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493. Prophet Muhammad the sinned and Jesus the innocent.

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493. Prophet Muhammad the sinned and Jesus the innocent.

Verses (4:106, 9:43, 23:118, 48:3, 110:3) of the Quran say Prophet Muhammad is a sinner and Jesus not been influenced by Shaitan. Verse (3:36) of the Quran says Jesus was not influenced by Shaitan,

Christians cite these verses and argue Jesus is a better example than Prophet Muhammad for mankind and create a confusion among Muslims. Christians place this perverse argument and do not take into confidence the Quran as a scripture.

When they argue a certain aspect or contents of the Quran, they are required to take the whole Quran into confidence as a scripture. They do not accept facts in the Quran that say, Jesus is a slave of Allah and not the son, that he was not killed by anyone, nor resurrected, and one soul cannot shoulder the sins of another.

 The answer to their argument lies in their faith in the Quran. Their belief is Quran is the imagination of Prophet Muhammad. Had Prophet Muhammad been the author of the Quran, what would have stopped him from portraying himself as a sinless person? And it would have been much easier for him to add a verse saying Jesus was a sinner. 

But in the Quran it is being mentioned that Prophet Muhammad is a human bound to commit mistakes. They need to realize the Quran is the word of God, and that these verses stand testimony. 

The fact that Prophet Muhammad was bound to make mistakes and commit a sin remains a reality, so does with the same reality applying in the case of Jesus also.

They (the Christians) are of the opinion that only acts like murder, robbery, whoring and theft constitute sin. Prophet Muhammad did not commit such acts nor did Jesus. 

The word sin includes a wide range of acts and words against the commands of the Almighty

Muslims and Christians believe Adam, the first human being committed sin But the Christians believe the sin committed by Adam continues to be shouldered by generation after generation of humans till today.

The act considered as sin committed by Adam does not come under the title of murder, robbery, or prostitution, it is mere tasting of a fruit from a tree prohibited by the Creator.

In the light of the Bible, Jesus has also committed sin because it says the soul that commits sin dies. (Eziekiel 18:20)

As per the tenets of the Bible whoever commits a sin dies, accordingly Jesus is also sinner because he died. And even as per Islamic belief Jesus is yet to die, and not immortal.

Man commits sin due to the influence of an evil force called Shaitan, the Christians addressed by the name Devil.

(Matthew 4:1-10) of the Bible talks of Jesus being tempted by the devil.

The fact Jesus was tempted by the devil confirms he also sinned. 

Refuted a person who addressed him as a sinless personMark 10:18 New International Version 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. 

Does not the words of Jesus confirm that no human including him can be totally good and perfect and are prone to commit mistakes and sins.

John 9:31, We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him. 

But Jesus pleaded with the Almighty to save him when he was nailed on the cross, (Matthew 26:38-45 Mark 14:36, Luke 22:44) his prayers were not answered. 

Matthew 26:38 Then He said to them, “My soul is swallowed up in sorrow —to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake with Me.” 

Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” 

Matthew 26:40. And he cometh unto the disciples — Unto the three from whom he had withdrawn himself a little way; and findeth them asleep — Notwithstanding the distress they saw him in, and the strict command that he had given them to watch. It seems a supernatural heaviness had fallen upon them. 

Matthew 26:41 "Watch and pray so that you will not enter into temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak. 

Matthew 26:42 He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, you will be done. 

Matthew 26:43, When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. Matthew 26:43, ESV: And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy.

 Matthew 26:44 So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.

Mattew: 45 Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour has come, and the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners.

Had Jesus been sinless his prayers would have been answered. 

The Bible (Proverbs) (23:29-35) says consuming liquor is a sin, but the same Bible (Matthew 11:19) says Jesus was a lover of liquor.

When a woman was accused of prostitution and asked by people to be killed by stoning, Jesus replied by saying let the one who has not indulged in prostitution punish her. (John 8:3–11)

If Jesus was not a sinner, at least he should have punished her.

Violating edicts, statutes, and laws is also a sin. When law demands stoning of a prostitute, the punishment should have been carried out. Over and above the non–implementation of an edict, trying to justify the crime is another sin.

The Bible (Matthew 3:6) says those who have sinned need to be baptised.

And the Bible (Matthew 3:13) says Jesus was baptised like all others. 

Reviling and talking low of others is also a sin, but when Jesus was asked to perform miracles by some people, he reviled them by calling them heirs of immoral women.

Instead of preforming miracles or refusing, calling people who requested for a performance as heirs of prostitutes, (Matthew 12:39, Mark:16:4,) can’t be justified by Christians?

When a woman from another race asked Jesus to preach to her, Jesus replied to her by saying only the Israelites are humans while others are dogs, and in a gesture to confirm the same he uttered. It is not good to feed dogs with bread meant for children. (Matthew 15:26, Mark 7:27). Is this not sin?

Isn’t cursing the fig tree for not bearing fruits a sin? (Matthew 21:19) 

Browsing the Bible, one can find Jesus having committed many sins. If one has belief in the Bible, he also needs to believe Jesus did commit sin.

If any one cites a proof from Islam saying Jesus was not influenced by Shaitan, he neds to find the understanding of what is being said from Islam. It has already been explained by Prophet Muhammad what is meant by ‘not being influenced by the Shaitan’.

Prophet Muhammad said, any newborn child at birth is influenced by Shaitan, and this is when it starts crying at birth, except in the case of Maryam and her son. 

Book : Bukhari 4548 

Islam says any child at birth is influenced by the Shaitan and starts crying at birth, but Jesus was protected from such a happening and Islam didn’t say Jesus wouldn't commit any sin, and it never said he would not further commit any sin. And Islam’s fundamental is that all humans are bound to commit crimes and sins.

Please refer to explanation no;459 of this compilation to know more. 

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