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165. The angels that take hold of the souls of humans.

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165. The angels that take hold of the souls of humans.

(4:97, 6:61, 6:93, 7:37, 8:50, 16:28, 16:32, 32:11, 47:27, 79:1,2) These verses of the Quran talk about angels that take hold of the souls of humans. 

Tamil Muslims widely believed that Allah has appointed an angel by the name of Israeeil to take hold of the souls of humans at the time of their death. 

But there is no indication either in the Quran or in the sayings of Prophet Muhammad about the existence of an angel in that name. 

And there is no kind of proof to be shown that only one angel takes hold of the souls of all men.

But the verse (32:11) of the Quran says there is one angel assigned to take hold of each person’s soul.

When it comes to talk of multitudes of souls to be taken hold it says “Their souls will be taken hold by the angels”.This can be seen in verses ( 4:97, 6:93, 8:50, 16:28, 16:32, 47:27) of the Quran.

Verses 6:61 and 7:37 of the Quran say “ Our messengers will take hold of their souls” in plural.

Hence the belief that all souls would be taken hold of by a single angel is a fallacy. 

Allah has assigned one angel each for a person to take hold of his soul,waiting every second for the command from Him,This is the message that we get from the Quran and Prophet Muhammad’s explanation.

There is no substantiation for the belief that a single angel is assigned the task of taking hold of the souls of all humans of the world. 

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