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202. Is it sworn in the name of dawn or the roaring stars?

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202. Is it sworn in the name of dawn or the roaring stars?

In this verse 86:1 of the Quran it swears in the name of stars. The meaning of the word star is mentioned in the next verse. we come to know it as a light -emitting star.

A star which glows with high luminescence in the early morning is known as the dawn star.The same is being referred to as one in the dictionaries, which cannot be seen whole through the night only to be visible all of a sudden in the early dawn,with significant light being emitted by it.

This verse conveys in general terms to an object that is visible to and known to others.And does not allude to anything other than a light emitting star.

But people at present times tend to give a distorted meaning for this word saying it refers to a set of roaring stars which are in existing in great numbers close to two hundred thousand.They give a meaning to the word by saying it refers to a set of stars in the skies making roaring sounds and number about two hundred thousands.

There are many scientific truths revealed in the Quran, but the explanations offered by these people are in no way acceptable. Tariq is just a name of the star and nothing more ,and anything else attributed to this is just convoluted untruths.

Adding to it the scientists have made it clear this word does not refer to anything else other than stars that are normally visible to human eyes.This can be seen in the verse that follows suit.

This is the reason we avoided making use of the word roaring stars.The word ‘Tariq’ has different meanings like knocking at the door,knocking with a sledge hammer, appearing from nowhere, appearing all of a sudden etc.But the word roaring star does not anywhere fit the meaning as alluded by these people.

Moreover unless and until there is a medium to pass on light or sound they never get transmitted and never get recorded. Since there is no air in the surroundings of the sun or the stars the emission of sound from either source is not possible.And whatever the sounds have been recorded by NASA scientists, they are imaginary taking into account the resultant consequences had there been air in the surroundings.

The scientists from NASA have constructed an imaginary sound simulation that replaces had there been a medium to carry the sound effects in the surroundings of the sun and stars. This is just an imaginary simulation to get an idea of the measurement of sound in its surroundings and not a real one. 

And hence there is no sound existing in the stars, and painting them with imaginary scientific terms is wrong.

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