has warned of hell fire to the hypocritical men and women and to the disbelievers. They will remain there permanently. That is sufficient for them. Allah has cursed them6. For them there is a permanent suffering.

69.(You are like) those who went before. They were stronger than you in power, more in (number of) children and a lot of wealth. They enjoyed the bounty given to them. As those who went before enjoyed the bounty you also enjoyed the bounty that you received. You have also engaged like those who engaged in (vain arguments). Their deeds were destroyed in this world and the here-after. It is they who are the losers.

70.Have they not received the news about the people of Nuh, people of Ibrahim, dwellers of Maryam (including the people of Hud) who were overturned? Their messenger brought to them clear signs. Instead they only wronged themselves.

71. And, believing men and women are friends to each other. They will enjoin good. They will forbid bad. They will establish prayer. They will also give ‘zakath’. They will obey Allah and His messenger. Allah sends mercy only to them. Allah is Mighty;Wise.

72.Allah has promised gardens in the paradise to the believing men and women. Beneath them rivers flow. They will remain there permanently. There are clean (pleasant) dwellings in the gardens of permanent paradise. Allah’s approval is very great. This is the greatest victory.

73.prophet, fight with the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Be strict with them53. Their refuge is hell. That is a very bad place to rest.

74.They promise on Allah that they have not said (like that) though they have told ‘the word of disbelief’. After accepting Islam they rejected. They charted out a plan which could not be accomplished. They do not complain140 (about anything), except that Allah and His messenger had made them rich with His blessing (bounty). If they mend, then that will be good for them. If they reject then Allah will make them undergo painful suffering in the world and the here-after. There is no protector or helper on the earth.

75. Among them there are also people who took the promise on Allah, “We will give charity if Allah gives His bounty to us; We will become good”.

76.They were stingy with it when Allah gave them from His bounty. They rejected carelessly.

77.He prolonged hypocricy in their minds till the day1. They will meet Him, because they broke the promise made with Allah and had been telling lies.

78. Should they not know that Allah knows their secrets and deeper secrets? Allah is well knowing of the hidden.

79.They blame and mock at those believers who spend on (the right way) and those who get nothing but their labour. Allah mocks at them6. They will have a painful suffering.

80.(O Muhammad), ask forgiveness for them or ask not. Allah will not forgive them even if you ask forgiveness for them, seventy times. It is because they rejected Allah and His messenger. Allah will not show the right way for the wrong doers.

81.After the departure of Allah’s messenger (Muhammad, to the battle of Tabuk), those who did not go to the battle and remained in their houses became happy. They hate to fight in the way of Allah with their wealth and lives. They also say, “Do not start in the summer”. Say, “The hell fire is hotter than this? Should not they understand this?”

82.Let them laugh a little for what they have been doing266. (Let them) weep more.

83.(O Muhammad), if Allah makes you return to a faction then they ask your permission to go to war, say, “Do not ever go with me. Do not fight with any enemy along with me. Initially, you only wanted to remain without going to war. So, you remain with those who remained without going to war”.

84. And do not conduct prayer for those among them who have died. Do not stand over anybody’s grave. They refused to accept Allah and His messenger. They died as wrong doers.

85.Let not their children (in large number) and their wealth attract you. Thereby, Allah wants to punish them in this world and let their souls depart while they have been disbelieving (God).

86.When the chapter (which says), “Believe in Allah. Fight along with His messenger” is revealed, rich among them seek permission from you by saying, “Leave us to remain with those who have remained without going to war”.

87.They have preferred to remain like the women who remain at home. Their minds have been sealed. So, they will not understand.

88.Instead, this messenger (Muhammad) and the believers with him fight with their wealth and lives. Benefits are there only for them. Only they are successful.

89.Allah has prepared the gardens of the paradise for them. Beneath them rivers flow. They remain there permanently. This is the great success.

90.They came with excuse, among the villagers, who wanted to seek permission (to remain without going to war) from you. Those who told lies on Allah and His messenger remained without going to war. Among them, painful suffering will be caused to the disbelievers (in God).

91.There is no wrong on the weak, sick and those who have nothing to spend on the (right way) if they want good for Allah and His messenger. There is no way (to punish) those who do good. Allah is Forgiving; Most Merciful.

92.(O Muhammad), when you said, to the people who came asking for conveyance to you, “I have no conveyance for you”, there is nothing wrong on those, who turned back with their eyes shedding tears, due the grief that there is nothing to spend in good way.

93.There is a way (to punish) only those who asked for permission to you, though they were rich. They consented to remain like the women who remain at home. Allah has sealed their minds. So, they do not know.

Part 11

94.When you return (from the battle) to them they give excuses to you. Say (O Muhammad), “Give no excuses. We are not going to believe you. Allah has informed us of the news about you.” Allah and His messenger know your activity. Then you will be taken to the knower of the hidden and the seen. He will inform you about what you had been doing.

95.They promise on Allah to you when you return to them so that you will leave them. Leave them (alone). They are impure. Their resting place is hell. This is the punishment for what they have done365.

96.They promise you so that you will be satisfied with them. Indeed, Allah will not accept the people who do wrong even if you are satisfied with them.

97.Villagers are very strong in disbelief and hypocrisy. It is better for them not to know the limits fixed by Allah on His messenger. Allah is Knowing, Wise.

98.And among the villagers there are people who consider their spending as loss. They expect trials happening to you. There is severe suffering only for them. Allah is Hearing; Knowing.

99.From among the villagers there are people who believe Allah and the Last Day1. They consider their spending will help them to approach nearer to Allah and get them the messenger’s prayer. Remember, it will get them nearness. Allah will make them enter into His Mercy. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving; Most Merciful.

100.Allah was pleased with the group of those who have gone before, from among the Muhajir460 and Ansar, and those who followed them in the good thing(faith).501 They were also pleased with Him. He has prepared gardens in the paradise for them. Beneath them rivers flow. They will remain there permanently, forever. This is the great success.

101.And there are hypocrites among the villagers in the surroundings and the people of ‘Madina’. They are firm in their hypocricy. You (O Muhammad) will not know them. We only know them. We will punish them twice. Then they will be made to experience severe suffering.

102. And a few others accept their sins. They have mixed the good deed with the bad deed. Allah may forgive them. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving; Most Merciful.

103.(O Muhammad), take charity from their wealth. Thereby you purify and clean them. You pray for them. Indeed, your prayer will give them peace of mind. And Allah is Hearing; Knowing.

104.Do they not know that Allah accepts the repentance from His servants, gets charity and surely Allah is the acceptor of repentance, the most Merciful.

105.And say, “Do (as you like). Allah, His messenger and believer know your deed. You will be taken to One who knows the hidden and the seen. He will inform you of what you have been doing.”

106.And a few others were made to wait for the order of Allah. Allah may punish them or He may forgive. Allah is Knowing; Wise.

107.Those who made a mosque inorder to cause harm, to reject (only one God), to cause divisions among the believers and as a refuge to those who fought against Allah and His messenger, before, promise, “We desire nothing intended but good”. Allah testifies, “Indeed, they are liars”.

108.(O Muhammad), you never pray in that. Certainly, that mosque which was established on the basis of the fear of Allah, from the day one is worthy for you to pray. There are men who like cleanliness. Allah like people with cleanliness.

109.The one who established the building on the basis of fear and satisfaction of Allah better or the one who built a building on the edge of a bank, which will fall by erosion and tumble down in the hell with that better? Allah will not show the right way to those who caused injustice.

110.Unless their minds are blasted into disintegration, the building built by them will continue to be a symbol of their doubt. And Allah is Knowing; Wise.

111.Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange of paradise. They fight in the way of Allah. They kill; get killed. This is the promise that he had made as a duty on Himself in ‘Tawrath’491, ‘Injel’ and ‘Quran’, who will fulfil the promise other than Allah? You be pleased with the agreement made about this trade. This is certainly a great success.

112.(They) seek forgiveness; (they) are repentant; praying; praising (God), fasting; bowing; prostrating; enjoying good, preventing bad; adhering Allah’s limits. Convey good news to (such) believers.

113.Seeking forgiveness for them is not becoming of the believers and this  prophet (Muhammad), when it was known that disbelievers are the people of hell, even if they are close relatives.

114.Ibrahim seeking forgiveness for his father is because of the promise that he gave to his father. He detatched himself from that when he came to know that he was the enemy of Allah. Indeed, Ibrahim is humble; forbearing247.

115.After Allah has shown the right way to the people, He will not leave them astray unless He explains the prohibited. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of everything.

116.Indeed, the rule in the heavens507 and on the earth belongs only to Allah. He gives life. Makes them die. There is neither guardian nor helper to you except Allah.

117.Allah forgave this prophet, those who have performed the ‘hijra’460 and the Ansar. He forgave those who followed during the difficult times, eventhough the minds of a part among them began to deviate. Indeed, He was the Most Merciful to them; kind.

118.And (God forgave) those three whose judgement was pending. As far as they are concerned the earth became narrow eventhough it was vast. Their minds also became narrow. They believed that there is no refuge for them except in Allah, to escape from Allah. Then, He forgave them, so that they will mend. Indeed, Allah is the accepter of repentance; Most merciful210.

119.O believers, fear Allah. You be with the truthful.

120.It is not becoming of the people of Madina and the villagers surrounding them,to abstain from going to fight along with Allah’s messenger and like their lives better than his life. No good deed will be left unrecorded for them if thirst, difficulty and hunger occurs to them in the way of Allah, if they set foot on the ground which will cause anger for those who disbelieve (only one God) and if they receive any attack from the enemy. Allah will not waste the reward of those who do good.

121.And whatever they spend in good way whether it is small or big and cross a valley, in order to reward them for the good deeds they have done, Allah does not leave them unrecorded.

122.Believers should not depart altogether. Should not a section of the people departed from such group to learn the religion and to warn their people when they return to them? (Thereby) they will detach themselves (from wrong)211.

123.O believers, Fight53 with the disbelievers (of only one God) next to you. Let them see severity from you. You understand that Allah is only with those who fear Him.

124. Among them there are people, when a chapter is revealed, ask, “Among you whom did it increase belief?” It increased the belief for the believers. They became happy.

125.To such of those who had disease in their minds it increased the impurity over impurity to them. They died only as disbelievers.

126.Do not they feel, they are tested484 once or twice every year? Even then they did not mind. Do not learn a lesson.

127.And when a chapter is revealed, they look at each other (saying), “Does anybody see you?” and then they turn away. Allah has turned their minds because they are the people who do not understand.

128.From among you certainly a messenger (Muhammad) has come to you. It will be burdensome to him that you suffer. He is more concerned about you. He has great love and kindness towards the believers.

129.If they turn away, say, “Allah is sufficient for me. Nobody is worshipful except Him; I have only trust in Him. He is the God of the Mighty ‘Arsh’”.

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