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147. Are Christians more closer to Muslims?                                             

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147. Are Christians more closer to Muslims?                                             

In this verse (5:82) of the Quran it is said Christians are closer to Muslims than others..

This should be understood as a revelation when historical facts were pointed out at that particular period of time and not as a general statement fitting all periods of history.

When the Quran makes statements about ideology, laws and procedures, worship, etc they are to be taken as applying to all times. 

When there is a verse praising the Jews it necessarily denotes only to persons of that particular period. This attribute cannot be used as a ruse to brand people of the same ilk for all periods of time. 

The same applies to verses regarding Christians of the time.Those days the Christians of Makkah were praised for being more closer to Muslims than the Jews and the disbelievers.

In the same verse we find the phrase “ You will see those who called themselves Christians being closer and more friendly towards believers”.

The phrase “You will see” refers to Prophet Muhammad being the first hand personal witness of the Christian community of the time. 

After Prophet Muhammad, the Christian heads and the rulers turned against Muslims is evidenced by the Crusades by Christians.

Although the Christians in general are friendly even today towards Muslims,the rulers continue to be declared enemies of them. 

This verse does not and cannot refer to Christian rulers who want to hold on to their thrones, to capture other countries, and to plunder the wealth of other countries, misusing the religion of Christianity to achieve their ends..

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