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260. The birds that remain afloat in air.

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260. The birds that remain afloat in air.

The Quran while talking about birds says they are being ensnared in the air. The verses (16:79, 24:41, 67:19) of the Quran say “Your Lord has ensnared the birds”. 

This verse has embedded in itself a very important scientific truth. We are aware of the fact the earth rotates on its own axis and also revolves around the sun in a years time at the speed of 1,07,000 kms/hour.

.The earth which moves at a speed of 1,07,000 km/hr should collide with the birds, but this does not happen.

This is because of the force of gravity the birds ahead are pushed forward and the ones behind are pulled along with the earth.Had the earth due to gravity does not push the birds forward, they would collide with the earth and get killed.

This great fact is revealed by the Quran in its wonderful words, proving it as the word of God.

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