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27. Can all the Christians be called as ‘People of the Book’?

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27. Can all the Christians be called as ‘People of the Book’?

It is mentioned in the following verses that Muslims can marry women from the ‘People of the Book’ and the food from them is permissible to be eaten by Muslims. There are various opinions expressed about who are referred to as the ‘People of the Book’. Though the words ‘People of the Book’ generally refers to all the communities who were given scriptures all along the history of mankind, in the Quran we find these words addressing the Jews and Christians. It should not be misunderstood that in fact is referring to Jews and Christians of the present day. Because all the Jews and Christians do not constitute the ‘The people of the book’. Prophet Eesa, Prophet Musa, and all the prophets following were sent to the people of Israel alone. Torah and Injeel were addressed only to the people of Israel. In verses 3:49, 5:72, 43:59, 61:6 we find Prophet Eesa declaring ‘I was sent only to the people of Israel. Hence a person, not a member belonging to the ‘People of Israel’ cannot be considered as a member of the ‘People of the Book’ in spite he is being a Christian.

Prophet Muhammad was sent as a messenger to the entire humanity. May be a few were sent similarly, but most of them were sent to specific communities. A question may arise as to how Prophet Musa was sent to Firoun a non-member of the ‘People of the Book. It must be understood that Prophet Musa was sent not only to the People of Israel but also to Firoun’s community in the beginning. But Prophet Musa was not bestowed with a scripture until Firoun and his forces were decimated. Prophet Musa was bestowed with a scripture by God only after Firoun was destroyed’ and declared that the Torah was for the ‘People of Israel’. Let's go through this matter in detail. When Prophet Musa and Prophet Haroon were sent by Allah to Firoun they were not sent with any scriptures. They were armed by Him with a few wonders and ordered to begin preaching His messages.

Prophet Musa and Prophet Haroon begin their task of calling people towards God. A competition takes place between the magicians of Firoun and Prophet Musa. Torah was not bestowed on the Prophet at that period. The people of Israel were tormented by Firoun. Prophet Musa and his community tolerated him. Firoun and his forces were subjected to various kinds of punishments such as drought, intense rain, locusts, lice, frogs, and blood. Even at this stage Torah was still not revealed. Later Prophet Musa and his people started fleeing their homeland with Firoun behind them. At the end Firoun was drowned in the sea and Prophet Musa and his people emerged safe. Till then Torah was yet to be delivered. Only after all these happenings was Prophet Musa delivered with a scripture. These facts could be understood by pondering over verses 7:103-150. The verses from 7:103 to 141 speak about Prophet Musa’s preaching, his tribulations, decimation of Firoun, and verses from 7:142-145 talk of the bestowing scripture on Prophet Musa. Prophet Musa and Prophet Haroon were spreading the words of God without a scripture for quite a period.

When pondering over verses 3:93, 17:2, 32.23, 40:53, 5:43,44, 61:6 we can come to understand that Torah was revealed only to the people of Israel. Similarly, we come to know from the verses 3:49, 5:72, 7:105, 7:134, 7:138, 10:90, 17:2, 17:101, 20:47, 20:94, 26:17 32:23, 43:59, 40:53, 61:6 that Injeel was revealed addressing the people of Israel. Persons who do not come under the purview of the ‘People of Israel’ even if they follow the scripture revealed to the ‘People of Israel’ cannot be considered as People of the Book. 

 Hence marriage with persons calling themselves (Jews and Christians of the present day) as belonging to ‘people of Israel’ and eating meat of animals slaughtered by them is not allowed in Islam, because they do not constitute the ‘People of Israel’ of yester years. 

(For more details refer to marking point 137, 138.) 

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