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140. Can the prophet bless people with riches?

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140. Can the prophet bless people with riches?

In these verses (9:59, 9:74,) of the Quran we find the mention that Allah and his prophet will give His blessings to people. These verses have been grossly misunderstood by some .

It has been misunderstood by some that Prophet Muhammad has been authorised to provide wealth to the needy.This is wrong. .

Because, in the verses 2:245, 13:26, 16:71, 17:30, 28:82, 29:17, 29:62, 30:37, 34:36, 34:39, 39:52, 42:12 Allah says ‘’ I provide those whom I will, with wealth. 

And moreover Allah commands in verse (verse 6:50) Prophet Muhammad to declare that His treasuries are not under the care of Prophet Muhammad. 

Prophet Muhammad couldn’t make himself wealthy nor could he make his companions wealthy, who were reeling under the clutches of poverty. 

.Hence these verses (9:59, 9:74) need to be interpreted and understood in consonance with the sayings of the Quran and the guidance of Prophet Muhammad. .

Prophet Muhammad was not only the messenger of God but also the governmental head with the responsibility of taking care of the general public.

Even today when some ruler in a government showers his subjects with gifts we say he provided them till they were fully satisfied.

This word used with simplistic meaning should not be given to mean dangerous overtones. 

These verses do not convey the meaning that Prophet Muhammad will provide people with wealth in a similar way as does Al-mighty. And some people extend the scope of these verses to pious people in blatant misguidance.

Please refer explanation point nos 17, 41, 49, 79, 83, 100, 104, 121, 122, 141, 193, 213, 215, 245, 269, 298, 327, 397, 427, 471 to know more about how the arguments of people who indulge in worship at shrines are wrong.

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