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146. Jews Banned from fishing on Saturdays?

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146. Jews Banned from fishing on Saturdays?

The Jews were banned by the Almighty from going out fishing on Saturdays during a particular period of time. They were transformed to monkeys for violating the ban has been explained already in point No.23

There might be a doubt as to ‘should people who violated a ban to go fishing on Saturdays be turned into monkeys? whilst others who sinned on more serious matters were not given the same punishment.

This is a justified question. Because normally any community or society is free enough to seek their livelihood after worship..

Muslims on Fridays are required to cease their pursuit to seek lively hood once the call to worship is made, and then disperse after the worship, to seek livelihood, says the verse (62:9) of the Quran. 

We could digest the fact that staying away from seeking livelihood for a few hours for worship is understandable, but staying away from seeking livelihood a whole day is not justified ,may be the opinion of some.

There is no doubt that God will not issue meaningless commandments.In verse 16:124 of the Quran we find an explanation in this regard . 

The people of that community, created equals to the Almighty whilst they were said to be remaining in the straight path. Hence the strict punishment..

We can understand this from the phrase, ‘the condition not to go fishing on Saturdays was imposed’ on those who contradicted Prophet Ibrahim. 

We accept the practice of detaining late comer students in our schools. A punishment handed over should be harsh is the message here. Since these people created equals to God, was the harsh punishment of the ban on fishing not only during the worship hours but for the whole day..

The ban on fishing was a commandment issued as a punishment and not a normal one.

A fine imposed by the court as a punishment for a crime, when paid in counterfeit currency will not be taken easily by the authorities and will invite a harsh punishment is the parallel that can be drawn here. There is no wonder Allah was annoyed in meting out a harsh punishment like the one here because these people transgressed the very punishment strictures. 

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