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145. The leader who cannot be killed by any.

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145. The leader who cannot be killed by any.

.The message that Prophet Muhammad cannot be killed by any is conveyed in this verse (5:67). 

Prophet Muhammad fought against all vices and injustices in the society of those days and earned enemies from all sides. Many plotted to kill him in different ways.

.Prophet Muhammad did not live protected in fortresses and palaces, he lived a simple life in a small thatched hut, he strode the streets of his native neighbourhood like an ordinary person, and did not take any initiative to safeguard himself from his enemies. 

He did not make compromises in any of his ideologies, participated in wars, creating opportunities for his enemies to kill him. But no one could kill him.

Prophet Muhammad took part in the daily five times worship at the masjid along with the general public.

Taking into consideration the scenario at that given time, Prophet Muhammad was a sitting duck, for his enemies. But the phrase “ God will protect You’’ in this verse made true. 

The challenge that was thrown open was not proven wrong. Had his enemies succeeded in their efforts to kill him they could have proven the Quran wrong, but it never happened. 

If these phrases were not the word of God and a guarantee by the creator the prophet would have been killed long back.. He died a natural death, and the fact that he was not killed is yet another testimony to the Quran being the word of God. 

A person after declaring that no one can kill him, cannot stroll the streets in normal terms. He would have been assassinated the very next day, especially the one fighting against injustices and evil powers.

In those days assassinating a person like Prophet Muhammad mingling with crowds was a very easy task, but declaring no one could ever kill him,and proving that declaration as word of God was achieved by Prophet Muhammad.

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