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Al-Maidah- Food Plate

Total Verses : 120

The incidents mentioned in the verses 112,113,114 mention the word ‘Al-Maidah’. The generation of the messenger Isa, placed a demand that God should bring down from the sky a food plate with food. It is said in the above verses that on the basis of the messenger Isa’s Prayer, the food plate was (sent) brought down.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Merciful.

1. O believers, fulfil the agreements. The cattle which eats plants are permitted to you except that which is mentioned after. You should not assume that during ‘Ihram’ hunting is perm itted. Indeed, Allah orders what He wants.

2.O believers, do not cause harm to Allah’s (holy) symbols, sacred month55, sacrifial animal, garlands (on their necks that mark out such animals) and the sacredness of those who want to go to the Holy House33, seek the blessing and satisfaction of God. You hunt after freezing (yourself) from Ihram. Let not the enmity over the community which prevented you from Masjidul Haram, provoke you into crossing the limit. Help each other in good and the fear of God. Do not help each other in sin and transgression. Fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is severe in punishment.

3.Anything that dies by itself, blood, flesh of the swine407, (things) slaughtered for those other than Allah are forbidden for you171. (Those animals) killed by strangling, by a violent blow, by a head-long fall from height, by fighting (among themselves) and those from which wild animals have eaten, except what you (are able to) slaughter (are forbidden before its death). (Forbidden are) those which are slaughtered in altars135 and seeking decisions through arrows136. These are crimes. The disbelievers (of only one God) have lost faith, today, that they (could destroy your religion). So do not fear them. Fear only Me. Today I have completed your religion for you. I have completed My Blessing on you. I have approved Islam as your way of life. For those who (do wrong) without any intention of doing it but compelled by starvation431, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.42

4.They ask you, “What have been permitted for us?” Say,” You are permitted pure things and the (things hunted) by the hunting animals which you have trained, with what Allah has taught you.” You eat what is caught and brought by them. (When you send it), tell Allah’s name over it. Fear Allah. Allah is quick in taking account.

5. This day, pure (things) have been permitted to you. The food of the people of the Book27, is also permitted137. Your food is also permitted to them. You are permitted to marry those believing women without husbands, the women who have been given the Book27 before you, without making them either mistress or involving them in prostitution and without harming the chastity, by giving their marriage-gift108. The good deeds of one who has made his belief as disbelief of God are destroyed. He will have been a loser in the Hereafter.

6.O believers, when you prepare yourself for prayer, wash your faces, hands upto the elbows and legs upto ankles. You wipe your heads (with wet hands). If you are under the obligation of taking bath, clean yourself (by taking bath). If you are either ill or on a travel or one among you come out of the toilet or touch (has intercourse with) women363, when water is not available, touch clean sand and wipe your faces and hands117. Allah does not want to give you any trouble68. Instead, Allah wants that you should be thankful and be purified and to complete his favour (upon you).

7. Remember, what you said, “We heard about the favour that Allah had done on you and obeyed the treaty that he had made with you”. Fear Allah. Indeed, Allah knows what is in your minds.

8.O Believers, obey Allah and become witness to justice. Let not your enmity over a community provoke you from doing injustice. Act with justice. Only that is nearer to fear of God. Have fear in Allah. Indeed, Allah is knowing what you do.

9.Allah has promised to those who believed and did good deeds that they will have Allah’s Forgiveness and a great reward.

10.Those who disbelieved (Us) and considered our verses lies are the companions of hell.

11.O believers, remember the blessings that Allah showered on you when a community planned to stretch their hands against you. Allah restrained their hands from (harming) you. Have fear in Allah. Believers should only rely on Allah.

12.Allah took a promise with the children of Israel. We sent a selected twelve from among them. Allah said, “I am with you. If you establish player, give zakath, believe in My messengers, assist them and give a handsome loan75 to Allah, then I will erase your wrongs from you. I will make you enter into the gardens of paradise. Beneath them rivers flow. Those among you who disbelieved (Me) have certainly deviated from the right way.

13.We curse them because they broke their promise6. We make their minds hard. They change the words from their places. They have left a part of advise conveyed to them. From others, except a few, you will be witnessing some sort of treachery. So ignore them without taking them seriously. Indeed, Allah likes those who do good.

14.We took promise with those who said ‘We are Christians’. They left a part of advice conveyed to them. So, We caused99 enmity and hatred among them till the Day1 of Qiyamah. And Allah will inform them later about what they have been doing.

15. O people of the Book27, Our messenger (Muhammad) has come to you. He will expose clearly much of what you have hidden in the Book97. He will ignore many things. From Allah, Light and clear Book have come.

16.By this, Allah shows the ways of success to those who want His satisfaction with these. He brings them out from darknesses429 into light by his will. And shows them the right way.

17. Those who said, “Masih92, the son of Maryam, is Allah” have certainly disbelieved (only one God)459. You ask, “If Allah had wanted to destroy Masih, the son of Maryam, his mother and all those who were on the earth and then who has the power (to prevent that) even to a small extent?” The kingdom of the heaven507, the kingdom of the earth and whatever in between belong only to Allah. He will create what He wants. Allah has power over all things.

18.]Jews and Christians say, “We are the sons of Allah and His friends. You ask, “(Then) why does He punish you because of your wrongs?” Rather, you are His created human-beings (people). He will forgive whom He wants and punish whom He wants. And to Allah belongs the kingdom of heavens,507 the earth and whatever in between. And our return is only to Him.

19. ]O people of the Book27, Our messenger (Muhammad) has come to make it clear to you, during the period in which coming of the messengers was suspended, so that you should not say, “Neither a bringer of good news nor a warner came to us”. The bringer of good news and the warner has come to you. And Allah has power over all things.

20.] You remind what Musa said to his community. “O my people, remember the bounties given to you by Allah, who made messengers among you, made you rulers and gave you that which nobody had been given in the world”.

21.(Musa also said), “O my people, enter into the Holy land assigned to you by Allah. Do not run turning your back. If you (run like this) you will have incurred loss”.

22.They said, “O Musa, in it are people who tyrannise. Unless they leave from there we will not enter into it. If they leave from there then we will enter”.

23.The two, who fear (God) and who have got the blessings of Allah said, “Enter through the main gate of the town opposing them. If you enter then it is you who will get success. If you have really believed then rely only on Allah”.

24.They said, “O Musa, we will not enter it till they are there. So, you and your God go to fight. Indeed, we will stay here”.

25. And (Musa) said, “My God, Indeed, except me and my brother. I cannot control (anybody). So, you give judgement between us and the group which had done wrong.”

26. (God) said, “This town is forbidden for forty years to them. They will wander on the earth(without any nation). So, you do not worry about the people who have done wrong.”

27. Tell them the history of Adam’s two sons. Both of them performed worship. That was accepted from one of them. It was not accepted from the other. (The one whose worship was not accepted) said, “I will kill you.” (The one whose worship was accepted) said, “Indeed Allah will accept from those who fear (Him).”

28.,29. (He also said), “If you extend your hand towards me to kill, I will not be the one to extend my hands towards you to kill. Indeed, I fear Allah the God of the Universe. Indeed, I want that you should carry the wrong along with your wrong (of killing me) and become the companion of Hell. This is the reward for those who caused injustice26.”

30.(Even after this) his mind provoked him to kill his brother. (He) killed him. So, (he) became a loser.

31. Allah sent a crow to show him how to hide the body of his brother. It dug the earth. He said, “Alas, I could not even be like this crow. Had I been like that I would have hidden the body of my brother.” And he became sad.

32.If anyone kills another without reason except in response to the killing or spread corruption on the earth, then it will be like killing all the people. And if the one who gives life to the other it will be like giving life to all the people. [We (God)] made it a rule for the people of Israel only due to this reason. To them Our messengers brought clear signs. After this, indeed, most of them have been only transgressors on the earth.

33. Indeed the punishment for those who fight Allah and His messenger and try to cause corruption on the earth is that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and legs cut off on opposite sides or that they be banished from the land. This is the humiliation happened to them in this world. For them there is indeed severe suffering in the Hereafter43.

34.And except those who will repent, before you catch them, know that Allah is forgiving and Merciful.

35. O believers, have fear in Allah. Seek Wasila towards Him141. Fight (for justice) in His way. You will succeed.

36. Indeed, it will not be accepted from them, even if all that is on the earth or twice the size of it, belonged to those who disbelieve (in only one God) and which are given as a compensation for the suffering on the Day of Qiyamah1. They will have painful suffering.

37.They will want to leave the Hell. (But) they cannot leave it. They have permanent punishment.

38.Cut off the hands of the thief,512 whether it is a man or a woman. This is the reward for their deeds and Allah’s punishment. Allah is Mighty, Wise43.

39. Allah will forgive the one who has repented(himself) after having caused injustice. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

40.Do you not know that the rule of the heavens507 and the earth belongs only to Allah? He will punish whom He wants. He will forgive whom He wants. Allah has power over all things.

41.O messenger (Muhammad), do not worry, about those who say, we have believed by their mouths, without having belief in their minds and hasten towards disbelief and about the Jews. They more often hear only lies. They hear (your talk) for the other community which has not come to you. While saying the words they change them from the places to which they originally belong. They say, “If it is given (which is beneficial) to you, take it. If it is not given(which is not beneficial) to you, avoid it.” You will not even be given the authority in the least to save from Allah, those whom Allah wants to test484. Allah does not want to purify their minds. They have humiliation in this world. And in the Hereafter (they) have severe suffering.

42.They more often hear only lies. They more often eat only the forbidden. If they come to you, you may give judgement between them or ignore them. They cannot do any harm to you if you ignore them. If you give judgement between them then give the judgement justly. Indeed, Allah likes those who act justly.

43.They have the Tawrath491. Allah’s order is also there. (Even) after that they ignore it. How will they accept you as a judge in this state? They are not believers.

44.Indeed, We sent down the Tawrath491. Guidance and light were there in it. They had been giving justice to the Jews, only through it(Tawrath). As the obedient messenger of (God), the pious Jews and the wise, had been ordered to protect Allah’s Book and had been witnesses to that. Do no fear the people but fear only Me. Do not sell My verses for a small price445 . Those who do not give judgement with what God has sent down are the disbelievers(of only one God).

45. And We made it a rule in Tawrath, a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth and in response for other injuries an equal retaliation. And whoever (the affected person) forgives it then it will be a compensation for (his sins) him. Those who have not given justice on the basis of what was revealed by Allah, have caused injustice43.

46. And we made Isa, son of maryam, to follow the foot-steps of those confirming the Tawrath491 that which went before. We also gave him Injeel. In it, there was Light and guidance. It has also been a confirmation of Tawrath(that) which went before. It was also a guidance and an instruction to the (God) fearing.

47. And let the people of Injeel give judgement on the basis of what was revealed to them. Only those who have not given judgement on the basis of what was revealed to them, are the criminals.

48. And We revealed to you the Book, which contained truth. It has been a confirmation and protection of what was revealed4 before. So, give judgement between them on the basis of what was revealed. Do not follow what your minds desire ignoring what has been revealed to you. We have prescribed for each one of you, way of life and guidance. If Allah had wanted he would have made you a single nation. Even then (He has not made so) inorder to test484 you in what He has given you. Hence, you hasten towards good(deeds). All of you should only return to Allah. And He will inform you about which you differed.

49. You judge between them on the basis of what was revealed by Allah. Do not follow their inclination. Be watchful of them who will confuse you away on certain things revealed to you by Allah. Know that Allah wants, only to punish them, if they disbelieve due to some of their sins. And indeed, most of the mankind has been committing wrong.

50. Do they then seek the judgement of the day of ignorance? Who is the better judge than Allah to that community which believes firmly.

51. O believers, do not make Jews and Christians as your protectors89. Among them one is a protector of the other. And indeed, those among you who make them your protector are considered to be on their side. Indeed, Allah will not show the right way to the community which caused injustice.

52. You see those who have disease in their minds, hasten towards them. They say, “We fear that there may occur any loss for us.” Allah may give (you) success or He may enact anything. Then they would have become sad for what they had been hiding among themselves.

53. The believers will say (with wonder in the hereafter), “Are these the ones who made firm promise, ‘we are also on your side’ to Allah? Their good deeds were destroyed and they have also become loosers”.

54. O believers, Allah will bring another community; if whoever among you change from your religion. He will like them. They will like him. They will be humble to the believers and will hold their heads high to the disbelievers (of only one God). They will fight (for peace) in the way of Allah. They will not fear the words of accusation by the accusers. This is Allah’s blessing. He will give that to whom He wants. Allah is Generous, Wise.

55. Allah, His messengers and such of those who establish prayer, pay zakath and bow (in prayer) are only your helpers.

56. Indeed, the community which has made Allah, His messengers and the believers as guardians will be the successful.

57. O believers, do not make close friends of those who had been given the Book27 before you and from among the disbelievers(of only one God), who have made your religion a mockery and play.And if you believe then fear Allah.

58. And they have taken it as a mockery and play when you invited them for prayer.The reason is that they have been an ignorant community.

59. Say,”O people of the Book27,why do you hate us except that we believe in Allah, what was revealed to us and what was sent before4 ?Majority of you are criminals.”

60. Ask,”Shall I tell you about the one who gets reward worse than that from Allah?”It is that of those who belong to the evil place, against whom Allah has cursed6 and became angry,whom He transformed into monkeys and pigs23 and those who submitted to evil powers.And they are deviators from the right way.

61. And when they come to you,(they) say ,”We believe”.They only came with disbelief in their minds.They certainly left with that.And Allah is Knowing of what they hide.

62. You will see most of them race towards sin,transgression and to eat that is prohibited.What they do is very bad.

63. Should not the pious and the wise have forbidden them from sinful saying and eating the forbidden? What they do is very bad.

64. And the Jews say,”Allah’s hands are tied.Only their hands are tied.They were cursed for this statement.Rather, both His hands are spread out.He will give as He wants.For the majority among them ,what was revealed by (God) to you has increased the disbelief and the transgression. We have caused among them enmity99and hatred till the Day1 of Qiyamah.Allah puts out whenever they light the fire(called) war.They cause corruption on the earth.Allah does not like the creators of corruption.

65. And We would have removed their sins ,if the people of the Book had believed and acted with the fear of (God).We would have made them enter into the gardens of paradise, filled with pleasure.

66. They would have eaten from (the things above) their head and from the (things) beneath their feet, if they had established Tawrath,491 Injeel and what was revealed to them from their God. Among them there is an honest group. The deeds of the majority of them are very bad.

67. O messengers, convey them from what was revealed to you from your God. It would mean that you have not conveyed the message if you had not done (this). Allah will protect you from the mankind145. Indeed, Allah will not show the way to those who disbelieve (Him).

68. Say, “O the people of the Book27, until you establish Tawrath,491 Injeel and what was revealed to you from your God, you will not belong (be believer of) to anything”. For the majority among them what was revealed to you from your (God) increases the disbelief and transgression. So, do not feel sad for the group which disbelieves (only one God).

69. Indeed, there is no fear for the believers, the Jews, the Sabieens443 and those among the Christians who believe in Allah, the Day of Qiyamah1(judgement) and do good deeds.. They will not be sad.

70. We took promise22from the children of Israel. We also sent messengers to them. They called some of the messengers liars and killed some of them, whenever they brought what was disliked by them.

71. And they thought that there would be no test. They became blind and deaf due to this. Even then Allah forgave them. Then, most of them became blind and deaf. And Allah is seeing of what they do.

72. Those who said, “Masih92, son of Maryam is Allah,” have disbelieved (only one God)459 . Masih only said, “O children of Israel, worship Allah who is my God and your God. Allah has forbidden paradise for those who associate others to Allah. Their destination is hell. And there are no helpers for the unjust.”

73. Those who said, “Allah is one among the three (Gods)” have certainly became disbelievers (of only one God)459 . There is (no one)worshipful except the only one God. If they do not desist from their saying then painful suffering will befall on the disbelievers (of only one God).

74. Should not they turn Allah and seek for forgiveness? Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

75. Masih92,son of Maryam, is nothing but a messenger. Many messengers have gone before him`101. His mother is truthful. Both of them, used to eat food. Think, how we have made the signs clear to them. And also think, how they are misdirected.

76. Ask, “Do you worship those which have no power to do either any good or bad to you except Allah. Allah is Hearing and Wise.

77. Say, “O people of the Book27, do not transgress, by (saying) falsehood instead of truth, in your religion. Do not follow the inclinations of the group which had gone astray before and misled many and had strayed from the right way”.

78. The children of Israel who disbelieved (only one God) were cursed by Dawud and Isa, the son of Maryam. The reason is they remained disobeying and transgressing.

79. They remained without preventing each other from the evil deeds that they have been doing. What they did was very bad.

80. You see most among them make guardians of those disbelievers (of only one God)84. What they did for themselves is very bad. Allah got angry on them. They will remain permanently in suffering.

81. They would not have made them their guardians if they had believed in Allah, the messengers, (Muhammad) and what was revealed to him89. Still, many among them are wrong doers.

82. (O Muhammad), you will see certainly the Jews and those associate others to Allah as severe enemies to the believers among the mankind. You will also see147 those who have said, “We are Christians” having very close affection towards the believers. The reason is that among them are priests and monks and they have not been arrogant.

Part 7

83. You will see in their eyes tears tickle down as they have understood the truth when they hear what is revealed to their messenger (Muhammad). They say, “Our God, We have believed. So register us among the witnesses.”

84. (Also say), “And what is the (hurdle) for us in not believing in Allah and the truth which has come to us? We desire that our God should also admit us with a good community.”

85. Allah awarded them gardens in the paradise because of what they have said. Beneath them rivers flow. They will remain there permanently. And this is the reward for those who do good.

86. And those who disbelieve (Us) and consider our verses lies are the people of hell.

87. O believers, do not make the pure (things) permitted to you as unlawful. Do not transgress. Indeed, Allah will not love those who transgress.

88. Eat pure (things) permitted to you, which Allah gave you. And you fear Allah, whom you believe.

89. Allah will not punish you for the meaningless haphazard (People) in your promises. Rather, He will punish you for the intended promises you made. The compensation for this, is giving food for ten poor people with such food as you normally provide to your own family or giving clothes or freeing a slave64 . But whoever you cannot afford (any of the above) should fast for three days. This is the compensation if you make a promise and break it. Keep your promises. Thus Allah makes His verses clear so that you will give them thanks to him.

90. O believers, indeed, liquor,116 gambling, altars135 and (divining) arrows136 are foul and acts of shaitan. Therefore, you avoid this. (You) will get success.

91. Shaitan wants to prevent you by creating enmity and hatred among you through liquor and gambling and from remembering Allah and from praying. So, will you not abstain? 

92. And obey Allah and also obey the messenger (Muhammad). Be cautious. Know that if you ignore, the messenger’s duty is only to explain clearly.

93. There is no wrong for those who believed and did good deeds for having eaten (the forbidden before), if they fear (God), believe and do good deeds, then fear and believe and then again fear and do good deeds.

94. O believers, Allah will test you484  , by showing you (when you are in Ihram) some of the animals which are hunted, in the reach of your hands and spears, as Allah wants to identify those who fear Allah in privacy. After this, there is painful suffering for those who transgress.

95. O believers, do not kill the animals which are hunted when you are in Ihram. Whoever among you kills it deliberately then the compensation prescribed is the same type of animal from the cattle (like goat, bull and camel) which he has killed. That is an offering that should reach Kaba or has to give food for poor as compensation or has to fast which is equivalent to that. Among you, two with justice, should give judgement about this. This is necessary because he has to experience the effect of his action. Allah forgave what had happened before. Allah will punish those who do it again. Allah is Mighty and Punishing.

96. It is permitted42 for you to hunt in the sea and eat the (sea) food505 so that, it will be of use to you and other travellers. It is forbidden for you to hunt on the land while you are in Ihram. Fear Allah. You will be gathered only to Him.

97. Allah has made Kaba, the Holy Shrine, Holy month55, the sacrificial animals, and the garlands (which are adorned) permanent to the people34. It (is said), so that you will know that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens507 and on the earth and Allah is Knowing of all things.

98. Know that Allah punishes severely and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

99. There is no (other responsibility) for this messenger except to convey. Allah knows whatever you show and whatever you hide.

100. Say, “The bad and the good will not be equal’. Even if the excess of bad over the good attract you. O wise, fear Allah. You will succeed.

101. O believers,do not raise questions about certain things. It will harm you if they are revealed to you. If you ask questions when the Quran is revealed, then they will be shown to you150. Allah forgave them. Allah is Forgiving and Tolerant.

102. The people who went before you asked such questions. Then, they became disbelievers of them.

103. Allah did not make Bahirah, Saibah, Wasila and Ham. Rather, those who disbelieve (only one God) invent lies on Allah. Most of them will not understand.148

104. If it is said, to them, “come towards what Allah has revealed and towards the messenger’, they say, “It is sufficient for us upon which we found our fore-fathers”. Even if their fore-fathers know nothing and had not received the right-way?

105. O believers, protect yourselves. The one who has gone astray cannot do any harm to you when you go in the right way. All of you return only to Allah. (At that time) He will inform you about what you have been doing.

106. O believers, from among you two honest should be witnesses to that when death nears him and he makes the deathwill45. When the grief of death occurs to you when you have been travelling they (witnesses) need not be familiar to you. If you doubt (them), then you detain both of them after prayer. They should make a promise on Allah, “we will not sell it (testimony). Even if he is your close relative. We will not hide Allah’s testimony. Then, indeed, we will become unjust”.

107. If it is known that both of them have sinned (by giving false-testimony), then let two others , from the group against which they told witness, disfavouring them, stand in their place of the previous two and should make promise on Allah, “Our witness is much truer than their witness. We have not transgressed the limit. Then, indeed, we would have caused injustice”.

108. This is the proper way to give witness in an appropriate manner and fear that their promise will be rejected. Fear Allah and hear. Allah will not show (right way) guidance to the group which does wrong.

109. When Allah gathers the messengers together on the Day of Qiyamah1, He will ask, “What reply was given to you?” They will say, “We have no knowledge about it”. Indeed, You are the knower of the hidden”.

110. Remind them what Allah said (to Isa), “O Isa, son of Maryam, remember, the blessings given to you and to your mother and that you were strengthened by Ruh-ul-khudus444. You spoke in the cradle and in the young age, to the people. And remember that I taught you the Book, Wisdom67,Tawrah491 and Injeel. With My wish, you made a bird like shape with clay and blew into it, and that transformed into a bird with My permission, and also remember that you cured the born-blind and those affected by leukaemia with My permission and again remember that you brought forth the dead (alive) with My permission. You brought to the children of Israel clear signs. At that time, remember when the disbelievers (of only one God) said, “This is nothing but clear black magic, I saved you from them”.

111. When I (God) informed the disciples of (Isa), “Believe Me and My messenger”, they said, “(We) have believed. You (God) be the witness that we are indeed Muslims”295.

112. When the disciples said, “O Isa, son of Maryam, is it possible for your God to send down a food plate from the heaven?” He said, “If you have believed, fear Allah”.

113. They said, “We only wish to eat thereby our minds will get peace and to know that you have indeed told us the truth and that we bear witness to it”. 

114. Isa, son of Maryam, said, “O Allah, our God, send down, from the heaven a food-plate, to us. That will be a festival for the first and the last among us and an evidence got from you. Give us food. You are the best in giving food”.

115. Allah said, “I will send it down to you. After that, if any of you disbelieve (Me), indeed, I will punish him in such a manner that I have not punished anybody in this world”.

116. When Allah will ask in the (hereafter), “O Isa, son of Maryam, did you say to the people, make me and my mother gods besides Allah?”459  He will reply, “You are pure10 (from all weaknesses) I have no right to say a word to which I do not have the right. If I have said that then you would know. You know what is in my mind. I do not know what is in your mind. Indeed, you are knowing of the hidden”.

117.,118. (He) said, “I have not said anything to them except that you worship Allah, who is my God and your God, as You have ordered me, When i was with them, I had been a supervisor to them. When you captured me you had only been the supervisor151 upon them. You were the observer upon them. If you punish them they are only your slaves. If you forgive them indeed, you are the Mighty, Wise”.

119. Allah will say, “This is the Day1 on which the truthful will profit from their truth. They have gardens in the paradise. Beneath them rivers flow. They will remain their forever. Allah has accepted them. They have also accepted Allah. This is a great success”.

120. The powers in the heavens,507 earth and whatever in between belong only to Allah. He has power over all things.

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