Chapter 10
Yunus – (A Messenger of God)
Total Verses: 109
It is mentioned in various chapters about Yunus, the messenger. In the 98th verse of this chapter, it is mentioned that those who have not accepted the messenger Yunus, when they saw the signs of God’s punishment, repented and accepted the only one God. It is named Yunus because the above mentioned verse contains this news.
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.
1. Alif, Laam, Ra2. These are the verses from the wise Book.
2. Is it a surprise for them that We reveal to the one from among the mankind, “Warn the people” and convey the good news, “For the believer there is (a reward for) their good deed with Allah?”. The disbelievers say “Indeed, he is an expert magician”.
3. Certainly, your God is Allah. It is He who created the heavens507 and the earth in six days179. Then he sat511 on the ‘Arsh’. He is administering the affairs. There is no intercessor without His permission17. He is Allah, your God. Worship Him. Will (you) not learn a lesson?
4. All of you return only to Him. (This) is Allah’s true promise. It is He who created in the beginning. Then, He again creates in order, to reward honestly to those who believe and do good deeds. For the disbelievers, there is only boiling drink and painful suffering because they have been rejecting.
5. Certainly, He made the sun as radiance and the moon a reflected light, so that you will know the number of years and the calculation of time. He made many phases for the moon. Allah has created this with proper reason. He explains the verses to the people who know.
6. Indeed, there are signs for the people who fear (God), in the fluctuation of night and day and in the creation of the heavens507 and the earth.
7. , 8, Indeed, their dwelling is hell26 to those who without believing in Our meeting,488 satisfied with this worldly life and get peace in that. And reject Our verses because they have been doing (wrong)26.
9. Indeed, their God will take those who believed and did good deeds, to the gardens of paradise filled with happiness, for their faith. Beneath them rivers flow.
10. There, their prayer will be “O Allah, you are Pure10 (free from all weaknesses)”. Their greeting will be only “Salam159”. Their request in the end will be, “All praise be to Allah, the God of the worlds”.
11. Their appointed time would have been over if Allah has hastened to cause harm in their matter like the mankind which hastens towards good. We will leave them wondering in their transgression, those who do not believe in Our meeting.488
12. And when a trouble touches a man, he prays to Us whether lying, sitting or standing. When We remove his trouble from him, he walks (away) as if he as not called Us for the trouble that touched him. Thus, for the transgressors, whatever they have done is made beautiful.
13. And We have destroyed, before you, many generations who have caused injustice. Their messenger brought them clear signs. They are not of those who have believed. Thus, We will punish the people who are sinners.
14. We made you successors46 in the land in order to see how you are going to act after them.
15. And when Our clear verses are recited to them, those who do not believe in Our meeting488 say, “You bring a Quran other than this or you alter it”. Say (O Muhammad), “I have no power to alter this on my own. I do not follow anything except what is revealed to me. Indeed, I fear the suffering of the great day1 if I disobey my God”.
16. Say (O Muhammad), “I would not have told you this if Allah had wanted. He also would not have informed you. I have lived among you for many years before this. Will you not understand?”
17. Who has caused greater injustice than the one who has invented a lie or considered His verses lies? Indeed, the criminals will not succeed.
18. And they worship other than Allah that which neither harms them nor do good to them. They also say, “These are intercessors for us to Allah.” Say, “Are you teaching Allah (as if) Allah does not know (anything) in the heavens507 and the earth? He is Pure10 (free from all weaknesses). He is above what they associate (with God)”
19. And the people were only one nation. Then they differed. Judgment would have been given in the case of the difference, had not the fate overtaken from you God.
20. And they ask, “Should not the proof be revealed to him from his God?” Say (O Muhammad), “Hidden is only for Allah”. You expect. Indeed, I am also expecting along with you”.
21. They plot in Our signs when we make the Human beings taste our bounty, after trouble had occurred to them. Say, “Allah is quick in plotting6”. Indeed, Our messengers (angels) record what you plot.
22. It is He who makes you travel in the sea and the land. You are in the ship. Good wind directs you. When they get happy the storm comes to them. From every place waves also come to them. They consider that they have been surrounded. They make their worship with pure mind to Him and pray to Allah, “If You save us from this, we will be thankful to You.”
23. When He saves them, they unjustly commit cruelty on the earth. O mankind, your cruelty is only against your souls. There are a few facilities in this worldly life. Then your return is only with Us. We will inform you about what you have been doing.
24. The example for this worldly life is like the water sent down from the heaven507 by Us. It mixes with the plants which the mankind and the cattle eat, on the earth. Finally, the earth gets lush and attractive. Our order comes to it (earth) either in the night or day when their owners think that they have power over it. Then We make it reaped as if it had not remained there yesterday. Thus We explain the signs to the people who think.
25. Allah invites to the House of Peace. He guides to right way whom He wants.
26. For those who have done good, there is good and more than that. Neither darkness nor humiliation appears on their faces. They are only the people of paradise. They will remain in it permanently.
27. There will not be anybody to save those, who have done wrongs, from Allah. For bad deeds, there will be equivalent punishment. Humiliation will surround them. Their faces will be like those which were covered with a part of night surrounded by darkness. They are the people of hell. They will remain there permanently
28. And on the day1, when We gather all of them together, We will tell the disbelievers, “You and your gods stand in your places”. Then We will cause division among them. Their gods will say, “You never worshipped us”.
29. Say, “Allah is sufficient witness between us and you. We were not aware that you had worshipped (us)”.
30. Only there each person will see his deeds. They will be taken to Allah, the true Master. Whatever they have imagined will disappear from them.
31. Ask, “Who gives you food463 from the heaven507 and the earth? Who has the sense of hearing and sight under His control? Who brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living? Who administers the affairs?” Will say, ‘Allah’. And you ask, “Will you not be afraid?”
32. It is He who is the true God, Allah. What is there after truth except wrong? How are you misdirected?
33. Your God’s words ‘they will not believe’ has been confirmed on the sinners.
34. Ask, “Are there among your gods, any creator who can create first and then again?” Say, “It is only Allah who creates first. Then again creates. How are you misdirected?”
35. Ask, “Are there anybody among your gods, who can guide towards truth?” Say, “It is only Allah who guides towards truth.” Is the one who guides towards truth be followed or those who cannot move by themselves except by the guidance of others, be followed? What has happened to you? How do you give judgement.
36. Most of them follow nothing except assumption. Indeed, assumption will never make the truth unnecessary. Indeed, Allah knows of what they do.
37. This Quran has not been invented by others than Allah. Instead, it is a confirmation of what went before4 and it is a Book with (clear) explanation. There is no doubt in it. It has come from the God of the worlds.
38. Do they say, “He has invented it.” Say (O Muhammad), “If you are true then bring at least a chapter like this7. You call for your help who ever you can except Allah.”
39. Observe, “They consider it a lie because they do not have complete knowledge and have not received explanation. Likewise, those who went before also considered it lie. What was the end of those who caused injustice?”
40. From among them there are also believers in it. There are also disbelievers. Your God is the most Knowing of the corruptors.
41. If they consider you (O Muhammad) as liar you say, “For me my deed, and for you your deed. You have disassociated with what I do. I have disassociated with what you do.”
42. There are people among them who lend their ears to your words. Will you make the deaf hear even though they do not understand?
43. And there are people among them who see you. Will you guide the blind even though he will not see?
44. Allah will not do even a little harm to mankind. Instead, the people cause harm to themselves.
45. And on that day1, when they are raised, they will know each other as if they lived on (the earth) for a short time. Those who considered Allah’s meeting488 as a lie have incurred loss. They did not get the guidance.
46. And their return (O Muhammad) is only to Us, whether We show to you some of what we warned them or We seize you. Then Allah is the witness for what they do.
47. For each generation there is a messenger214. When their messenger comes, then the judgement will be given justly. They will not be caused injustice.
48. They ask, “If you are truthful then when will the promise be fulfilled?”
49. Say (O Muhammad), “I am not given power to harm or good to myself, except what Allah has wanted. There is an appointed time for each generation. When their appointed time arrives they will neither remain behind (it) nor will they precede (it)”.
50. Ask, “Answer, if the suffering either in the night or the day (what will happen?)”. And ask, “What for then the sinners are in hurry?”
51. (It will be said), “Will you believe only after it had happened? (Will you believe) only now. Is it not this you have been seeking hurriedly?”
52. Then it will be said to those who have caused injustice, “Taste the permanent suffering. Will (you) be punished except for what you have done265?”
53. And they ask you, “Is it (hereafter) true?” Say, “Yes, by my God indeed it is true. You cannot defeat (Him)”
54. And, if each of those persons, who has caused injustice, own everything on the earth (it), will (be ready to) give as compensation. They will be sad in their minds when they see the suffering. Among them judgement will be given justly. They will not be caused injustice.
55. Remember, to Allah belongs everything in the heavens507 and on the earth. Remember, Allah’s promise is true. Yet most of them will not know.
56. It is only He who gives you life. Causes death. You will be returned to Him only.
57. O mankind, from your God advice has come to you, cure for the disease in your minds, guidance and mercy for the believers.
58. Say, “Let them be happy only in the mercy and kindness of Allah. It is better than what they gather”.
59. Say, “Allah sent down food for you. It is yourself who have made forbidden and permitted in that”. Ask, “Was it Allah who gave you permission? Or do you invent it on Allah? Answer it”
60. And whatever those, who invent lies on Allah, think about the day of ‘Khiymah1’. Indeed, Allah has mercy on the people. Yet most of them are not thankful.
61. And whatever may be the Matter you (people) are (engaged) in whatever you (Muhammad) recite from the Quran. Whatever deed you do (Muhammad) when you engage in it We will not refrain from Watching (over) you. Neither can disappear from your God on the earth and in the heaven507 whether it is an atom or smaller than atom or bigger than it. They are not but recorded in a clear register157.
62. Remember there is no fear for the friends of Allah. They will also not fear215.
63. They believe (in God). They will be fearing (Him).
64. They have good news in the worldly life and in the hereafter. There is no change in the words of Allah155. This is a great success.
65. And let not their saying (O Muhammad) put you in grief. All honour is only for Allah. He is the Hearing and the Knowing.
66. Remember, those who are in the heaven507 and the earth belong only to Allah. What do they, who call gods except Allah, follow? They follow only assumptions. They have been only imagining.
67. It is He who made the night so that you will get peace and the day (giving) light. There are signs for those who hear.
68. (They) say, “Allah has taken a progeny”. You do not have any evidence for this. He is Pure10 (from all weaknesses). He is free of need.485 Whatever in the heavens507 and on the earth belongs to Him only. Do you invent on Allah that which you do not know?”
69. Say, “Indeed, those who invent lies on Allah, will not get success”.
70. There are certain facilities in this world. Their return is only to Us. We will make them taste severe suffering because they have been disbelievers.
71. And recite the news of ‘Nuh’ to them. Remind, what he said his people, “O my people, if my presence (among you) and the advice that I give you through the verses of Allah is a burden to you then I put my trust on Allah. You gather (together) your plan and the gods. Then let not your plan be hidden to you. Then you give judgment in the matter. Do not give me any time”.
72. (And he also said), “If you turn away (I have no concern about it). I have not asked any reward from you. My reward is only with Allah. I have been ordered to be a ‘Muslim’”.
73. And they considered him to be a liar. So We saved him and those in the ship along with him. We made them successors46. We drowned those who considered our verses a lie. Observe, “What happened to the end of those who were warned?”
74. After him, We sent many messengers to their respective people. They brought clear signs to them. They would not have believed because they had considered it to be a lie. Thus We put the seal on the minds of those who have transgressed.
75. After them, We sent with our signs, Musa and Harun to Firhaun and his courtiers. He became proud. They remained criminals.
76. When the truth came to them from Us, they said, “Indeed, it is a clear magic”
77. Musa said, “Do you call it magic when the truth has come to you? Magicians will not succeed.”
78. They said, “Have you come to us to turn us away from that which we found our forefathers and so that you too will get fame on the earth? We are not believers in you, two.”
79. Firaun said, “Bring to me every expert magician.”
80. When the magicians came, Musa said to them, “Throw whatever (you can) throw.”
81. When they threw, Musa said, “What you have brought is magic. Indeed, Allah will destroy it. Indeed, Allah will not make the deeds of corrupt to supercede.”
82. And Allah will establish the truth with His orders155 even though the criminals hate it.
83. Except a few among the people of Musa, others did not believe him, as they feared torture from Firaun and his courtiers. As Firaun was strong in that land and a transgressor.
84. And Musa said, “O my people, if you have believed in Allah and were Muslims295 then trust only (Him).”
85. They said, “We have relied on Allah. Our God do not make us to taste the torture from the people who have caused injustice.”
86. And (also said), “You save us from the disbelieving people with Your Mercy.”
87. And We revealed to Musa and his brother, “Both of you provide for your people houses in the city of Egypt. You make your houses facing each other. Establish prayer. Give good news to the believers.”
88. And Musa said, “Our God, you have given Firaun and his courtiers splendor and wealth in this worldly life. Our God, (it is only used) to lead them astray from Your Way. Our God, You destroy their wealth and make their minds heard. They will not believe unless they see the painful suffering.”
89. (God) said, “The prayer of both of you was accepted. Both of you stand firmly. Do not follow the ways of those who do not know.”
90. And We made the children of Israel to cross the sea. Firaun and his forces followed them with cruelty and injustice. In the end when he was drowning, he said, “I believe there is no one worshipful except the one whom the children of Israel believed. I am one among the Muslims.”
91. (God said), “Only now (you believe)? You committed sin before this; you have been causing corruption384”
92. (God said), “We will safeguard you body217 so that you will be a sign for those who come after.” Most of the people have been ignoring only Our Signs.
93. And We settled the children of Israel in an ideal place. We gave them pure things. They did not differ, until the knowledge came to them. Indeed, your God (O Muhammad) will give justice on the day of ‘Khiyamah1’, in which they differed.
94. If you (O Muhammad) are in doubt in what We revealed you, ask those who recite the previous Book. Certainly, the truth has come from your God. Do not be among the doubters218.
95. And do not be among those who considered Allah’s verses a lie. If you do not like that then you will have become the loser.
96, 97. Indeed, those against whom Allah’s order has been confirmed, they will not believe26 the evidence came to them, unless they see the painful suffering.
98. Should there not be any other people besides the people of Yunus, who (in the last minute) believed and that belief helped them? When they believed, we removed the humiliating suffering in the worldly life from them. We gave them facilities for a fixed period219.
99. And your God (O Muhammad), had He wanted all the people on the earth would have totally become believers. Do you compel the people to become the believers?
100. And nobody can believe without the permission of Allah. He will give suffering to those who do not understand this.
101. Say (O Muhammad), “Think, what is in the heaven507 and on the earth.” The signs and the warning will not be of the use for the people who do not believe.
102. Say, “Do they expect (any other thing) than the trouble caused to those who went before them? Then wait. Indeed, I also wait with you.”
103. Then, We saved Our messengers and the believers. It is Our duty to save the believers.
104. Say (O Muhammad), “O People, if you are in doubt as to my religion (I have no concern). I will not worship what you worship except Allah. Instead, I will worship only Allah who will seize you. I have been ordered to be one of the believers.”
105. And you turn your attention towards this religion establishing yourself in the right way. Do not be of those who associate others with Allah.
106. Do not pray that which cannot cause you either good or bad except Allah. If (you) do (it) then indeed, you would have caused injustice.
107.And if Allah causes you a harm, then there is no one except him who can remove it. No one can prevent His bounty if He wants a good for you. He will give them to whom He wants among his servants. He is the Forgiving, the most Merciful.
108. Say (O Muhammad), “O People, truth has come to you from your God81. Whoever follows the right way follows it only for himself. Whoever goes astray, goes astray only against himself. I am not a guardian over you.”
109. And you follow what is revealed to you (O Muhammad). Be patient until Allah gives judgement. And He is the best of the Judges.
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